How to change color is simple
Open main.xml file, go at the section of <List> you can use search as ctrl+f and you can type the name of what you wish. Second when you are there you will have code color specification,
<Colors Text="333333" Back="ebebeb" SelectedText="cd062f" SelectedBack="cd062f" HotText="111111" Gridline="e1e1e1" />
<Colors Text="333333" = This is the main color of the skin, instead of what is now you can add your specifically color what suit you better.
Back="ebebeb" = Is the main color of skin, don't try to touch that, let it that way.
SelectedText="cd062f" = This is what you have selected as an item in the list. Let say this way, if you have main list color as black "000000" and when you select the item there, is gone be white "ffffff".
SelectedBack="cd062f" = Is the item who is already selected but not as the primary selection on your list, is kinda like an bold item.
HotText="111111" = This one is the item who is on played at that list.
Gridline="e1e1e1" = And for last is the color of grid you delimited the section, ex. Artist, album and so on.
Hope this will bring some light on how to deal with color in the list file.
If not ask me more.