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Author Topic: duplicate tracks during ripping  (Read 4425 times)


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duplicate tracks during ripping
« on: September 14, 2015, 03:37:44 pm »

Please excuse the following but I am new to digitizing my CD collection to my PC. After trying a few open source programs I have come to JRiver and just downloaded the trial version, which I think is 21. I have Windows 7 on a competent HP minitower with a new SSD.

I ripped several CDs, some classical and others r&r, to try JR out. The ripping was fast (a lot faster than any other program I have used) and several unusable CDs were ripped with excellent defect correction, all of which is great.  

However, most of the albums have duplicate tracks but with some inconsistency in the duplication.  On some albums every track is duplicated and on others, only select tracks are duplicated.  I have looked to see whether there is anything I inadvertently set up but cannot find anything to correct or alter.  

I have noted that on occasion a drop down topic is present, something like "eliminate duplicates" but I cannot find it most of the time.  Of course, I don't know what duplicates it referred to.

I did a topic search but could not find anything similar to my problem.

If you are able to help, please bear in mind my lack of expertise when you give a solution.  Many thanks  mike


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Re: duplicate tracks during ripping
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2015, 04:04:51 pm »

I suspect you might have a problem with album names, or perhaps just the view you are using.  Two things:

1.  On the left, go to Audio > Albums.  Double click on an album or two to show their contents.  Do things look correct there?
2.  If not, attach a screen shot here showing one or two of your views where it looks like you have duplicates.  If you can get the filename column to show in the screen shots that would also be helpful.



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Re: duplicate tracks during ripping
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2015, 04:31:27 pm »

Name   Artist   Album   Rating   Genre   Track #   Duration   Bitrate   File Type   Date   Filename
Track 01   Solti/Chicago   Brahms Sym 4   ? stars   Classical   1   12:44   645   flac      C:\My Music\Brahms Sym 4\01 - Track 01.flac
Track 01   Solti/Chicago   Brahms Sym 4   ? stars   Classical   1   12:44   645   flac      F:\My Music\Brahms Sym 4\01 - Track 01.flac
Track 02   Solti/Chicago   Brahms Sym 4   ? stars   Classical   2   12:57   518   flac      C:\My Music\Brahms Sym 4\02 - Track 02.flac
Track 02   Solti/Chicago   Brahms Sym 4   ? stars   Classical   2   12:57   518   flac      F:\My Music\Brahms Sym 4\02 - Track 02.flac
Track 03   Solti/Chicago   Brahms Sym 4   ? stars   Classical   3   6:17           657   flac      C:\My Music\Brahms Sym 4\03 - Track 03.flac
Track 03   Solti/Chicago   Brahms Sym 4   ? stars   Classical   3   6:17           657   flac      F:\My Music\Brahms Sym 4\03 - Track 03.flac
Track 04   Solti/Chicago   Brahms Sym 4   ? stars   Classical   4   10:18   610   flac      C:\My Music\Brahms Sym 4\04 - Track 04.flac
Track 04   Solti/Chicago   Brahms Sym 4   ? stars   Classical   4   10:18   610   flac      F:\My Music\Brahms Sym 4\04 - Track 04.flac

HI Brian
Is this what you wanted?  I tried several ways to give you a full screen shot but this is all I could manage.  If you need more, please tell me how to do it.  What you see is typical of what I am getting when I rip a CD. The above disc has only one symphony on it. I get the duplication on virtually everything I have tried, so it's not specific to a title or label and it does not matter how long the track is.  I have compared several duplicate tracks to their originals and they do sound identical.
I will be away for a few days, back by Sunday.   thx  mike


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Re: duplicate tracks during ripping
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2015, 08:50:23 pm »

I'm not sure where to go with this one.  Anyone else have any good ideas?



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Re: duplicate tracks during ripping
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2015, 10:01:33 pm »

one is on c drive and one is on f where are u asking MC to rip the file to c or f and then are you copying the files over to the other drive rather than moving them?

what is the f it external, internal the rom?

are you also making the cue file? this would show up as a track list....

check on these settings and report back.
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Re: duplicate tracks during ripping
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2015, 06:43:30 am »

Why do you have both C: and F:?  Is F: a mapped drive?


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Re: duplicate tracks during ripping
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2015, 06:03:18 pm »

Thank you all for your comments; they are most helpful!

By way of background, I recently upgraded my HP with the intent of using it as my music server.  It has a decent motherboard but was lacking, otherwise. I had a local computer specialist install a much superior power supply and a better sound card (which I use only casually), a Samsung SSD (interior) and quieter fans.  He made the SSD the C drive.  The original, larger hard drive (of the cheapest variety available in what was supposed to be a pretty good computer, a comment that also applies to the original power supply) remains as the F drive and is largely there now for storage but not daily use.  He transferred the info I had on the F drive to the C drive.  I have not previously had a computer with two storage drives.

I don't want any of the music that I rip to be on the F drive automatically but I surmise that is why duplicates are being made.  My goal was to play music back exclusively from the SSD.  I have a few questions:
1- a]  How do I instruct JR to rip to the C drive, only? 

    b] I assume that I could transfer any data from it to the F drive by copy and paste but is there a better way?

