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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center 18.0.166 -- Available Here  (Read 9508 times)


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JRiver Media Center 18.0.166 -- Available Here
« on: April 10, 2013, 09:45:32 am »

This is the latest version of MC 18.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.



18.0.166 (4/9/2013)

1. Fixed: M4A / ALAC tagging reading and writing could be problematic if the 'Play files from memory' option was enabled.
2. NEW: DLNA server, add advanced option that allows the server to passthrough DoPE compliant files.
3. Changed: Removed a couple of obsolete DLNA server advanced options.
4. Changed: Added a clock to the top right of Guide views in Theater View (requires using Obsidian skin and the default Video\Guide placement for the guide).
5. Fixed: Crash on starting to play a television channel in the last few builds, if it was the first time ever a TV channel was played in MC18 on a computer.
6. Fixed: When entering into some types of Theater View views, the internal path could become unexpectedly shortened, causing skin items that key off path to work sporadically.
7. Changed: When a Theater View file info template specifies "no image", space will no longer be left above the text block.
8. Changed: Theater View television guide files no longer show thumbnails (since there never are thumbnails for individual programs at the guide level, they just showed as blanks).
9. Changed: Added expression functions TVInfo(Record) and TVInfo(RecordMark) to make displaying if a guide program will be recorded easier (used by Theater View guide).
10. NEW: Theater View TV Guide uses a normal, user-customizable file info template and caption instead of using hard-coded values (requires a reset of File Info templates in Options > Theater View > Customize file info panel... > Manage > Reset All Templates To Default).
11. NEW: Theater View shows a red record mark next to any TV guide programs that will record.
12. Fixed: Burning of SACD ISO tracks to a regular audio CD was not working.
13. Fixed: DLNA servers that had their Friendly name changed were not being found under their new name if they had been loaded before.

Code: [Select]
18.0.165 (4/8/2013)

1. [b]NEW: Experimenting with supporting CableCARD devices "Hauppauge OpenCable Receiver" and "HDHomeRun Prime Tuner"[/b].
2. Changed: The user setting for number of conversions to run at one time was not being honored when converting videos.
3. Changed: Updated Korean language file (thanks to Junghwnan).
4. Fixed: If a video converter failed to start, it could crash when closing.
5. Fixed: In some cases, a failed video conversion could show 'Complete' instead of 'Failed' in the status column.
6. Fixed: Converting multiple videos at one time could fail with certain target video formats.
7. Fixed: Tooltip windows were creating a taskbar button.
8. Fixed: Double-click on a different image in Playing Now while images were playing was not working properly.
9. Fixed: The current file info window could be stuck with "Waiting" message upon changing television channel in some cases.
10. [b]Changed: Improved image playback system[/b] so that it does smarter cache management and only prebuffers the previous / next image after the current image finishes loading.

18.0.164 (4/5/2013)

1. Changed: Clarified the new license restore system when using a license code purchased from a reseller (instead of directly from JRiver).
2. Fixed: Converting multiple videos at one time with the format converter would crash.
3. Changed: Switched the default start page to (program uses 'Playing Now' when Internet is not available; custom start pages in 'Custom Webpages\Start' still supported).
4. Fixed: If a new library failed to load on a configuration with only one library, it could lead to a crash.

18.0.163 (4/4/2013)

1. Changed: SSA/ASS subtitle renderer supports custom outline colors.
2. Changed: When the subtitle engine rendered an underline (common with karaoke), it could cause letters around the underline to shift slightly.
3. Fixed: Library tree browsing was not working properly with file location categories.
4. Fixed: Memory leak in television with Ceton InfiniTV and Hauppauge HDPVR/Colossus devices.
5. Changed: Switching between tracks that use a different hardware sample rate will better honor the 'Gapped Fade' between tracks mode.
6. Fixed: Following a Blu-ray disc rip, display updates would keep firing until the action window was closed.

18.0.162 (4/2/2013)

1. Fixed: ZoneSwitch could engage with Play Doctor playback, causing different files to unexpectedly go to different zones.
2. Fixed: Typed navigation would not reset properly after a little delay, making it impossible to perform multiple searches.
3. Fixed: Image captions configured in Options > Images were not appearing.
4. Fixed: Some Theater View views were not filling in all thumbnails in build 161.
5. Fixed: Facebook image upload was not working.
6. Fixed: If a DLNA renderer went away while it was being viewed, it could cause a crash.
7. Changed: Resizing a video window no longer discards picture shift information.

