You need to add DSP and On.
For example:
1. Since status of DSP's is specific to a zone, shouldn't we have a method of setting the zone:
Zone: The zone the command is targetted for. (default: -1)
ZoneType: The type of value provided in 'Zone' (ID: zone id; Index: zone index; Name: zone name). (default: ID)
Currently it seems to respond only to the first zone defined.
2. as well as a function to list the DSP's and their current state in that zone? (including VST's)
3. A command given without a Set=x is taken as 0 (off). Is that correct behavior? I may do that on all Sets, I don't usually leave them out.
4. It looks like the on/off status of a given DSP is not shown in the DSP Studio panel unless you open it fresh or until you close/reopen it. At the very least this would come in handy if you were monitoring the state of changes at they were being made for debugging or whatever.
5. Also, it does not recognize VST's that are installed in the DSP Studio. Can those be added?
And more in the wishlist department might be the ability to select a preset of a given DSP, and include the active preset in the DSP list (if possible).
Thanks for adding this capability. One step closer to Nirvana!