2- Once I login to this forum, is there an easy way for me to go directly to my own items even if there are no new or unread responses?  For example, I might want to review a particularly detailed response, again, or to contact one of the responders.  Now, I visually scan the list to find my stuff but I foresee that becoming quite tedious as time goes on.

Gracias, again...mike



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Re: duplicate tracks during ripping
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2015, 08:58:04 am »

I don't want any of the music that I rip to be on the F drive automatically but I surmise that is why duplicates are being made.  My goal was to play music back exclusively from the SSD.

I don't think you're getting duplicates during CD ripping.  I think you have songs on the F drive and songs on the C drive that were COPIED during the PC maintenance/upgrade you described.  If your SSD is the C drive, then you don't want to have ANY music on the F: drive correct?

I think you should start by finding what music is on which drives.  Start at step zero.  Look at  your auto import settings to see which drives are being monitored:  Tools > Options > Library & Folders > Configure auto import .  See which folders on which drives are set up for auto import.  Remove the folders and drives that you do NOT want monitored.  IMPORTANT NOTE:  When you remove the auto import for a folder, all of the files that are already in the Library STAY IN THE LIBRARY.  This step will not remove your files from the library at all.  You have to do that separately.

Next, go look at a files view of your songs.  Go to the Left Navigation Pane then Audio > Files .  Using the Location Pane at the upper left, you should be able to drill down into your drives and folders and find out which songs are on which drives.  If you find you have duplicates of EVERYTHING, then you can simply select everything on the F: drive and delete it.  Be careful.  Be sure before you delete anything, particularly if you tell MC to remove it from the DISK also.

In fact, you should make a database backup before you start:  File > Library > Backup Library .  Make note of where the backup file is stored.

1- a]  How do I instruct JR to rip to the C drive, only?

Tools > Options > File Location > Audio (cd rips and podcasts)

I don't think this is why you have duplicates, but it's definitely a good thing to check to make sure they are going where you think they are.  :)

b] I assume that I could transfer any data from it to the F drive by copy and paste but is there a better way?

You said you want everything on the SSD, C: drive.  I'm assuming you're seeking to consolidate.  Figure out which songs are on which drives first.  Then we can figure out how to best consolidate what you have and remove duplicates.

2- Once I login to this forum, is there an easy way for me to go directly to my own items even if there are no new or unread responses?  For example, I might want to review a particularly detailed response, again, or to contact one of the responders.  Now, I visually scan the list to find my stuff but I foresee that becoming quite tedious as time goes on.

Go to your profile.  At the upper left are some selects to see unread replies to your posts.  I think you know about that one already.  Further down on the left you'll see Profile Info > Show Posts .  That shows every post you've made in reverse chronological order.



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Re: duplicate tracks during ripping
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2015, 03:30:53 pm »

Hi Brian,
I went to my F drive and deleted the small amount of music I had just to be confident it did not confuse. Per your instructions, I found that JR was, indeed, copying to both the C and F drives and deleted the latter, resulting no further duplication; excellent.

1-I have done some ripping and have a cover problem with two particular albums, both of which have 2 discs. The album cover is in place for disc 1 but I cannot replace the blue note that is there for disc 2. I tried several approaches including shutting down the PC, to no avail.  Other 2 disc albums have had their covers appear correctly. I have the needed covers saved on my desktop.

2- One disc that I had not played for quite awhile could not be ripped it after a considerable analysis period.  Is there anything I can do to facilitate a rip for that one?

3- When on the Albums page with the album covers displayed, I wanted to bring covers belonging to multi-disc albums adjacent to each other. However, I am barred from moving them to any other location. Can this be overridden?   

4- Please explain what happens when the JR trial period is over and whether I can use what I have ripped, already, without subscribing. I have a small CD collection and no video but my experience with JR has been better than with any other program, so it remains attractive.  Just not sure, now.

Many thanks   mike



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Re: duplicate tracks during ripping
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2015, 04:01:41 pm »

[...]resulting no further duplication; excellent.

I'm honestly not sure *exactly* what you did, but if it solved it, I'm very happy to have helped.

1-I have done some ripping and have a cover problem with two particular albums, both of which have 2 discs. The album cover is in place for disc 1 but I cannot replace the blue note that is there for disc 2.

Album covers (cover art) are stored for EACH song in the album.  It sounds like the songs in disc 1 have cover art associated with them, and the songs in disc 2 don't.  I'm assuming you want the same cover art for both discs.  So let's copy the art from disc 1 to disc 2:

1.  Highlight disc 1.  <Right Click> Cover Art > Copy to clip board.
2.  Highlight disc 2.  <Right Click> Covert Art > Paste (from clipboard or URL)

That should store the same cover art for both discs in all songs.

2- One disc that I had not played for quite awhile could not be ripped it after a considerable analysis period.  Is there anything I can do to facilitate a rip for that one?

