Please read carefully before downloading. This is BETA software. There are still some known (and unknown) bugs.
The latest known stable version of 9.1 beta is here: The latest build of 9.1 beta is here: Please report only known problems in this thread. If you want to discuss changes in the UI, please use another thread. History:
1. Changed: Program Files directory is excluded from default search directories list.
2. Changed: System and Hidden files will no longer be imported.
3. Fixed: mini-me player would run extremely slow if comment or any other field were very long.
4. Fixed: After installation, MC was alway reverting back to default skins.
6. Changed: Several optimizations to increase overall performance.
7. Changed: Less flicker and better speed when changing views, focus, selection, etc.
8. Changed: "Play" and "Add to Playing Now" no longer get added as right-click MRU items. (since they're always at the top)
9. Fixed: "Play" command didn't work logically inside of Playing Now list controls.
10. Changed: If a file is missing, MC no longer rechecks to see if it's not missing until a restart or rename of the file.
11. Changed: MC only synchronizes library and tags after selecting different files (or closing MC) instead of after every change.
12. Changed: Updating panes much faster -- especially with very long lists.