I have 2 Tvs capable of rendering DNLA, a Sony Bravia in the family room, and a new Visio E-series in the bedroom upstairs. At first, I couldn't get the Sony to work (ie, recognize files on the MC server, as accessed from the list of servers listed by the Tv). However, MC20 listed the Sony Tv as a renderer and it works properly now after I used MC to drag a media file to it instance in the MC list.
As for the Visio Tv, it does list the MC server, but like the Sony initially no media files are recognized (although I know compatible H264 MP4 files exist). My problem is figuring out why MC doesn't list the Visio Tv as a renderer so that I can try initializing the connection like I did with the Sony(?)
Anyone have a clue as to why the Visio isn't being recognized by MC when the Tv recognizes the DNLA server? Or, how I can troubleshooting the problem? Could I be having a problem with wifi, or the fact that the Visio is wifi connected via a wifi repeater? Let me know if I can provide more info ...