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ICETCP.PRO and ICETCP.PLUS are compatible with Windows 11!

Author Topic: updating PRO  (Read 1067 times)


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updating PRO
« on: November 08, 2004, 04:06:36 pm »

I followed the instructions you provided from the links.  After uninstalling all users computers, I upgraded the server and reinstalled all the stations over the weekend.  I had trouble with three older computers where on two the password login either would not keep the password or just hang, the third will not connect.  The 32bit 4.4 helped one computer.  I am also having a problem with two newer windows 2000 pro computer where the password hangs, on these I had uninstalled the older software and found no occurrences of the J.River entries in the registry.
The most annoying problem, evidently a known issue, which is the screen printing.  I found one suggestion on your website that is allowing a few but no all to print the screen, that is using the right mouse menu to print.


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updating PRO
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2004, 04:28:48 pm »

4.4 uses icetcp.ini file in the windows directory to store most of it's entries.
5.1 uses registry entries under HKEY_CURRENT_USER->Software->J.River
and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->Software->J.River

Deleting all of these should clear any passwords.

There will be a new build of PRO released and available for upload, probably on 11/8 which should help with your printing problems.

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