Please read carefully before downloading. This is BETA software. There are still some known (and unknown) bugs.
The latest known stable version of 9.1 beta is here: The latest build of 9.1 beta is here: Please report only known problems in this thread. If you want to discuss changes in the UI, please use another thread. History:
1. Fixed: Lists wouldn't always draw checkboxes properly. (DSP Studio, etc.)
2. Fixed: Removing duplicates from Playing Now wouldn't always work properly if there were duplicates of the playing track.
3. Fixed: Tabbing would enter Action Window even if it was minimized.
4. Changed: Tabbing now enters each pane individually.
5. Changed: Improved menu keyboard navigation. (up / down rolls, page up / page down more reliable, etc.)
6. Fixed: Menus wouldn't properly skin scroll arrows.
7. Fixed: When starting dual playback, the selected image wouldn't always show first.
8. Changed: Screensaver no longer disabled when Hairstyle is visible. (still disabled during fullscreen playback)
9. Fixed: Import from Explorer would report one more file scanned than it should have.
10. Fixed: Mouse wheel didn't work when the mouse cursor was over a scrollbar.