I thought I'd share a few of my Smartlists for any youngsters following along at home. No rocket science here, just a few basic "Rules" and "Modifiers" that work for me. If anyone has any useful/interesting/creative smartlists please free to share them here. These are not all my own work; some have been copied from other posts to the forum so a big thanks to the people who took the trouble to post their ideas. These are easy to edit and customise to your own needs/requirements.
They all have the same structure. They start with:
[Media Type]=[Audio] -[Genre]=[Audiobook],[Comedy],[Documentary],[Internet Radio],[Podcast],[Test],[Test Track]
This selects 'Audio' files and exclude Audiobooks, Comedy tracks, Documentaries ,Internet Radio stations, Podcasts, Test files and Test Tracks (eg test tones and channel idetifiers)
To play 60 minutes of randomly sorted tracks not played in the last 31 days by an artist called 'Paul Middleton' witout any duplicated track names add
[Album Artist]=[Paul Middleton] [Last Played]=>31d ~sort=Random ~t=60m ~nodup=[Name]
So the complete expression is:
[Media Type]=[Audio] -[Genre]=[Audiobook],[Comedy],[Documentary],[Internet Radio],[Podcast],[Test],[Test Track] [Album Artist]=[Paul Middleton] [Last Played]=>31d ~sort=Random ~t=60m ~nodup=[Name]
To play a specific Genre
[Media Type]=[Audio] [Genre]=[Electronica],[Electronica & Dance],[Electronic],[Indie Electronica] [Last Played]=>31d ~sort=Random ~t=60m ~nodup=[Name]
To play some 'mellow' tracks
[Media Type]=[Audio] -[Genre]=[Audiobook],[Comedy],[Documentary],[Internet Radio],[Podcast],[Test],[Test Track] [BPM]=<=80 ~sort=Random ~t=60m ~nodup=[Name]
To play some cover versions
[Media Type]=[Audio] -[Genre]=[Audiobook],[Comedy],[Documentary],[Internet Radio],[Podcast],[Test],[Test Track] [Comment]="Cover" [Last Played]=>31d ~sort=Random ~t=60m ~nodup=[Name]
To play some DSD files
[Media Type]=[Audio] -[Genre]=[Audiobook],[Comedy],[Documentary],[Internet Radio],[Podcast],[Test],[Test Track] [Bit Depth]=1 ~t=60m ~nodup=[Name]
To play some tracks from 'Local Bands' I've bought CDs from
[Media Type]=[Audio] -[Genre]=[Audiobook],[Comedy],[Documentary],[Internet Radio],[Podcast],[Test],[Test Track] [Comment]="Local Band" [Last Played]=>31d ~t=60m ~nodup=[Name]
To play some tracks that have never been played
[Media Type]=[Audio] -[Genre]=[Audiobook],[Comedy],[Documentary],[Internet Radio],[Podcast],[Test],[Test Track] [Last Played]=[] ~sort=Random ~t=60m ~nodup=[Name]
To play 5 random albums
[Media Type]=[Audio] -[Genre]=[Audiobook],[Comedy],[Documentary],[Internet Radio],[Podcast],[Test],[Test Track] -[Album]=[] ~n=5 ~a ~nodup=[Album]
To play some vinyl rips
[Media Type]=[Audio] -[Genre]=[Audiobook],[Comedy],[Documentary],[Internet Radio],[Podcast],[Test],[Test Track] [Comment]="Vinyl" [Last Played]=>31d ~t=60m ~nodup=[Name]
To play some tracks imported in the last 7 days
[Media Type]=[Audio] -[Genre]=[Audiobook],[Comedy],[Documentary],[Internet Radio],[Podcast],[Test],[Test Track] [Date Imported]=<7d ~sort=Random ~t=60m ~nodup=[Name]
To play some 'high quality' tracks
[Media Type]=[Audio] -[Genre]=[Audiobook],[Comedy],[Documentary],[Internet Radio],[Podcast],[Test],[Test Track] [Sample Rate]=>=48000 -[File Type]=[hls],[mp3] [Last Played]=>31d ~sort=Random ~t=60m ~nodup=[Name] ~sort=[Name]
To play some 'top rated' tracks
[Media Type]=[Audio] -[Genre]=[Audiobook],[Comedy],[Documentary],[Internet Radio],[Podcast],[Test],[Test Track] [Rating]=>=4 [Last Played]=>31d ~sort=Random ~t=60m ~nodup=[Name]
A function to show 'deleted' tracks in the database
~d=r ~sort=[Filename]
A function to show tracks with a missing Date (release) value
[Media Type]=[Audio] -[Genre]=[Audiobook],[Comedy],[Documentary],[Internet Radio],[Podcast],[Test],[Test Track] [Date (release)]=[]
A function to show tracks needing analysis
[Media Type]=[Audio] -[Genre]=[Audiobook],[Comedy],[Documentary],[Internet Radio],[Podcast],[Test],[Test Track] [=If(IsEqual(IsEmpty([Volume Level (R128)]):IsEmpty([Volume Level (Replay Gain)]):IsEmpty([Dynamic Range (R128)]):IsEmpty([Dynamic Range (DR)]):IsEmpty([Peak Level (R128)]):IsEmpty([Peak Level (Sample)]):IsEmpty([BPM]), 1, 7), 1, 0)]=1 ~sort=[Media Type]-d,[Filename]
To play some tracks from a specific period of time (eg University years)
[Media Type]=[Audio] -[Genre]=[Audiobook],[Comedy],[Documentary],[Internet Radio],[Podcast],[Test],[Test Track] [Date]=01/09/1994-01/07/1997 ~sort=Random ~t=60m ~nodup=[Name]
Used in library view (rather than a smartlist) to show duplicate files - This revealed some interesting and previously unnoticed tagging errors
[Media Type]=[Audio] -[Genre]=[Audiobook],[Comedy],[Documentary],[Internet Radio],[Podcast],[Test],[Test Track] ~dup=[Album],[Album Artist],[Name]