I'm assuming it's scratched, finger printed, or otherwise "ugly" ?  Try washing it off with water, dish soap, and just your fingers.  Move from cd hub to edge.  Dry it off and try again.  Some people say brasso (brass polish) will get out CD scratches.  Other people say toothpaste works.  I've tried toothpaste and had ZERO luck with it.  I added scratches actually.  There are CD resurfacing machines you can buy.  Some DVD/BluRay/Game rental places have them and will resurface your discs for a small charge.

3- When on the Albums page with the album covers displayed, I wanted to bring covers belonging to multi-disc albums adjacent to each other. However, I am barred from moving them to any other location. Can this be overridden?

Sorting in any view can be changed, but it can't be made arbitrary.  That is, you can't just drag stuff around to reposition it.  You can change sorting options by clicking the down arrow at the top of the view you are in.  Go to Sort By and choose something that makes sense.  Name, will sort by album name (as an example).

But I think you have a different "problem".  Multi-disc albums are ONE album, not several albums.  Pink Floyd's The Wall is on two discs (CDs, LPs, etc), but it's ONE album with ONE album name.  You probably have two album names like:

My Great Album (disc 1)
My Great Album (disc 2)

If that's the case, the way to fix this is to make them ONE album as they should be!  :)

1.  Highlight all songs on disc 1.
2.  <Right Click> Tag .  The Tagging Pane will open on the left.
3.  Find the Disc # tag.  If it's not there, use the menu at the upper left to show all tags. 
4.  Type in the disc number in the Disc # field.  (1 for disc 1)
5.  Find the Total Discs field.  Type in the total number of discs (in this case 2).
6.  Repeat the above steps for Disc 2.
7.  Highlight BOTH discs (all songs), and open the Tagging Pane.
8.  Change the Album field to be a single value without any disc numbers or anything in the name.

Now you will have one album cover for the album.  More importantly, you'll have one name for the album.  When you click on it, you will see all the songs on both discs.  If you display the Disc # field as a column, you can see both the disc # and the track numbers.  By default it should sort by disc # then track #, exactly as you would want it to.

4- Please explain what happens when the JR trial period is over and whether I can use what I have ripped, already, without subscribing. I have a small CD collection and no video but my experience with JR has been better than with any other program, so it remains attractive.  Just not sure, now.

Well the answer is that you want to buy JRiver MC of course!  :P

Joking aside:  When your trial period expires, all of the files you have ripped will still be sitting on your hard drive, right where you put them.  They aren't restricted in any way.  You could move them, or open them in another program, add them to some different Library software, etc.

MC will stop working after the trial period and you won't be able to use it any more at all.  You can get a 7 day extension by email if you're still unsure.  Or you can purchase a license and after you install it, MC will come back just like you left it.  BTW, it's not a "subscription".  You are buying a license that is good for THIS VERSION of MC forever.  It doesn't expire.  Now, when the next version of MC comes out, you won't get it for free.  But your current version won't stop working either.  They normally offer a discount for existing users to buy the new version at a discount, should they so desire.

Sounds like you're on your way to a well organized music collection in MC.  Good luck!



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Re: duplicate tracks during ripping
« Reply #10 on: October 03, 2015, 12:52:34 am »

As usual, thank you.

In trying to coalesce a multidisc album (Les Miserables), I am having some trouble following your instructions 7 & 8.

#7: I don't know how to keep both albums highlighted simultaneously for when I open the second one, the highlights of the first disc cancel, or at least I think they do.

#8: What do you mean by a single value for the album field?

I must have done something to effect a change in that when I open the list of albums and select the second Les Mis disc, no songs are present on it, now; nada.  However, if I open the Albums page and display the album covers, the songs on the second disc are there when I open that cover.  Before I began fiddling around trying to follow your instructions, the songs of disc 2 showed up in the album list section, as expected.

BTW, Are you part of JRiver's support team?  regards  mike 


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Re: duplicate tracks during ripping
« Reply #11 on: October 03, 2015, 07:47:39 am »

#7: I don't know how to keep both albums highlighted simultaneously for when I open the second one, the highlights of the first disc cancel, or at least I think they do.

To highlight several things together, first click on one.  Then, hold down control on your keyboard, and click the second one.  Now both are highlighted together.  Control-clicking will highlight more if you want to select more things.  It also toggles, so if you want to un-highlight just one thing, you can control-click to remove the highlighting.

#8: What do you mean by a single value for the album field?

My wording was awkward on that.  I was trying to say that you want to use the same value for the Album field for all songs.  Just highlight all songs and type, or select from the pulldown, one name.  As opposed to having a different name for each disc like:  Les Mis Disc 1, Les Mis Disc 2.  You'd just type in "Les Mis" and have that be the Album value for all songs across both discs.

I must have done something to effect a change in that when I open the list of albums and select the second Les Mis disc, no songs are present on it, now; nada.  However, if I open the Albums page and display the album covers, the songs on the second disc are there when I open that cover.  Before I began fiddling around trying to follow your instructions, the songs of disc 2 showed up in the album list section, as expected.

I'd need to see that to be sure.  It sounds like you have some kind of mismatch between albums and songs, but it's really hard to speculate without a couple of screen shots showing the details.

BTW, Are you part of JRiver's support team?

No, I'm just another JRiver user like you.  I think it's great software, so I help out around here when I can.  :)

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