18.0.161 (4/1/2013)

1. NEW: Added intercom support.
2. Changed: Removed intercom support.
3. Fixed: On-the-fly channel changing did not work for Ceton InfiniTV television devices.
4. Fixed: Pushing the Green button to return to Theater View could hang or crash in rare cases.
5. Fixed: When a filename was a URL, it didn't work nicely when browsing with a file path category.
6. Fixed: Using an empty password for Access Control did not work properly.
7. Fixed: Image playback zoom, flick, and scroll could take a fraction of a second to respond if the framerate had idled down to 1fps.
8. Changed: Improved smoothness of image flick so that there should be no stutter or pause as the new image comes in.

18.0.160 (3/29/2013)

1. Fixed: Spaces in an MCWS command line call were not working properly in some cases (ie. MC18.exe "/MCWS/v1/Playback/LinkZones?Zone1=Kitchen&ZoneType1=Name&Zone2=Living Room&ZoneType2=Name")
2. Fixed: Starting Play Doctor playback with a file that was excluded by the configurable Play Doctor filter would cause a crash.
3. NEW: Integrated touch-friendly image playback system into regular image playback (still a work in progress).

18.0.159 (3/27/2013)

1. Changed: Updated Theater View Weather to use the latest World Weather Online API (used when NOAA is not available).
2. Fixed: Netflix sign-in window was not working.
3. Changed: Netflix API no longer provides catalog browsing by category so that feature has been removed.
4. Changed: Work on flick image viewer (space runs a pan-and-zoom slideshow, pixel-perfect overlay rendered when animation stops, framerate settles to 1 fps when there's no movement, etc.).

18.0.158 (3/27/2013)

1. Fixed: Have the renderer return correct data for trackURI's when the same instance of MC is the server and renderer.

18.0.157 (3/26/2013)

1. Fixed: Tracks on audio CD's were reported with the wrong duration.
2. Changed: DLNA model number to conform to MC version.

18.0.156 (3/25/2013)

1. Fixed: Ceton InfiniTV 4 tuners were not playing HD channels smoothly.
2. Fixed: A player bar tooltip could show unexpectedly in Display View.

18.0.155 (3/22/2013)

1. NEW: Simplified the license restore system (doesn't require browser, more forgiving about Registration Code formatting, automatically fills from clipboard, etc.).
2. Fixed: Pasting text with leading newlines into an edit control that isn't multiline will work better.
3. Changed: A low-pass or high-pass filter set above the Nyquist frequency will act as a pass-through (previously it could run and output out-of-range values, triggering Protect Mode).
4. Changed: Updated Chinese language file (thanks kelijun).
5. Fixed: Disc Labeler was not working.
6. Fixed: Memory playback was using more resources than necessary.
7. Changed: [b]Flick gestures from a touchscreen change images[/b] during image playback.

18.0.154 (3/20/2013)

1. Fixed: Some analog television devices (with hardware encoder) could fail.
2. Fixed: CD burners were not getting recognized in builds 152,153.
3. Fixed: An auto-show menu could fire even if a different program had the focus if the mouse moved over the show region.
4. Changed: Switching volume modes clears the mute state of the new volume mode.
5. Fixed: Data icons were not displaying properly.
6. Changed: The default for concurrent handheld conversions adapts based on the CPU instead of being locked at two (configurable in Options > Handheld).
7. Fixed: Auto-sizing of the status columns for handheld, rip, burn, etc. would not use enough width.
8. Changed: It's possible to toggle the 'Always on top' setting for Mini View from the View menu while in Mini View.
9. Changed: Mini View uses the slimmer 'Display View' artwork when possible (use right-click to get to menu).
10. Fixed: Truncation tooltips prevented regular tooltips from appearing.
11. Fixed: When importing a FLAC with embedded CUE file, the last track could have the wrong duration.

18.0.153 (3/18/2013)

1. Changed: FLAC tag values are no longer null terminated (could cause problems with Asian characters on Linux MPD devices).
2. Fixed: [b]YouTube[/b] was not working in some cases (hopefully fixed, but please report if you are still experiencing problems).
3. Changed: Improved the categories shown in Theater View > YouTube.
4. Changed: Manually adjusting the volume while the volume is muted will unmute the volume.
5. [b]NEW: The command line allows making MCWS web service calls[/b]: MC18.exe "/MCWS/v1/Playback/Pause?State=-1" (does not require Media Network to be running or a server to be listening).
6. SDK: Added MCWS/v1/Playback/LinkZones and MCWS/v1/Playback/UnlinkZone.
7. SDK: Added MCC_LINK_ZONE (10060) and MCC_UNLINK_ZONE (10061).
8. SDK: Added MCWS/v1/Playback/PlayDoctor to allow a simple entry to starting Play Doctor playback using a seed.

