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Author Topic: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC  (Read 123456 times)


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"Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« on: August 29, 2016, 01:05:37 am »

Last Updated: 29 Mar 2022

Description:  "Swag of Tools" is a collection of my scripts in a single GUI maintaining a consistent Look and Feel and includes:
- Chapterfy:  Creates Chapter Based Particles (so you can manage Music Videos on a per Track Basis as you can a CD)
- Particlise:  Bulk Creation of Particles
- Data Fiddler:  Lets you Import / Export / Update the MC Library from a Spreadsheet
- Media Checker:  Checks if Items on your HDD are actually in you Library
- Burn2BD:  Transcodes a Video for the Production of a Blu-ray ISO (optionally lets you then burn it to a disk)
- MediaInfo:  Uses MediaInfo to get the information of you media file and will update MC including if the Audio contains Atmos/DTS:X and can also determine a video's crop factor (uses ffmpeg)
- Filename Updater:  Allows you to manually correct the "Filename" field even for items like Particles that can not be updated in the MC GUI

How to use:  The latest AutoHotKey Script and a 64-Bit compiled version can be found at: (latest 64-Bit compile version is attached to this post)
- It will only run in Windows and is GUI based
- It needs no install, just extract the version you want to a handy folder and run it from there.
- When you first run MC Tool Box it will create a .ini file (for the MCWS logon details) and add "Sent To" shortcuts in MC for many commands (but you may need to run it "As Administrator" this first time to add these links).
- You can then either use one of the "Right Click --> Send To --> Send To (external) -->" short cuts to run just that one command or run the EXE directly (or if you have AHK Installed the AHK script) to see the full menu of available options and their descriptions. 
- If you were using any of my standalone versions or older versions, you should remove their links in "Right Click --> Send To --> Send To (external) --> Add/Edit Programs"

Notes, Limitations, Future Stuff: 
- Let me know of the bugs.... There will be rough edges around this for now
- Make sure you Backup your Library First as there is no "undo" function and you can change a whole bunch of stuff!
- Let me know of any Feature Requests or Enhancements

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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2016, 01:05:51 am »

Guide: Chapterfy (Particlise Anything - aka Manage Music Videos Like CDs) - Old Chapterfy Thread

Background:  MC Lets you manually create Particles that can include a Playback Range for a chapter / part of a file for playback.  There are several issues limitations to the current approach:
- Time Consuming to Create (as you have to manually find and enter the Names and Playback range for each particle)
- Can not be saved as sidecar files (so can not recreate or move between libraries)

NOTE:  ChapterDB is no longer (RIP) - there is a backup hosted here that you can still be used (and browsed) but the API is gone that will auto match the files

ChapterDB is an online data base with 100,000+ user created chapter files for Blu-ray, DVD, and other files.  ChapterDB lets you search for and download a Chapters file (in either a TXT or XML format).  This script is based on the TXT format that looks like:
Code: [Select]
CHAPTER02NAME=You are not in Kansas anymore

What Chapterfy does:  It creates MC Particles for each chapter of a file with Chapter Names and Start/Stop Times.  The particles created will have all the same meta data as the original file but the script will populate the following MC Fields:
- Playback Range with "Start"-"End" timecodes
- Name will be the "ChatperName"
- Track # will be the order of the Chapters in the File

Options and Examples: Chapterfy has the following options:

Chapter DB Lookup Auto : This feature only works on Blu-ray Playlists.  You would normally:
1 - need to create the BD Title Particle(s) - in MC, Select your BD --> Right Click --> Stacks --> Advance --> Auto Create BD/DVD Title Particles. 
2 - check what which BD Title Particle you want to Chatperfy as MC Tool Box will create a Particle for each "Title" on the BD.  Just play the newly created Title Particles to find the main one with all the chapters listed (it will typically be the one with the longest playback time). 
3 - Once you have selected the desired a MPLS (BD Chapter Particle) in MC, Chapterfy will attempt to Automatically Look up a match at ChatperDB and create the Chapters based on their Chapter Names and Start / End Times.

