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Author Topic: Why an album has "double" tracks?  (Read 9663 times)


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Why an album has "double" tracks?
« on: September 17, 2013, 05:39:43 am »

I am new to MAC audio and I am wondering why one album will have the tracks doubled? (so 2 track #1, 2 track #2 etc).

This seems to happen when I have 2 versions of the same album on my HD.

One will be highrez (FLAC 24bit) of the album, the other will be Apple lossless of the same album.

So when I select the album I see double tracks.

Any way to prevent this?

Any assistance would be much appreciated. Thanks.



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Re: Why an album has "double" tracks?
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2013, 07:21:33 am »

Under Tools/Import/Autoimport, check your autoimport settings by editing each folder.

You can use search to select files and "soft" delete them.  Go slowly and try a few to make sure you're not removing the file itself.


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Re: Why an album has "double" tracks?
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2013, 07:35:52 am »


OK, I have previously imported all my albums.

So, using the AutoImport, how will I find the albums that have these "double track entries"? (I probably have over 300 as I have a lot of high rez albums which are also on my HD in lossless as well).......



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Re: Why an album has "double" tracks?
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2013, 09:45:55 am »

So, using the AutoImport, how will I find the albums that have these "double track entries"? (I probably have over 300 as I have a lot of high rez albums which are also on my HD in lossless as well)......

Have MC present a "list style" with 'Details', and then right click the column headers and add something like 'Bit Rate', or 'File Type' ... anything that would distinguish your HD tracks from your other tracks ... and then click on the header and it will sort the tracks for you.

Personally, I avoid the double entries by including "[HD]" in the album name ...

HTH  :)
cheerios from the Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland


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Re: Why an album has "double" tracks?
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2013, 10:06:09 am »

If you want to keep both sets of albums - the hi res and Apple lossless versions (I assume they are different versions of the albums) - there are as people have already noted - two options:

Option 1 - You should tag the hi res albums differently, ie "Album Title - (24/96)"
Option 2 - Create a custom view - You could call it "Hi Res" and set a rule to only show albums with a bit depth of "24". Doing this you would not need to re-tag all your duplicate albums. However standard views (Albums & Artists) would still show duplicates.

Or if you do not need both sets you could delete the non hi res albums.

Be mindful if you continue to add these type of albums to your collection over time you should consider tagging the high resolution ones differently.

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Re: Why an album has "double" tracks?
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2013, 04:59:03 pm »

Thanks for your help on this.

OK, here is the weird thing.

I have a high rez album - Seventeen Days by 3 Doors Down. It is the first high rez file on my HD.

I only have it in high rez in my FLAC folder on my HD.

I have the artist folder AND the album title folder ending in 24 Bit.

There is no lo rez version on my HD.

When I look up the album in JRiver (the album does not end in 24 Bit as I named in on my HD) - it has the FLAC and the MP4 version (where it gets this from I have no idea!) both coming from the SAME file path (FLAC folder on my HD).

So I have double tracks - 1 the high rez FLAC and 1 the low rez MP4....

Any idea why and how to stop this?


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Re: Why an album has "double" tracks?
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2013, 09:24:43 pm »

Any idea why and how to stop this?

MC is associating its listing with file metadata (ie, tags), not file names or locations. You need to edit the tags ...
cheerios from the Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland


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Re: Why an album has "double" tracks?
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2013, 04:10:08 am »

Thanks, how do I edit the tags?



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Re: Why an album has "double" tracks?
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2013, 04:55:35 am »

Thanks, how do I edit the tags?

Menu=>Help=>How to ...=>Edit File Properties (tags) ...

HTH  :)
cheerios from the Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland


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Re: Why an album has "double" tracks?
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2013, 05:12:40 am »

Thanks...OK, to remove these tags do I have to do it for each album individually?

Or, can I do a tag removal function for all albums? (I hope this is possible?)



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Re: Why an album has "double" tracks?
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2013, 07:12:05 am »

Thanks...OK, to remove these tags do I have to do it for each album individually?

Editting the tag is relative to whatever is selected.  You can select an album, multiple albums, multiple tracks.  However, you have to edit the entire tag.  For example, you want to edit the "Album" tag, essentially to append (e.g.) "[HD]" to the album's name, but you'd need to do this on a per album basis as there is no way to simply append "[HD]" to multiple albums.

Or, can I do a tag removal function for all albums? (I hope this is possible?)

I'm not sure what you're wanting to "remove" ... you are probably editing what is already there.  You need to simply sit down with the tag editing dialog, and do it while getting used to MC's tag editing, which I'm sure you'll appreciate over iTunes' "Get Info".