18.0.152 (3/18/2013)

1. Changed: Updated Chinese language file ([b]thanks kelijun[/b]).
2. Changed: A couple of small tweaks to audio encoding for video conversion.
3. Fixed: On some systems with multiple optical drives, [b]CD ripping[/b] would not work because MC would see the drives as duplicates.

18.0.150 (3/14/2013)

1. NEW: [b]Ceton[/b] television devices can be disabled or enabled individually so users can avoid conflicts when using them on different machines.
2. Faster: Improved performance of Media Network device discovery (more reliable detection, fewer resources needed).
3. Fixed: HD television channels played poorly on Ceton devices that were installed as network devices.
4. Fixed: A few bugs relating to CD ripping with multiple drives.

18.0.149 (3/13/2013)

1. Fixed: The program did not properly handle relative paths that started with a backslash (which means starting on the current drive).
2. [b]Faster[/b]: The core 24-bit PCM to 64-bit (internal format) conversion is about 4x faster.
3. Fixed: The sorting of orders of television devices on TV Options window did not work for Ceton tuners.

18.0.148 (3/12/2013)

1. Fixed: Televion playback could fail in build 146 for certain digital television devices.
2. [b]SDK[/b]: Any MCWS file function can save the files to a playlist (ie. MCWS/v1/Playback/Playlist?Action=Save&SaveMode=Playlist&SaveName=My%20Group\My%20Playlist).
3. SDK: Added MCWS/v1/Playlist/Delete to allow playlist deleting (requires an authenticated connection) (ie. MCWS/v1/Playlist/Delete?PlaylistType=Path&Playlist=My%20Group\My%20Playlist).
4. Fixed: The Action Window would not reload colors properly when switching skins until restarting the program (again).


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.166 -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2013, 10:08:00 am »

what are "DoPE compliant files"??



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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.166 -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2013, 11:51:43 am »

what are "DoPE compliant files"??
DoP is DSD over PCM, and DoPE is DSD over PCM sent to a DLNA device. (I'm not sure what the E stands for)


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.166 -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2013, 12:25:11 pm »

Visualisations stop in full screen when mouse on volume bar


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.166 -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2013, 12:30:32 pm »

Lots of good work here.

ATSC and Cablecard TV are not working that well together. A remote initiated channel change from cable to cable works well, from ATSC to ATSC works well. Going from say 625 Comcast CNNHD to 8.1 OTA Local PBS may cause the MC stop/hang with the closing dialog.

No problem with these channel changes causing hangs if you go to the guide to do them.

Now this is really important and should be an easy fix that has major usability implications. Whenever you go to the guide from any channel the guide should automatically position itself to the channel playing if one is or to the last channel playing with the guide offset to reflect the current time. This is program guide 101! With hundreds of channels in the guide you should not have to scroll all over to find where you are now. You should also be able to press a number on the remote in the guide and the guide should reposition to that channel number. Again with hundreds of channels scrolling no matter how fast is not the only way to navigate.

If you solve the above issues you will have roughly equaled WMC for live TV.. not quite but very close. Bravo for the improvements you guys are on roll.

Channel changes are now very quick but since there may be stuttering for a second or two it would be nice to go black and mute for a short period say 2-3 seconds. This would only be cosmetic of course but it would make the presentation dramatically more tidy and professional.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.166 -- Available Here
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2013, 02:12:51 pm »

If possible, please put all the changes since the last public version in the top formatted area, and all the previous changes in the scrolling "Code" box.

For example, this thread replaced the 164 thread, so it would be helpful to put the 166 and 165 changes in the top area (where it is easy to read), and only put the already known previous changes in the Code box.

Thanks !