Chapter DB Lookup with ID # : Similar to above but, this feature works on any File Type.  Enter the ChapterDB # to auto get the chapter file from the website and have it applied to ANY single file selected in MC

Read Blu-ray MPLS : This feature only works on Blu-ray Playlists.  I've written a MPLS parser to grab the Chapter # and Times directly from the MPLS but you will need to manually enter your own Chapter Names (as they are not contained in the MPLS itself).

Manually Create : This feature works on any File Type.  Edit your own chapter (txt not xml) file based on the number of chapters you want and have it applied to ANY single file selected in MC.

Chapter.txt File :  This feature works on any File Type.  Allows you to use an existing Chatper.txt file to Chapterfy an item in MC.  You can also Backup / Create a sidecar chapters (txt not xml) file for the existing particles you have selected in MC regardless of filetype.

Attached is a screenshot of ChapterDB.

Notes, Limitations, Future Stuff: 
- If creating a sidecar chapters file from existing particles make sure they are shown in the correct order in MC
- I'm hoping that one day MC will support chapter side car files for displaying chapter names in the MC Menu during playback (instead of Chatper 1, 2 etc) but that is up to JR
- There is a bug in MC : Incorrect Filename on Create Particles (sometime)

Other Options: 
My inspiration is MrC's much more advanced MCUtils Based Script - Guide: Generate Chapter Based Blu-ray Particles (aka Rip Music BDs Like CDs)
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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2016, 01:06:02 am »

Guide: Particlise

Background:  MC Lets you manually create Particles but it can be time consuming to create a batch of them.

What Particlise does:  It Bulk creates MC Particles for each selected file in MC.  The particles created will have all the same meta data as the original file.

Options and Examples: Particlise has the following options:

Create # : Creates the required # of Particles for every item Selected in MC

Notes, Limitations, Future Stuff: 
- There is a bug in MC : Incorrect Filename on Create Particles (sometime)
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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2016, 01:06:28 am »

Guide: Data Fiddler (MC Library <-> Spreadsheet Import/Export/Update) Old Data Fiddler Thread

Background:  MC has all the power you need to maintain and modify data within it's GUI.  A few members however want to be able to import/export their library to tools like excel, some want to the modify and update this information, and others would like to be able to use a spreadsheet to add new items (for existing meta data holdings, dummy files etc)

This utility has 4 Options
- Export the Entire MC Library: Exports your entire Library to a MPL and converts to a Unicode/Tab Delimited TXT file which you edit in Excel etc
- Export Selected Items from the MC Library: Exports only the Items Selected in MC to a MPL and converts to a Unicode/Tab Delimited TXT file which you edit in Excel etc
- Convert a MC MPL Playlist File: Converts an existing MC MPL (playlist) File to a Unicode/Tab Delimited TXT file which you can edit in Excel etc
- Update MC Library: Updates existing and adds new Items in your MC Library from a Unicode/Tab Delimited TXT file.  The ability to directly add new items is only supported with MC Version 22.0.21 or later
- Create/Import a MC Playlist File: Creates a MC MPL (playlist) File from a Unicode/Tab Delimited TXT file (optionally asks it you want import) that lets you add new items to the MC Library - This is kept for those with older versions of MC.

Examples: Read the posts below for examples of what it can do.
- Adding Items to MC from a Spreadsheet - useful if you want to add items with no associated file such as managed a physical disk collection
- Updating Items in MC from a Spreadsheet - useful if you want bulk update vales for existing items.
- add your "off line" media library to MC by 8139david
- How to update a non editable System Field like Date Imported
- others???