[... which begs the question, didn't iTunes also group these albums into albums with "apparent" double tracks? ... i.e., both softwares pay attention to the tag metadata rather than file names or file locations ...]

cheerios from the Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland


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Re: Why an album has "double" tracks?
« Reply #11 on: September 18, 2013, 07:15:30 am »

Thanks....yes, iTunes also had the double track problem.

One more question:

I have set up a smartlist to show all FLAC tracks. How do I use JRiver to just display the album name from the smartlist - and not every track on the albums?


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Re: Why an album has "double" tracks?
« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2013, 10:28:50 am »

If I correctly understand what you are asking, you can customize a view such that by default it just shows the albums, when setting up this custom view you would select "View as: Categories". And then "Show categories in this order: Album".

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Re: Why an album has "double" tracks?
« Reply #13 on: September 18, 2013, 08:01:37 pm »

Thanks! This is exactly what I wanted and I worked it out.

OK, so here is my last problem:

How do I view my high rez files by album using JRemote on my iPad?

The option I just created can not be selected by JRemote.....

Any idea how I can view High Rez albums on JRemote?

At the moment I can see albums with all the tracks on my iPad using a SmartList BUT it shows all the album tracks which is a pain.

All I want to view is the high rez albums without the tracks.

Any ideas please?


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Re: Why an album has "double" tracks?
« Reply #14 on: September 18, 2013, 08:18:02 pm »

OK - so step one is to add the View to JRiver. Looks like you have done that and it works.

Next is to setup JRemote on your iPhone or iPad and it looks like you have done that as well.

Launch JRemote - select Audio. This should show all your views. The new view you just created should show up as well and it should show a list by album.

I just tried this with an iPhone I had not yet setup for JRemote (I primarily use an iPad with JRemote)

I configured the JRemote application on my iPhone to connect to my JRiver server, and once it connected, and after I selected Audio, my view (like the one I posted above as seen from within JRiver) shows up with all High Res albums, sorted by artist.

Are you not seeing your new view on JRemote?
Mac Mini (16Gb memory, 2.3GHz i7, SSD), Synology NAS, MSB Analog DAC, Tubes, Cables, DeVore O/96s


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Re: Why an album has "double" tracks?
« Reply #15 on: September 19, 2013, 12:51:32 am »

Hi, thanks, when I launch Audio on JRemote, I can see Audio but it does not show the new folder I created, called Hi Rez.

Any idea why?

Do I have to "refresh" JRemote?



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Re: Why an album has "double" tracks?
« Reply #16 on: September 19, 2013, 04:58:08 am »

..., I can see Audio but it does not show the new folder I created, called Hi Rez.
Do I have to "refresh" JRemote?

Yes ... I believe the changes aren't automatic until you (1) rest the server (reload the library?), or (2) restart MC ...
cheerios from the Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland


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Re: Why an album has "double" tracks?
« Reply #17 on: September 19, 2013, 08:30:21 am »


Still not having any luck.

How do I reset the server (reload the library)?

(restarting MC does not work)



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Re: Why an album has "double" tracks?
« Reply #18 on: September 19, 2013, 08:31:22 am »

File/Library/Clear Library.


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Re: Why an album has "double" tracks?
« Reply #19 on: September 19, 2013, 09:09:21 am »

Thanks, this still did not work.

My JRemote only shows the below under Audio:

Highly Rated

It does not show the Hi Rez folder I created on my Mac.

Any other ideas?


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Re: Why an album has "double" tracks?
« Reply #20 on: September 19, 2013, 11:20:00 am »

Views for any WebGizmo client such as JRemote are configured under Tools > Options > Media Network > Advanced > Customize views for Gizmo & WebGizmo.  Standard View, Gizmo/WebGizmo, DLNA, and Theater View all have separate view customizations.
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Re: Why an album has "double" tracks?
« Reply #21 on: September 19, 2013, 04:12:17 pm »


It works!

Thank you so much to everyone that helped me on this.

VERY much appreciated!



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Re: Why an album has "double" tracks?
« Reply #22 on: October 14, 2018, 09:34:18 pm »

As. OP, I'm a little late getting back to this.  FYI, when I upgraded to MC24 I selected the option to support Apple format, thinking I was just adding support for that type of media if I ever had any such files..  I had no idea it would create an additional entry for every existing FLAC track on 200+ albums.  A little confusing for my simple mind.


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Re: Why an album has "double" tracks?
« Reply #23 on: October 14, 2018, 10:26:58 pm »

Correction-I'm an idiot.  My double-tracks came about by backing up my Windows music directory to a USB disk and then upgrading to MC24, which found duplicate file entries on the main drive and the backup drive and created duplicate track listings for each album.  I suppose that's operator error.  If I unplug the USB disk and play the album, it skips the unfound file entry, but still a little confusing with no obvious cleanup.
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