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.166 -- Available Here
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2013, 02:26:44 pm »

Maybe the posted release notes are easier to read:
The opinions I express represent my own folly.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.166 -- Available Here
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2013, 02:36:35 pm »

Dunno if anything relevant changed (Windows Merit based still locks up on playback stop)  but  I did my best to clean my system up, and reinstalled CPPP  (MPC-HC, LAV Filters, Hali Renderer, xy-vsfilter)  and selecting the Haali renderer is now an option under Custom Video Mode and actually seems to apply the Vobsub  PP filter selection as well, and  MC is now rendering  ASS/SSA  subtitles as they apparently should.

SSA under Red October is still buggy though, so I will upload a complete MKV file if you want to look at it to try further tweaking for unsupported stuff.   I don't want to post a link in public though, so I request either an e-mail address or permission to PM the link to the appropriate Admin.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.166 -- Available Here
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2013, 03:09:51 pm »

SSA under Red October is still buggy though, so I will upload a complete MKV file if you want to look at it to try further tweaking for unsupported stuff.   I don't want to post a link in public though, so I request either an e-mail address or permission to PM the link to the appropriate Admin.

You can PM me.  Thanks.

Keep in mind that a few of the bugs you reported, like "the outline should be thicker" or "the default size should be different", are a bit subjective.  You might start a thread if you'd like to talk about things like that in more detail.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center

Jimmy Jazz

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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.166 -- Available Here
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2013, 04:21:07 pm »

Hi ! I am running JRiver MC 18 (Win) and today within the application a new button appeared in the left bottom corner saying an upgrade was available, so I clicked on it and an installation process started, however
by the end of the installation process I got a message saying:
"The following module has failed to load:
 C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 18\Media Center 18.exe
 It has reported the following error:
 A JRiver Media Core component failed to load the product info file:
 Please reinstall the latest version of the program"

Any ideas what this is, what cused it and most important what should I to do ?

Thankful for advise on this topic !


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.166 -- Available Here
« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2013, 04:57:05 pm »

ATSC and Cablecard TV are not working that well together. A remote initiated channel change from cable to cable works well, from ATSC to ATSC works well. Going from say 625 Comcast CNNHD to 8.1 OTA Local PBS may cause the MC stop/hang with the closing dialog.

I am not able to reproduce the problem.  Did you change channel by using CH Up or CH Down button on the remote?  Please email my a log if the problem occurs again.  yaobing at jriver dot com
Yaobing Deng, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.166 -- Available Here
« Reply #11 on: April 10, 2013, 05:06:46 pm »

If possible, please put all the changes since the last public version in the top formatted area, and all the previous changes in the scrolling "Code" box.

For example, this thread replaced the 164 thread, so it would be helpful to put the 166 and 165 changes in the top area (where it is easy to read), and only put the already known previous changes in the Code box.

Thanks !

Agreed. It will save me from breaking out the magnifying glass.
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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.166 -- Available Here
« Reply #12 on: April 10, 2013, 08:43:08 pm »

I am not able to reproduce the problem.  Did you change channel by using CH Up or CH Down button on the remote?  Please email my a log if the problem occurs again.  yaobing at jriver dot com

I may have typed in the new channel number... no reason one would scroll through 400 hundred channels with the up/down buttons with a channel playing. My HD channels begin at 600 for cable, that is a lot of channels to go through to get to 8.1 or 2.1 without typing in the number. This does not happen on every change. I saw it a half-dozen times just navigating around after install/reboot.

Anwyay probably tomorrow evening I will duplicate with a log on.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.166 -- Available Here
« Reply #13 on: April 10, 2013, 09:34:12 pm »

Hi ! I am running JRiver MC 18 (Win) and today within the application a new button appeared in the left bottom corner saying an upgrade was available, so I clicked on it and an installation process started, however
by the end of the installation process I got a message saying:
"The following module has failed to load:
 C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 18\Media Center 18.exe
 It has reported the following error:
 A JRiver Media Core component failed to load the product info file:
 Please reinstall the latest version of the program"

Any ideas what this is, what cused it and most important what should I to do ?

Try downloading from the link in the first post and installing.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.166 -- Available Here
« Reply #14 on: April 11, 2013, 03:14:09 am »

You can PM me.  Thanks.

Keep in mind that a few of the bugs you reported, like "the outline should be thicker" or "the default size should be different", are a bit subjective.  You might start a thread if you'd like to talk about things like that in more detail.

Well, the outline issue in particular, is actually missing from half of the letters (obscured by a drop shadow) so I wouldn't say it was subjective in this case.  But yes "as it was intended" to be viewed it is certainly not as thick as it should be as well.   However I wanted to provide you a full muxed file  so you could see for yourself with  MPC-HC, etc.