Notes, Limitations, Future Stuff: 
- It takes me about 2mins to export my 30K library to a Unicode/Tab Delimited Text file and will use a bunch of Memory in the process.  You may need to use the 64-Bit Version of MC Tool Box for large libraires if you run out of Memory
- It will create a spreadsheet of all used Library Fields (eg if you have not populated a field it will not appear), many of these fields are system fields
- *BEWARE* it WILL change or add stuff to your Library and there is no "Undo".... so backup your Library before you modify it.
- To increase the compatibility with various TXT editors, Excel etc, any field in MC that has Tabs and Carriage Returns Line Feeds embedded in the data will be shown as {TAB}, {CR}{LF} in the exported Text File.  So in an Excel you may have a Description that looks like "This Movie version is:{CR}{LF}{TAB}- The Original Theatrical Release{CR}{LF}{TAB}- Filmed in Sydney Australia" all in one cell, and in MC it will appear as:
     This Movie version is:
          - The Original Theatrical Release
          - Filmed in Sydney Australia

"Key" Vs "FileKey":  In the MC GUI, the primary "Key" for all entries is a hidden field so SOT will add a "Calculated Field" called "FileKey" that will show this information (see attached pic).  During the import and export this field is just called "Key".  So if you are using the "Update MC Library" the Column Header in your TXT file should be called "Key" (not "FileKey") or nothing will match and be updated.  If you want to be able to view the FileKey from within MC's views then you need add "FileKey to your view.

MC Version 22.0.21 or later:  Lets DataFiddler add new items from a TXT file using the "Update MC Library" option where the "Key" field is populated with "new".

Importing the TXT file into Excel:  If you just drag and drop your TXT file into Excel, it will import the file using a "General" data format.  This General data format will have Excel process every cell and it may change the text as a result.
 As we want nothing to be changed by Excel we want to use "Text" as the data format.  To do this, open the file using the Wizard, select all the Col (Select Col 1, scroll to the end and Shift Click the last Col) then change the format to "Text" (see pic).  Keep in mind that even with the above technique, some longer integer #'s get truncated by Excel.  It will probably not be an issue but don't update Columns you don't need to (say Frame per Sec for those NTSC frame rates).

Saving the TXT file from Excel:  The text file to be used to update MC must be a Unicode/Tab Delimited TXT file.  In Excel, make sure it is saved as "Unicode Text (*.txt)".  If you used DataFiddler to create the TXT file, it will already be in this format.
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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2016, 01:06:41 am »

Guide: MC Media Checker (Check for Items on HDD but Missing in MC) Old MC Media Checker Thread

Background:  MC has the Ability to check for "Missing Filenames" for items that are in the MC Library but not on the HDD.  Unfortunately the opposite is not easy to do (eg check what might be missing from the MC Library that is present on the HDD).  As an example, you can end up with "orphaned" files when using MC's delete function if you have selected "Remove from Media Library" when you really wanted either "Remove from Media Library & ..Delete / ...send to the Recycle Bin" options.... and they can be hard to find later.

MC Media Checker allows you to select a Folder and it will check each file under that folder (and all sub folders) to see if they exist in the MC Library.  Any items that do not exist will be written out to a TXT File called "FileList.txt" that you can then examine.

Notes, Limitations, Future Stuff: 
- There is no logic in this script, it just reads a file and checks if it is in MC so you can end up with a big list of sidecar files, coverart, and in the case of Blu-ray / DVD rips a whole list of subfiles that MC does not display even though the "Main" file exists
- Files that are in MC but have a different name than the file system will also be reported
- It may not handle some extended characters sets well, so keep an eye on your files.
- At this stage this script does not change anything it either MC or the HDD.  I was thinking of adding a buttons like "Add all to MC" and "Delete all from HDD" but ..... best to check manually at this stage.
- I could also offer a "Filter" so that it only checked for particular extensions (eg MP3, FLAC etc) to help avoid finding stuff like valid sidecar files

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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2016, 01:06:53 am »

Guide: MCBurn2BD (Burn any Video from MC to a Blu-ray):  Old MCBurn2BD Thread

Background:  This script lets you burn any Video file that MC can "convert" including Particles, TV Recordings etc to a ISO Image file and optionally a Blu-ray disk.

