manual analysis works, but lots of problems still as noted in my thread above and as maid mentioned, including the impossibility of a successful "Auto" audio analysis... what ive been forced to do is turn off Auto Audio Analysis on import, build views and manually analyze, and then you get to play the wonderfully fun and exhilarating Easter Egg Game "9File" (screenshot 2) of start from the top and pick just a couple more then 9 and cross fingers, then move to the next 10-20 and cross fingers & toes and pray you don't get the "pooper" ( the last several files have caused errors (9 total file errors allowed) processing has been halted.)... if one cannot successfully analyze files manually then auto analysis will cease to work... you will freeze up completely, or your audio analysis tag window will just stay at 1 of ,2 of ,7 of etc. until you force kill.
In screenshot there are 2859 files that audio analysis fails to analyze, errors out, locks up jriver to where the program is not responding, or shows an audio value already, but yet audio analysis thinks it's not been analyzed (and shows as queued)... Some show queued but yet there is no tag info in the levels. From what i can tell with the many file type problems, file size restrictions, errors i mentioned in previous thread there's a lot of fixing needing to be done before the "auto" will work, and the lockups will stop. Personally I'd just disable it, Check out the view i made with the help from MR.C in screenshot 1, and then just weekly, monthly look at your view and from the top going down play the "9File" Game (chose 10-20 files, then right click, chose Library Tools, then chose Analyze Audio) at least you'll know 99% of your audio/video files will have been analyzed. In our case however our unanalyzed are growing quite quick 12/5/2013 (2272) tonight's manual analysis tests, and totals on completion 2859 unanalyzed. (ironically, majority of those 600 new files are work related video files that we'd like analysis done on.)

The feature is not broken - you have a "bad" file which is causing analysis to hang.
Please email a sample file to the JRiver team (logs[at]jriver[dot]com) so they can identify what is causing the problem.
this has been done multiple times with multiple file types. if they/you are ready to tackle this again, i would have no problem adding files to the dropbox folder that I originally set in there for them. (it is difficult to near impossible to email video files... most types are to large for 25mb max email sending attach size)
From previous thread...
Many of the files are video only without audio.
Analyze audio will error on these files (there's no audio!), but this should not cause any problems.
Screenshot below shows it will cause problems. if there is an option for auto analyze audio on import, and after auto import is complete and starts analyzing audio in the files, and if a video file has no audio and it errors/locksup and you look at your tag window...importing media it states 1 of 2103, (which we have established via MR.C's view is the total files that cannot be analyzed/2811). well then auto import does not work with all 2811 files in question, you will not be able to use Auto analyze on import).
Note: I'm fully aware the total has shrunk... while writing this for the last 4 hours i actually found some stragglers that i missed in my last umpteen "9File" Games. ( I guess i may have dozed off a couple times doing my select 10-20 right click, analyze audio, wait for popup, click analyze audio, click ok for each error (9 times) hit exit (repeat until you have went through all 2811 files). However all time is not lost thanks to maid i've now found 48 more that can be removed from my grand total of unanalyzed. Woot Woot! i've advanced to the next level...I'm exstatic for what the Bonus round will bring!)

If the video files that have NO audio will error, but are not a problem...then may i ask what you think about the screenshot below showing the most recent auto import (20 minutes ago) with Analyze Audio for audio, and video files turned ON... the grand total of files needing to be analyzed state 2103, but yet while in the Audio Analysis Incomplete Smartlist it shows a total of 2811 total files in the whole library that cannot be analyzed. and if i do a search through all 2811 unanalyzed files for backdrops (DVD Menu Backdrops...They have no audio) it's showing there are 2555 dvd menu video backdrops needing analysis. i am really getting quite exhausted of this topic "auto" will not work. now take all these video files with no audio out of the equation.. there are still multiple problems with the remaining 256 files (all different file types, NOT A SINGLE ONE is corrupt, they all play flawlessly video and audio wise. many remain as queued, and do not allow for further analysis, many remain empty, many error, many get stuck in the process (37% progress... total hang... must force end task.)

if there are numerous files that cannot be analyzed on auto will experience what's been mentioned and shown... do with this info as you will (take it as complaining/bashing/ignorance, or as concerned customers mentioning a problem with a feature that's advertised and use it as an opportunity to polish). Let it be known im not here to push for this immediate fix, im here because myself and others have confirmed these problems with Auto Analysis, have started threads, and now that it's been brought up again, im popping into remind others this has been discussed, there's the link (the other links you can search for) and there are many other similiar posts to this one where multiple people have devulged problems on features and they have went to the wayside.(lost in the abundance of topics) For those smartallicy folk. just say the world and I will provide you with a feature list, and proof of problems that are not the users fault... that you yourself will not have an answer for.
I love the software, there is none that can compare... however, we have given our time to you, if ya want to know about the problems, flaws, what will potentially make this a well oiled machine then except what we give, and follow up some day. otherwise, honestly...why are we posting? On a side note one thing that's been really rattling my cage...For those of you software programmers who have a tendency to say all software has problems this and that, this is how it is in the industry... your comment is mute to me for I am not a software programmer, i am not in the industry, and i could care less about your opinion...I'm a plain jane media player customer. For all you know, i do not even know where my start button is located. and when i buy something, and it's advertised as such. I feel it's safe to assume that these concerns are worth mentioning. (after all I've been paying since version 9, and i've spent oodles of time documenting what causes the problems for free for you.) and to those same folk... if you come to my business and want your car wrapped and i tell you I will come up with this graphic, this size, this color, for this price and then one of the graphics falls off, or is the wrong pantone I will address your concern, and i will do my best NOT to tell you that i'm allowed for screwups in my industry, or that you are being to picky, But that i will look into the problem we have caused, and will do our best to solve the problem at hand. And once complete I will thank the customer for bringing it up to my attention. (This folk statement is not directed at jriver directly but loudmouths that visit here frequently.) And for those who tend to think/say ohhh the learning curve just may be to high for you.Bull! no where in the forum, website does it state For professionals with a high learning curve only. In fact when i look at the way it's advertised i see it as a piece of software that is a replacement for other players. therfor maybe fellow users who reply here should start treating all users as if they are on a lower learning curve/not tech savy...but yet, as if the the customer is right and has a legitimate concern. Case in point, second to last post.. has this been resolved? or should the GF & I just chance it next weekend when my son is here - and a question/major concern
1. if server has a user loaded, why do all clients switch to that user? shouldn't clients either after an amount of inactivity auto log off, OR at the very least stay connected to the Library/user it originally connected i knew something was wrong with my library was actually on a client, (on that client most of my files were gone). REASON BEING... as mentioned i had changed server to blah blah with just 22,349 files... My MAJOR concern what if some of us have adult files in the main library (administrator) and we want to watch/view all our files as adults. the way it sits now... we have to walk to server, change user to administrator (or adult users) and then all clients will have that library/user loaded, meaning when the kids go to their devices being it auto loads new users, the kids are seeing are filthy stinking pron (files inappropriate for children (R, NC-17 etc)!
I'm glad i found this out on a day/week my son is at his mothers. As it sits now it seems as if this isnt fully implemented...I'm now removing users completely until verification this has been worked out/changed...
Perhaps others should be made aware of this (maybe an edit on post 1) as to prevent some potentially big mistakes/fights (wife" why are these files available for bobby, i came home from work, and he was watching Basic Instinct's Sharon Stone interrogation scene on repeat!?"
Some may think i write to hear myself write... i don't. i write cause it's a feature that has been listed as available in our purchase, and i'm letting you know it's broke.
Maid sorry for somewhat highjacking your thread... all yours.