The TiVo 1TB expansion disk died and TiVo has been hanging a lot lately, possible because of the dying Hard disk; so now it's time to retire TiVo, be brave and promote MC to full-time TV duties in the lounge room.
Fortunately the Wife has had a few years getting used to MC theatre and standard view so it shouldn't be too traumatic as long as I map all the MC TV recording and playback controls to the remote! (and make it work with the TiVo remote.)
That's actually a bigger job than it sounds because not even I've explored all the key mapping opportunities for TV on MC!
I already have a reasonably beefy HTPC/Server that's had 3 tuners in it for about 6 months that records just the stuff that's important to me in the theatre room, and it's been pretty stable but suffering occasional lockups. I've been too busy lately to check on the crash logs but I guess I better start at least submitting them!
The main HTPC/Server doesn't seem to have any trouble with being the main media server, transcoding, watching a movie and running 3 tuners, but it's an i7 4770 3.9Ghz Quad core Haswell processor with a Asus GTX760 DirectCU II 2GB GPU with 15TB of esata RAID. It's reasonably quiet because it's water cooled with a H75.
The Lenovo i5 3470T Tiny PC has served well as a lounge media player too but the CPU fan is on the fritz again, so I'm thinking of getting a current i5 NUC with 4 external USB TV tuners and an external 4TB RAID box but am concerned it wont have enough power to record 4 shows and allow watching a recorded show at the same time.
Is the 2xCore i5 4250U/5250U in the NUC fast enough or should I just clean up the 2xCore i5 3470T again? Will the 3470T even have enough grunt for the job?
The newer i5 4250U/5250U in the NUC has a significantly lower clock speed but they're newer than old lounge PC and has the HD5000/HD6000 GPU compared with the old HD2500.
Does the CPU or GPU make a lot of difference for multi-tuner recording?
I think the NUC i5 is also due for another refresh with the new CPU/GPU in the next 2-3 months too. (take it back just checked and the i3 is in stock and the i5 5250u will be soon)
Should I even be considering the NUC or Lenovo for a quad tuner setup or should I just build another i7?
What are other people running successfully with Quad tuner setups?
Lots of questions I know, but I searched and couldn't find much on Quad tuner setups in the forums.
I'm ok with RO standard in the lounge as its only a 46" TV.
Thanks for any input and advice!
Old vs New
Lenovo i5 3470T @ 2.9Ghz turbo up to 3.5Ghz ----- vs ----- NUC i5 4250U 1.3Ghz turbo up to 2.6Ghz ----- vs ----- NUC i5 5250U 1.6Ghz turbo up to 2.7Ghz
Intel HD2500 ---------------------------- vs --------------- Intel HD5000 -------------------------- vs ---------------------- HD6000
8GB Ram vs same
Sandisk Extreme 120GB SSD vs same
Windows 7 64bit Pro vs Windows 8.1 Pro
Old Lenovo i5 3470T Lounge PC JRMarks.
=== Running Benchmarks (please do not interrupt) ===
Running 'Math' benchmark...
Single-threaded integer math... 3.778 seconds
Single-threaded floating point math... 2.512 seconds
Multi-threaded integer math... 2.151 seconds
Multi-threaded mixed math... 1.473 seconds
Score: 1917
Running 'Image' benchmark...
Image creation / destruction... 0.196 seconds
Flood filling... 0.376 seconds
Direct copying... 0.468 seconds
Small renders... 1.081 seconds
Bilinear rendering... 1.257 seconds
Bicubic rendering... 1.203 seconds
Score: 4802
Running 'Database' benchmark...
Create database... 0.383 seconds
Populate database... 1.110 seconds
Save database... 0.148 seconds
Reload database... 0.035 seconds
Search database... 1.018 seconds
Sort database... 0.936 seconds
Group database... 0.642 seconds
Score: 5033
JRMark (version 18.0.112): 3917