The script will then in order:
- Transcode the Video using MC's existing "MPEG2-TS 1080p AUTOFPS" profile
- Make a BD ISO using a portable version of tsMuxeR
- Burn to Disk using Windows Inbuilt ISO Burner
- At this stage you can only burn a single file.  If there is any interest I can look at supporting Multiple Files --> 1 BD (eg make a compilation disk)
- The files can be Big and can take awhile to convert so you have to be patient
- The profile I'm using is 1080p MPEG2 with 2ch AC3/DD.  This is the most compatible of the existing profiles for BD as this stage.  This may change if there are other BD Compatible conversion profiles in the future
- No fancy Menus etc, but the disk should just "play" when you put it in a BD Player

Video Overview : From an older version of Burn2BD
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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2016, 03:05:59 am »

Guide: MediaInfo (Uses MediaInfo to collect data on your library items):

Background:  MC uses ffmpeg/ffprob to collect information on the media in your library and update fields such as Compression Info. Unfortunately, ffmpeg/ffprob is unable to differentiate if a TrueHD/DTS-MA has Atmos/DTS:X extensions.  This script will download and use the CLI version of MediaInfo to collect this information.

The script will then in order:
- Analyse Selected File(s) using MediaInfo
- Save as an "Extra" File the output of MediaInfo in the same directory under NAME_MediaInfo.txt
- Update the "Compression" Tag with "+Atmos" or "+DTS:X" if the file contains it
- Update the "Languages" Tag with any of the languages if the file contains it that information
- Optionally Update any MC Field with data from the MediaInfo Report

Notes, Limitations, Future Stuff:
- It should work on any Media File
- To see the Extra File, right click on the file in MC ---> Extra ---> "OriginalFileName_MediaInfo.txt" to view
- Some Blu-ray discs seem to confuse MediaInfo so the script will also add the information from the largest M2TS to the OriginalFileName_MediaInfo.txt file and scan this for Atmos or DTS:X info
- Optionally (in the non-run time mode), you can select to not have the "OriginalFileName_MediaInfo.txt" saved, though it will still update the Compression Field
- Optionally (in the non-run time mode), you can select what Field in MC to update from what Field in the MediaInfo report (and also restrict by section of the report).  Eg - You can update the MC "Description" field with all values for "Format" in the MediaInfo report and also restrict it to a section of the report (such as General, Video, Audio, Text... Even down to a single stream like Video #1 or Text #4).  You can then update (add to) that same MC field the results of another search.  If you leave the MediaInfo Field and Section areas blank it will add all Unique values in the report to the MC Field.
- It can take some time to run especially on certain Blu-Ray Discs (the confusing ones)
- Media Info seems to generate some bizarrely long and incorrect details on some Blu-ray folders (but running it on files looks fine - so the Extra's File will have the details from the BD Folder and the Larget M2TS in the Folder)
- If you want to reset the Compression Info back to MC's stock values, just right Click--> Update Library from Tags
- If you want to delete the Extra's File just do a search in Windows for "*MediaInfo.txt" and delete them
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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2016, 03:23:50 am »

Update: 29 Aug 2016
- Unified all the my various scripts into one UI (bound to be bugs)
- Adds a field in MC called "Chapter DB #" for later use (note: requires MC22.0.21 or later)
- Data Fiddler Update MC Library:  Can now also ADD items to MC (in addition to updating only).  All items to be added should have the "new" in the "Key" Field.  You can have a mix of New and items to be Updated in the one spreadsheet.  (note: requires MC22.0.21 or later)

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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2016, 04:14:32 am »

Thanks for your work on this Nathan.

I'd like to add two little gems I discovered to help pull chapters from a DVD folder rip from IFO's or an MKV rip with embedded chapters.

