Your subject title through me off a bit ... your Sound Forge is probably set up to use an asio driver? See if jriver is listed as a default output. If so try changing it to another device in sound forge
There is a brand new process in MC 19 which allows it to be used through external programs
see this post
Supposed to work like if you launch a configured program MC will open up and when you close the same program MC will also close. If this is what's happening, its probably the issue.
I don't have sound forge but I'll try this in Pro Tools, could actually be sort of nice - just as an option though - for home studio use.
Let me know if this works, I'm interested
Sorry for the confusion 
No worries, Arindelle.
Well... Not ASIO. The settings for output and record are Microsoft Sound Mapper (default and what I've been using), Direct Sound Surround Mapper, Windows Classic Wave Driver, and of course JRiver MC19.
I've tried them all, and the JRiver MC19 option just shows 'error' across all channels for record and playback. There is no ASIO option.
Also, I've unchecked all video and audio associations in SoundForge.
There is clearly a conflict here. If I have MC19 playing a track, and I open SoundForge, MC19 just stops.
I don't really see a feature here, yet. It's just annoying to continually have to have MC19 open, every time I open either SoundForge or Vegas (a video editing program, also by Sony).
I've checked the plugins in SoundForge and Vegas, and there is nothing listed for MC19.
Confused, and just a bit annoyed..