Ok, next system test result:
ODROID C1 with Ubuntu 14.04. There is no official ODROID image for Debian Wheezy on the C1, and they have a custom x driver and custom kernel, so it's non-trivial to install an unsupported distro, so my choices were basically Ubuntu or Arch for testing, and I figured Ubuntu was at least Debian based.
The C1's processor is an ARM 7 cortex board (quad core)
http://www.hardkernel.com/main/products/prdt_info.php. It's a relatively new board priced to comepte with the Raspberry Pi. It has far more processor and GPU power than the Pi, but it's still working out some serious kinks.
Mediacenter20 runs on the C1,
but that's about it. It has the same problem as the U3 when launched directly from an X session: the main MC window is completely blank. Just like the U3, I can launch MC successfully through ssh xforwarding or through VNC, and when launched that way the window is fully rendered. [EDIT: I managed to get a local fully rendered window using an experimental framebuffer driver in Arch for the C1, so the blank window may indeed be a result of the graphic implementation on the ODROIDs]
However, once I managed to get to a fully drawn window through VNC and configure media network,
I could not get audio playback to function either locally or through remotes. MC Audio would appear to start playing: playing now would change to the correct track and it would act as though it were playing except the track time would not increment. In some cases I might get a half second of audio before it cut out. Then the player would hang at 0 seconds indefinitely, although it would respond correctly to a stop command. I tried all available devices, and even tried plugging in a USB DAC to see if I could get traction. No sound from MC. I tested with other media playback software (Kodi) and audio worked fine, so the hardware is at least basically functioning. EDIT: To get audio working on the C1: 1) make sure you have the latest kernel, 2) check that your /etc/asound.conf matches the post linked here:
http://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=117&t=9137#p71677, 3) choose one of the two hw: outputs, and 4) set output format to resample to 48KHz.
To summarize:
Working on the C1:
1) Remote control through Gizmo or Eos (start, stop, volume control, and track skip tested, they all "worked" except for the absence of sound)
2) Connecting as a library client to a library server and displaying library.
3) DLNA advertising and connecting to a DLNA server
4) Audio Playback with some extra configuration (see above)
Not Working on C1:
1) Local window drawing
2) Video playback (throws a "something went wrong with playback," and fails gracefully, whether tried in VNC or via remote control fora local "blank" version) [EDIT: Video is not supposed to be working per Hendrik]
3) Moving the window (local or VNC bugs out like crazy) [EDIT: Holding ALT while dragging resolves this]
I'll be testing next on a regular Raspberry Pi (probably not until tomorrow); I can also try the C1 again with Arch just to see if that might make any difference? Let me know if there are any other steps you want me to take to troubleshoot the C1.
For reference the C1's JRMark:
=== Running Benchmarks (please do not interrupt) ===
Running 'Math' benchmark...
Single-threaded integer math... 9.140 seconds
Single-threaded floating point math... 14.030 seconds
Multi-threaded integer math... 4.736 seconds
Multi-threaded mixed math... 7.228 seconds
Score: 541
Running 'Image' benchmark...
Image creation / destruction... 2.551 seconds
Flood filling... 4.568 seconds
Direct copying... 5.207 seconds
Small renders... 2.345 seconds
Bilinear rendering... 2.629 seconds
Bicubic rendering... 0.560 seconds
Score: 1232
Running 'Database' benchmark...
Create database... 4.151 seconds
Populate database... 11.856 seconds
Save database... 1.251 seconds
Reload database... 0.474 seconds
Search database... 10.795 seconds
Sort database... 8.607 seconds
Group database... 5.162 seconds
Score: 508
JRMark (version 20.0.66): 760