Chapter-X-tractor can rip the chapters from a DVD IFO or AVI and create an OGG text file which you can then manually type in the chapter names and chapterfy can then use that as a manual txt file to create the particles.

chapter-x-tractor by Hilton, on Flickr

And Chaptereditor rev0.48 can rip the chapters from a MKV or just about any other file type to create the OGG format text file which you can again customise and save and then import with chapterfy as a manual chapter txt file to create the particles.
You need to also install mkvtoolnix for MKV support

Chaptereditor by Hilton, on Flickr



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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2016, 04:30:18 am »

FYI - ChapterDB also support chapter files for DVD's as well.... but I hardly have any so have not bothered.  When I did, I used the old venerable DVDDecrytper that could bust a DVD up into individual mpgs per chapter.
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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2016, 06:59:33 am »

OK - Found the first Bug.  If you run 2 consecutive Datafiddler extracts from MC with different selections, you get the first results both times.  I must not be resetting the values for the subsequent runs.

For now you need to CLOSE and Reopen MC Tool Box for each command.

Unfortunately I will not get to fix this till the end of the week (travelling with work).
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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #11 on: August 29, 2016, 07:09:27 pm »

Some Wit (read JimH) suggested I should come up with a better name.... like "Aussie Tool Box" or "Snake Bite Kit"  Any suggestions (I'm even less talented at "branding"!).

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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #12 on: November 29, 2016, 04:34:16 pm »

Name suggestions in line with Jim's:

Crikey! Utilities
Wingo Utilities
Dombat Utilities
Nan's Hat Utilities (Anagram of Nathan's)



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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #13 on: December 28, 2016, 11:04:31 am »

How about Bagatelles?

It sounds like something Aussie.


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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #14 on: December 29, 2016, 06:33:32 am »

Well Bagatelles is nice, but it is French, not Aussie  :)


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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #15 on: April 12, 2017, 12:35:08 pm »

So I am clear on this, Chapterfy automatically finds and stores the chapter names?  I am just beginning ripping my concert/musical performance Blu-rays and have been manually searching and entering them into chapters.txt before muxing into an MKV.

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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #16 on: April 13, 2017, 12:14:37 am »

Yup.  It will pull the chapter info for a BD from ChaperInfo and then use it to create an entry in MC for each one.
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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #17 on: July 31, 2017, 08:49:50 pm »

I noticed that "chapter" is spelled "chatper" quite a bit.

I'm trying to create sidecar chapter.txt files. I select all the chapters, but Chapterfy will only list the last chapter that has been selected. Am I doing something wrong or is there a bug?


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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #18 on: August 01, 2017, 02:26:18 am »

I'm on the road at the moment but I'll have a look on the weeked.
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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #19 on: August 05, 2017, 01:20:42 am »

Updated version in the OP - Cleaned a few things up.

I noticed that "chapter" is spelled "chatper" quite a bit.
17 Times in fact!

I'm trying to create sidecar chapter.txt files. I select all the chapters, but Chapterfy will only list the last chapter that has been selected. Am I doing something wrong or is there a bug?

It was a bug, I was deleting an existing chapter.txt file every entry instead of just the once.

Let me know if it works now.

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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #20 on: August 05, 2017, 04:22:38 pm »

Some Wit (read JimH) suggested I should come up with a better name.... like "Aussie Tool Box" or "Snake Bite Kit"  Any suggestions (I'm even less talented at "branding"!).

"Swag of Tools"
What specific version of MC you are running:MC27.0.27 @ Oct 27, 2020 and updating regularly Jim!                        MC Release Notes:
What OS(s) and Version you are running:     Windows 10 Pro 64bit Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.572).
The JRMark score of the PC with an issue:    JRMark (version 26.0.52 64 bit): 3419
Important relevant info about your environment:     
  Using the HTPC as a MC Server & a Workstation as a MC Client plus some DLNA clients.
  Running JRiver for Android, JRemote2, Gizmo, & MO 4Media on a Sony Xperia XZ Premium Android 9.
  Playing video out to a Sony 65" TV connected via HDMI, playing digital audio out via motherboard sound card, PCIe TV tuner


