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Author Topic: HLS Radio streams not playing on my Renderer, but do play on the Media Centre  (Read 3873 times)


  • Citizen of the Universe
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(I've reposted this issue as I think it got buried at the end of the original thread where the new BBC HLS streams were discussed)

I'm having problems playing these new BBC HLS streams to my UPNP/DLNA renderer over my network. I can play MP3 streams to the same renderer no problem. I'm not sure if it's a configuration issue on my part or a problem with JRiver. Both type of streams play on the media centre itself without any problems.

I'm running 20.0.79
The Renderer is a Raumfeld Connector 2.

This stream (mp3 128Kb)
Plays on the Media Centre and on the 'Kitchen' Raumfeld Renderer.

When I try any of these (I believe the low bit rate one plays outside the UK, I'm in the UK)

They *don't* play on the Renderer but *do* play on the Media Centre.

The failure is as follows:
I'm using File | Open URL on the MC.
I get an 'Opening URL' message box.
Then the display window says 'Bbc 6music Waiting' for a couple of seconds.
Then it reverts to the 'JRiver Media Centre 20' idle message.

I'll attach a log file to this massage showing the successes (128Kb MP3 to MC renderer; HLS to MC) and and the failure (HLS to renderer).

Is this an issue with my config, the renderer itself or JRiver; I'm aware JRiver has only just been modified to work with these HLS streams?




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I don't think we support streaming a live stream through DLNA at all right now. I briefly tried to make it work, but it looks like a medium-sized project.

The exception for your mp3 stream is that it'll simply give the URL of the stream to the DLNA renderer and hope that it knows how to play it, MC isn't involved anymore at that point.
We try to do the same for the HLS stream, but the majority of DLNA renderers are unlikely to know how to handle a HLS stream, so the proper option would be to handle HLS in MC and stream the audio afterwards through DLNA ... but thats not something we currently support.

So you could say the issue is that your renderer doesn't do HLS.
Or, you could say that the issue is with MC not having the ability to convert and stream live-streams through DLNA.
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Ah ha, I see. Thank you for the explanation. I now understand how the process works. I assumed the MC did more than just pass on the URL to the renderer, but it doesn't so that's fair enough.

I take it there's no magic that can be done with MC 20 windows audio driver and 'looping' local playback to a renderer. . .

The BBC dropping their previous good quality AAC streams and moving to a 'better quality HLS stream' that won't play on any of my internet connected listening devices has made me so angry >:( There was absolutely no notice given and HLS is not well supported in hardware at all; it's frustrated an awful lot of people.

I'll just have to listen to the 128Kb MP3 stream in my kitchen (but the BBC have said the MP3 streams are only going to be around for another 12 months or so then it'll be HLS only).

Many thanks for rapid reply.




  • Galactic Citizen
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I'm glad I came across this post because I've been pulling my hair out trying to get this working as well.

I also didn't realise that MC just sent the url to the renderer and let it sort itself out. That explains why transcoding didn't work.


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Just in case anyone stumbles across this, I was trying to do the same thing to get the BBC 320 kbs streams playing to a Denon HEOS. Doesn't work as now explained above. BUT there's a windows programme called 'stream what you hear' which does work. Noticeably better sound than the 128 kbs sound from the HEOS app.

Once it's playing I can use the local volume control on the HEOS and even pause the stream in the HEOS app. Sadly the programme won't run on mobiles for total flexibility. There are similar apps that do, but they all require a rooted phone - not ready to do that...yet!



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This issue is annoying as each renderer has their own supported/non supported formats for these Live Audio Streams.  You end up with the annoying issues that what will play on one may not play on another.  As Hendrik pointed out, at present these streams are not buffered, then transcoded / streamed like with other audio which of course would solve the issue. 

Interestingly, MC (MCWS) already supports the concept however, but only with Live TV streams which can be buffered then transcoded / streamed (note only EOS supports these calls currently). 
JRiver CEO Elect
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