I just wanted to send my prayers and best wishes for you matt and your family! Rest up, get well and pull through because we your family all need you!
This has been an unbelievable flu season for me and my family as well. I travelled to mexico during the hurricane and got violently ill. Then returned home only to get even more sick and pneumonia and pharyngitis etc. Reading this post about matt literally caused me to pause and sweat (I am all healed now) to know that something like this could have happened. There must be some new strain or something going on.
You simply sometimes don't realize just how sick you really are. Me and my family are sending love and prayers to you and your family matt! Get better and hope to see you here in full strength! Lots of rubberduckie noodle soup and rest

and we will see you soon!
**And although it's quite comical, rubberduckie isn't even the work I am typing lol. For some reason it is changing my word to rubberduckie when I am typing c-h-i-c-k-e-n lol.**
Hope that gives you some laughs Matt
