Yes a script would be great. Unfortunately I don't have the necessary skills to build such a script
. I have looked into the command line and MCC commands and this functionality is great - I've used some commands for custom functionality in the past.
I basically copy my DVD and blu-ray's as DVD and blu-ray folder structure - most as movie only copies, some retaining the menus.
The DVD's are structured:
The Blu-Ray's are structured
The Video Files are structured
{Movie}\<video file, .mkv, .avi, .mp4, etc>
I believe this is a pretty common way of storing a movie library?
DVD cover images, backdrops and metadata (as used by Media Browser) are also in the {Movie} Folder as <mymovies.xml, folder.jpg, backdrop1.jpg, backdrop2.jpg, etc>
It would also be great if the script could play a DVD or Blu-ray from the drive without having to differentiate between DVD or Blu-ray in the launch command.
Thanks very much for your support.