Devices > Apple iPad, iPhone, iPod, Airplay

Easiest way to copy music to iPhone

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So, what's the best way to copy music from MC17 to an iPhone?  All my research tells me that  you MUST use iTunes.  That's darn inconvenient.  Every time I export an album from my MC library as a playlist to iTunes, it overrides the previous playlist that was exported to iTunes.  And since iTunes only seems to be able to "sync" with the iPhone, as opposed to just sending files to the phone and then not ever caring what happens to those files, when the playlist changes in iTunes, it changes on my phone, meaning that songs that were previously synced are now gone.

Such a freaking hassle!  What other options do I have?  (Someone previously pointed out mcitunessyncronizer to me, but from reading about it that doesn't appear to be what I'm looking for.)


Al ex:
Use JRemote, and instead of copying your files to your iPhone, you are streaming your files from a server, if your data plan allows it?


--- Quote from: Al ex on November 08, 2015, 03:50:19 pm ---Use JRemote, and instead of copying your files to your iPhone, you are streaming your files from a server, if your data plan allows it?

--- End quote ---

JRemote only works if you have a network connection.  Traveling out in the middle of no where, or on a plane = no music.

The only current solution is to use something like MCiTunesSynchronizer to sync your content between JRiver and iTunes and then sync the music to your phone using iTunes or iTunes Match.

JRiver has expressed interest in having JRemote being able to cache files offline, but that does not exist today. My current solution is a little convoluted:
Use MCiTunesSynchronizer to sync data to iTunes.
Use iTunes Match to sync iTunes to the phone via iCloud.
Use the 'download' feature in Apple's music app on the phone to download specific files/play lists from iCloud to the phone for offline use.

Al ex:
Use Gizmo as alternative, it caches a reasonable amount of music in advance.


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