I've just installed MC19 which I would like to potentially use as a PVR however I have not been able to get the channels setup with my HDHomerun Dual tuner (HDHR3). The tuners show up in the devices, but when scanning for channels, nothing is found.
After reading through what seems like hundreds of other posts on this topic, I've disabled the firewall, added rules to the firewall, incoming and outgoing, even though they were already there, and gone through reboots, restarts, rescans, etc with no luck.
I've attached the log file with several attempts to scan the channels. Everything works fine with the HDHomerun software, quick tv, and Windows Media Center. I'm only using OTA with an antenna, no cable. My OS is Vista. I've updated the HDHomerun software and firmware to the latest version.
I'm not sure what to do next. Are there other steps I'm missing?