I previously posted on a problem I had when trying to access JRiver MC for upgrades and also when trying to post on the Interact. As it looks like my time was not of value I will re-post the issue as the previous post was locked.
I use a mac. I have three macs, a new current iMac, a newer current mac air and a new Macbook pro I use for audio. They all have JRiver MC. The JRiver MC is on my Docking station for quick access to my music library. When I open JRiver from the docking station to play music everything works perfect. All is good. When I then try and access links, even though the little hand clicks, nothing happens. When I log into Interact through this access from the docking station Interact does not work correctly, my key strokes, etc. from ALL computers are not interpreted correctly, cannot post etc.
However, when I open up JRiver from the internet I was able to download upgrades from MC19 to MC20 no problems, all links work well, am able to interact with "Interact" just fine. The reason to make the post is to make others aware. That if you have MC stored on your docking station and it is not working well for corresponding with JRiver, try opening the web site fresh instead of using the link on the docking station. I have since corresponded with two others who had similar problems with Macs and using the docking station icon and though it works fine for playing music does not link well to the full site, and they both replied they had not problems with they opened the web site from the internet instead of docking station.
I would have been happy to clarify if my original post was not locked. Just trying to share an observation.