After upgrading from MC19 to 21, I can no longer right click on an album folder in Windows Explorer to play the album in the correct sequence. There was an option in the MC19 right click menu that's no longer there in MC21. Now, as before, if I open the album folder and select just the music files then right click, I'll have the option to "Play in Media Center". But there are 3 problems with that:
1) The songs play in order of "Sequence", not "track number" so I have to stop playback, sort by track number and start over
2) "Play in Media Center" will only show on the right click menu if I select only music files which means I can't just select all, I have to deselect any album art or sub folders
3) "Play in Media Center" won't show if there are too many tracks (i.e. two CD albums)
In MC19, I was able to just right click on the album folder and play all songs in that folder in the correct sequence. The right click menu option was not "Play in Media Center", it was something else. Do you know if that option has been removed from MC21, or if I just had a problem with my installation? I'm running Windows 8.1 Pro 64bit.