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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #21 on: August 05, 2017, 05:03:23 pm »

Pub Lunch


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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #22 on: August 05, 2017, 05:55:55 pm »

Mmmm Pub Lunch ... but I do like "Swag of Tools" very Aussie - so we have a winner.  (will need to change the code to reflect it at some point...)
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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #23 on: August 05, 2017, 09:06:09 pm »

What specific version of MC you are running:MC27.0.27 @ Oct 27, 2020 and updating regularly Jim!                        MC Release Notes:
What OS(s) and Version you are running:     Windows 10 Pro 64bit Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.572).
The JRMark score of the PC with an issue:    JRMark (version 26.0.52 64 bit): 3419
Important relevant info about your environment:     
  Using the HTPC as a MC Server & a Workstation as a MC Client plus some DLNA clients.
  Running JRiver for Android, JRemote2, Gizmo, & MO 4Media on a Sony Xperia XZ Premium Android 9.
  Playing video out to a Sony 65" TV connected via HDMI, playing digital audio out via motherboard sound card, PCIe TV tuner


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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #24 on: August 07, 2017, 12:35:27 pm »

This is working great now! Thanks for the fix, jmone.

For all my Blu-rays, it is creating the chapter.txt file in either the \BDMV or the \BDMV\Playlist folder. I can't find any consistency. If I search for all the chapter.txt files to archive or share with other, they don't have anything in the name that lets me know what movie they go with. They won't always be sidecar files. Perhaps the album tag could be appended to the front of the txt file.


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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #25 on: August 07, 2017, 12:48:22 pm »

I just found out I can select all my Particles and Chapterfy will create individual txt files for each Blu-ray concert with just one click! Awesome!

I used the Video > Files view and set the List Style to Details. I typed "particle" in the search bar and it returns all Particles. I selected all files listed and then used Chapterfy to generate all the txt files.



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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #26 on: August 07, 2017, 04:23:14 pm »

Glad it works...but it should be creating the Chapter.txt file with the same name and next to the MPLS as a sidecar file (and not in any other directory) using the naming "Same_Name_As_The_mpls.chapters.txt".  Also, the reason I've done this is in the hope that one day MC will use Chapter sidecar files to display chapter info (just like sidecar subs).  That said, I could make it that you can choose a naming convention like "Name.MPLS.Chapters.TXT"

Any pattern on the chapter.txt files not being saved in the correct directory (also are they named correctly with the MPLS name).

Thanks for testing
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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #27 on: September 06, 2017, 04:58:58 pm »

Any pattern on the chapter.txt files not being saved in the correct directory (also are they named correctly with the MPLS name).

Thanks for testing
I haven't any more, but will be doing so again soon. I'll see how they are named and where they are placed.

If I'm creating Particles from chapter.txt files, I've had Chapterfy insist on using the previously loaded txt file on several occasions. I have to close Chapterfy and reopen to fix the issue. At first I thought my txt files were copied or named wrong. I opened them in notepad and they were all fine.

Here is what I do:
  • Select Blu-ray concert in JRiver
  • Switch to MC Tool Box (Chapterfy) which is already running
  • Select Create from Chapter.txt and click Create Chapters
  • Find txt file that corresponds to Blu-ray and click Open
  • Previous txt file opens in notepad/Chapterfy for editing
  • Scratch head


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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #28 on: September 06, 2017, 05:48:35 pm »

I'll check on the Weekend (away at present).  From what you are saying, Chapterfy is keeping a previous chapters.txt file in memory and not the latest one opened?
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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #29 on: September 10, 2017, 01:40:26 am »

Should be fixed (new version in the OP).  I was not overwriting my temp.chatpers.txt file - see how it goes now.
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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #30 on: October 29, 2017, 02:29:50 pm »

Chapterfy was working for me last weekend, but would create ~10 extra entries of the last chapter. Today I get to "Would you like to now Chapterfy [title]" and it hangs. I can't Chapterfy from text or mpls. I had deleted 32-bit JRiver this week so thought that may be the issue. I reloaded it and still have the issue. I wonder if MC Tools needs to be updated for the 64-bit version of JRiver.