But yes there are still bugs, which I actually did not report, i.e  additional text in the credits that does some funky stuff.   I will save a more thorough discussion for another thread after I have the link ready.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.166 -- Available Here
« Reply #15 on: April 11, 2013, 04:56:37 am »

seems like video converter got problems with сyrillic symbols in filenames. it just cuts these symbols and then can't save converted video.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.166 -- Available Here
« Reply #16 on: April 11, 2013, 09:45:31 am »

There is a bug with overview for the last couple of builds. The display windows are out of position. See lower arrow at the attached screenshot.

And I very often get the message "The display for this zone is owned by a different window" as shown in the screenshot. In the concrete scenario pictured in the screenshot the message may be right, as there are two split windows open with the same content. But I'm getting this message also in the middle of a fullscreen film. Jumping up from sofa and hitting [STRG]+[3] twice brings back the film.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.166 -- Available Here
« Reply #17 on: April 12, 2013, 04:17:29 pm »

Issue with keyboard selection focus.

If you try to select multiple items with shift+arrow for tagging, when the popup appears at the mouse pointer (which is over a track), it can cause the keyboard selection navigation to stop working.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.166 -- Available Here
« Reply #18 on: April 12, 2013, 11:31:04 pm »

I am not able to reproduce the problem.  Did you change channel by using CH Up or CH Down button on the remote?  Please email my a log if the problem occurs again.  yaobing at jriver dot com

I have to get a log. But fore example... using number keys.... 626>2> then channel up 2.1> number keys to 626..... Media Stopped and is closing alert. Very repeatable. Just random channel changes like you would do in normal use. I know you need a log. Will try tomorrow.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.166 -- Available Here
« Reply #19 on: April 13, 2013, 10:00:28 am »

Since upgrading to 18.0.166, all I get is playback problems.
Something went wrong with playback...
I hope this is fixed soon  ::)


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.166 -- Available Here
« Reply #20 on: April 13, 2013, 10:42:10 am »

I disconnected my hard drive which was designated I:/ (this is where JRiver looked for the music files), when I reconnected it the hard drive was now designated M:/ and of course JRiver's look up function couldn't find my music. This happened to me a number of updates ago (perhaps in MC 17) and all I did was changed the file location tab. Well, I did this again (Tools/Options/Audio) and my music still wouldn't play. I double clicked on the albums icon in JRiver and saw that it displayed each title twice once for I:/ and once for M:/. How do I get JRiver to remove the logical I:/ drive files without manually deleting each one?


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.166 -- Available Here
« Reply #21 on: April 13, 2013, 11:10:10 am »

I fixed my issue by changing from WASPI Event to WASPI.
Don't know why it works now but I'll take it  ;D


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.166 -- Available Here
« Reply #22 on: April 14, 2013, 01:04:49 pm »

Occasionally crashes when replacing tags or modifying display.  Has done this to me now at least 4 times.   


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.166 -- Available Here
« Reply #23 on: April 15, 2013, 12:15:00 pm »

I finally installed MC 18 (this build) on my main TV's HTPC. Theater View for the guide had no channel numbers. I clicked on toggle list style and ended up with a bunch of large movie film reel icons. What do I need to get a proper EPG in Theater View.

BTW I have a Radiance XS and the TV a 92" DLP overscans by design. I could eliminate the overscan but scaling the screen in the driver or in the Radiance causes a loss of sharpness. So for maintenance I usually just click change aspect ration to see more of the horizontal view. Say go to 1:85 or rbrm 4:3 this should not be something that MC even sees but standard view folded over on itself. Only program I have ever seen do that. I actually had to restart. I should be able to change aspect ration on the Radiance at will without MC even knowing or caring. Weird stuff, so much weird stuff!

Anway how do I fix the Program Guide in Theater View so I see the channel numbers? I read somewhere about a Theater View default setting for the guide.. I sit nearly 14 feet from my display. I can't doing with Standard View, the font is tiny. Using the defalt skin.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 18.0.166 -- Available Here
« Reply #24 on: April 16, 2013, 06:30:03 am »

Question about the audio output, output mode settings, wasapi  settings option "Maximize device volume during playback"  I have this checked and yet I'm still able to lower the volume inside jriver.. I have it turned on because I want to only adjust the volume on my dac/amp device, the aune t1.  Am I using this option correctly?
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