All my MC linux boxes seem to be reporting UTC rather than local time (about a 5 hour difference where I am), which may just be an issue with how MC queries time on Linux. For example, using timedatectl on one Linux box I see:
Local time: Thu 2015-11-05 16:31:14 EST
Universal time: Thu 2015-11-05 21:31:14 UTC
RTC time: Thu 2015-11-05 21:31:14
Time zone: US/Eastern (EST, -0500)
Network time on: yes
NTP synchronized: yes
RTC in local TZ: no
Which says that my Motherboard's hardware clock is in UTC, and the system converts that to local time, which is apparently the norm with computer time-keeping: on that system is reporting the
UTC/Hardware Clock time rather than the local time. Dual booting into windows on the same machine, MC shows the correct time, but that's probably because windows using a different time-keeping standard than Linux (localtime vice UTC + adjustment).
The linux machine in question has no network sync problems with other MC clients, so the UTC/local time issue isn't necessarily fatal. A general lack of synchronization/reliable time-keeping might be fatal though.