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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #31 on: October 29, 2017, 02:43:45 pm »

I'll have a look....
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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #32 on: October 29, 2017, 03:48:12 pm »

Did a couple of tests with:
- Manual creation of Particles
- Auto creation (with Chapter Names pulled from ChatperDB)
- Creation from chapter.txt sidecar file

May have found something.  It could be poor handling of any characters like the comma.  Can you post a copy of your chatper.txt file?
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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #33 on: October 29, 2017, 05:00:23 pm »

Did a couple of tests with:
- Manual creation of Particles
- Auto creation (with Chapter Names pulled from ChatperDB)
- Creation from chapter.txt sidecar file

May have found something.  It could be poor handling of any characters like the comma.  Can you post a copy of your chatper.txt file?
I downloaded the txt files from for:
Joe Bonamassa Live From The Royal Albert Hall 2009 (#18908)
Joe.Bonamassa-An.Acoustic.Evening.2013 (#76050)

Neither worked.


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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #34 on: October 29, 2017, 05:07:28 pm »

I just tried on another PC and it is working fine. I had even rebooted the 1st PC and still couldn't get it to work - with any text file. I'll remove all copies of MC Tool Box and try again later tonight.

I did notice that your version date needs to be updated.


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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #35 on: October 29, 2017, 06:04:49 pm »

Thanks - I'll update the ver # once you have tested (if I need to make other changes - it defiantly does not like commas in the text file but it is fine when it auto reads from chapterDB).

Tested "Joe Bonamassa Live From The Royal Albert Hall 2009" and it worked fine for me.

In the logging box do you get:
Media Center Version 23.0.78 Found at

If not check your settings in the INI file.
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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #36 on: October 30, 2017, 12:28:06 pm »

In the logging box do you get:
Media Center Version 23.0.78 Found at

I'll test some more tonight.


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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #37 on: November 06, 2017, 07:41:55 am »

I used my old copy of Chapterfy. It provided some logging to show that Media Network > Authentication was not turned on. Evidently, updating to the 64-bit version of JRiver turned this off and I didn't realize it.

I found that Test Configuration shows "success" even if Authentication is turned off.

Thanks again for making this tool. It sure saves a lot of time. I now have almost all my Concert Blu-ray's made into Particles and can access individual songs or the entire concert on Theater View or JRemote.



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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #38 on: November 06, 2017, 12:25:56 pm »

Glad it is working and thanks for the test.  I'll look at the logging for Authentication as well.  ;D
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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #39 on: November 20, 2017, 05:17:11 pm »

This looks like it could be exactly what I need. I use Smartlists all the time and I recently started creating one for Rolling Stones top 500 albums of all time. I figured I likely have all 500 in my collection and wanted to create a smartlist for these 500 albums. I was able to find a .csv file online with a list of these albums so my question is it possibe? I started doing this manually by finding each album and just adding the keyword 'Rolling Stone 500' to each and then letting the smartlist do the rest. My library is tagged perfectly so I guess all I need this program to do is group the 500 albums together.


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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #40 on: January 02, 2018, 01:16:28 am »

MC uses ffmpeg / ffprob to provide stream info in video files.  Unfortunately, at present it is unable to highlight if there is a DTS:X or ATMOS track (it just reports DTS-MA and TrueHD).  Media Info can however.... so, here is a new version to test.  I've added a new feature, MediaInfo that will:
- Download MediaInfo CLI to a subfolder
- Run it over the MC Library Entries you select
- Save the output of MediaInfo as an "Extra's File" (see pic)
- Update the "Compression Info" field if there is an ATMOS or DTS:X track found (see pic)
- Should work on BD, UHDBD, DVD, and Video Files
- Works on Audio files as well

