Thanks for the response.
I agree with your comment "It is always helpful to provide examples instead of saying make it better". The trouble is that there is very little I like about the interface design of JR. Just a quick look through the examples of how people have customized Foobar2000 and you see how people want an interface to look. XBMC may not be perfect, but it is pretty darn good. JR is probably the worst media application, that I have yet tried, in terms of interface design. And I got an email telling me about JR 20, but I've failed so far to find any comprehensive information on what is actually in it. To me that speaks volumes!
Anyway, here are some examples of what I think should be changed.
1. When I installed the application it didn't ask me any questions about how I want to use it. It has decided where my files are, where to store it's cache etc. I don't know why it does that or whether I have some option to change it during the install, but it got everything wrong. I don't store any of my music files in the locations where Windows thinks they should be and I don't know anyone who does. And I certainly don't want it writing cache files to my SSD boot drive, which is what it does by default. I then have to read through a mass of options to find all these things and change them. A "set-up" wizard could be developed to resolve that. Most programs have had them for years.
2. The first screen I see appears to be a webpage. It has a getting started option that takes me to a wiki. Maybe I'm the only person on the planet that feels this way, but I don't want to wade through a wiki. I want it to ask me questions and let me answer them. I never want to see a webpage or a wiki in an application. To me that is programmers being lazy and designers not being employed. I certainly don't want to see a web page as the start page for any application. To me, that is just plain wrong. I want it to go straight to my media. The first time I want it to run a wizard.
3. I don't want an application to import media to it's library that I haven't told it to do. I'm not actually sure whether it has imported this information to a database, or is just reading files, but I don't want it to read anything that I haven't explicitly told it to. At the moment it is displaying loads of videos that I don't consider relevant and I'm not sure how I'm meant to deal with it. They should never have been displayed. Again, a set-up wizard would solve that.
4. I want to be able to choose the layout of the application. I'm right-handed and I'm mostly typing on my computer. As I'm typing this the text is going from left to right and lower down the page. I don't want play controls on the top left. My cursor/mouse spends almost NO time at the top left so every time I interact with the application I'm being forced to move the mouse all the way to the top left of the screen and I have a very large screen. So, I want to be able to select the "panels" that the application displays, choose where on the screen they are displayed, choose whether they are docked to the application or free standing, and choose what content they display. All of that should be set-up in an installation wizard and be performed by drag & drop. Most development IDE's have worked that way for years, so this is not rocket science or anything new.
5. Where this application really falls down is how it is interfaces with the user and this is most apparent in setting up TV. TV appears under drives and devices. That was a major shock! But way worse was trying to configure it. So far I have failed. Having found the option in a place where I did not expect to find it, I then expected to right-click to configure it. But right-clicking did nothing. So, I went into options, found Television and it displayed my satellite cards. If it knew my satellite cards why were they not displayed under TV in "Drives & Devices". For some reason the application assumed I was in the US which it could have found was not the case by just asking Windows. Changing this and asking it to scan for channels resulted in a blank display that sat there for ages, told me nothing, and then just closed. No error messages or anything. But no channels. Trying to get EPG data resulted in the same thing. At least this time I got an error telling me it couldn't import the data, but no explanation as to why not.
To me, that is probably the best example of how the user interface design is so bad. With an option that says "Drives and Devices" I expected to see my satellite cards, but they are not displayed. I expected it to query Windows to find my location and I expected it to tell me what it was doing/finding when it scanned for channels. Better still, I'd prefer an installation wizard to scan my system for drives and devices and ask me which devices I would like the application to use. JR is the only TV program I have used that has so far failed to display any TV channels and I still have no idea what I am doing wrong. All of the other applications also automatically loaded EPG data without me having to tell it anything.
6. If the application had queried Windows to find my location it could also have not shown me things that I can't get in my country, such as Hulu.
Anyway, I hope that explains what I find difficult about JR, but to be honest, every other media application I've see does it better, so just look at any of them! It seems to me that the developers have obsessed with sound quality and not even bothered about the user. But I guess other people are managing to use it so maybe other people like reading wikis
