I need a little help with this networking situation and see which is the best way to go.
Currently I have MC20 setup on a Win7 VM in ESXi, with the server portion active. I plan to make this the 'server' since all the media is stored on the unRAID box. I use pfSense as my router also in VM, and was able to forward the port 52199 in the firewall rule to allow the MC to stream outside the home network.
Now, my brother also has his own copy of MC20 on his HTPC upstairs, and his media comes from his own server box. All of our PC's are connected on the same LAN subnet. Thing is, I got Gizmo to work on his phone and added the firewall rule to allow traffic to/from his MC. Thing is, while I got his working, my Gizmo app can no longer connect to my MC server (which it did before), and no settings were changed. Is it possible because both use the same 52199 port, and would I need to perhaps use a different port for my end from my brother's setup? I setup static IP's for our systems.
I'm considering having MC on my other HTPC's as clients and just for them to get their info from the 'server' that's on the VM. My laptop I can use to acquire the content and add it to the server, without making it a client itself. I'm sure its possible, just trying to get a handle on it.
There's a chance I may have left something out since I have to leave for work but will get back with this later. I'm also try to work on setting up VPN so maybe can get my content that way over a more secure tunnel.