Some notes:
- Media Info seems to generate some bizarrely long and incorrect details on some Blu-ray folders (but running it on files looks fine - so the Extra's File will have the details from the BD Folder and the Larget M2TS in the Folder)
- It can take awhile to generate these Extra's Files
- To see the Extra File, right click in MC ---> Extra ---> "YourFileName_MediaInfo.txt" to view
- If you want to reset the Compression Info back to MC's stock values, just right Click--> Update Library from Tags
- If you want to delete the Extra's File just do a search in Windows for "*MediaInfo.txt" and delete them

Let me know of any weirdness. 
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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #41 on: January 02, 2018, 05:27:43 am »

FYI - Just ran it over my Movies and TV series (post 2015 imported) and found I had:
- 115 entries with Atmos, and
- 7 with DTS:X

All seemed to work as it should.  I'll now be able to setup a Zone Switch so I can Bitstream for Atmos / DTS:X and decode for the rest.
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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #42 on: January 03, 2018, 02:44:11 pm »

Wow, great work. I shall look into all this very soon. Exactly what I was looking for.


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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #43 on: January 03, 2018, 03:11:30 pm »

FYI - Just ran it over my Movies and TV series (post 2015 imported) and found I had:
- 115 entries with Atmos, and
- 7 with DTS:X

All seemed to work as it should.  I'll now be able to setup a Zone Switch so I can Bitstream for Atmos / DTS:X and decode for the rest.

Curious - why do you decode the rest instead of bitstream?



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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #44 on: January 03, 2018, 04:27:54 pm »

For me it is so I can use "Videoclock", turn it on and no dropped video frames.  Others will want to decode for other MC DSP effects.  All this needs decoded Audio ... but there is no way to decode Atmos or DTS:X so I'll need to bitstream these.
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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #45 on: January 03, 2018, 05:14:59 pm »

Wow, great work. I shall look into all this very soon. Exactly what I was looking for.

That would be good, I've still got a few days before I have to go back to work - so let me know of bugs etc. 

One I'm chasing down is if you run it from MC using the Right Click--> SendTo--> .... --> MediaInfo on multiple items it can sometimes open up several versions of my script which is not what I want as it will process everything a couple of times.  I'm guessing that on my new i7-8700K is just quicker than my old box and it manages to fire up a couple of scripts before it recognises that one of the same name is already running.  No issues if running Swag in Standalone mode however.
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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #46 on: January 04, 2018, 02:22:10 am »

Update: 04 Jan 2018
- Added New Function : MediaInfo (see OP and the Guide: MediaInfo)
- Renamed to "Swag of Tools".  Prior Users should delete the older version (MC ToolBox) and remove the links in "Right Click --> Send To --> Send To (external) --> Add/Edit Programs" as these will point to the old program
- You should run Configuration Again so as to create the links to the new "Swag of Tools" in MC
- Updated the logging to catch issues with Authentication (thanks mojave)
- Expanded the logging area

Let me know of what I've broken or if you want anything added.   Eg - I can scrap other info from the MediaInfo dump and update other MC Library Fields.
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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #47 on: January 04, 2018, 05:54:32 pm »

Update: 05 Jan 2018
- Fixed multiple instance of Swag of Tools opening from MC's Sent To Command
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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #48 on: January 05, 2018, 05:47:29 am »

Hi jmone!
Now that you have integrated MediaInfo to Swag could you also add fetching of subtitle languages?
I have made custom list field [Subtitles] to save subtitles info. It helps me to select movies to watch when there are persons present who needs subtitles to help understand foreign language dialogue



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Re: "Swag of Tools" : Collection of Utilities for MC
« Reply #49 on: January 05, 2018, 02:31:31 pm »

Hi lepa.  MC already does that, with the "Get Movie and TV Info" function.  There is a "Use Subtitles" check box and then you can select the Lang and MC will get it from OpenSubtitles.
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