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Author Topic: multiple sessions  (Read 3656 times)


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multiple sessions
« on: May 02, 2006, 01:57:14 pm »

I have a client that logs into a unix system.   They need to have multiple sessions going at once.  I went under setice and the serial parameters and changed the sessions from 1 to 5.  Then I tried a control f1 and that did not bring up another.  I also tried alt f1 and that did not work.  There is no book to help and the help file is not very helpful.  How do I get multiple sessions going?

Thank you.


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multiple sessions
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2006, 04:26:57 pm »

You need to run mscreen on your SCO unix system. Try:
man mscreen
on SCO.

Your terminal type HAS to be a wyse60 24 line terminal unless you modify the mscreen.conf file.

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