>> (p.s. some hardware will only be supported with MC 9.1)
This statement was posted by Matt on my Skins "issue". Since that thread is locked (at my request) could someone please clarify what the statement means?
I.E. - Does the word "supported" refer to tech support issues, menaing you will only address new issues on hardware as they pertain to version 9.1 of MC or does it mean that as new hardware comes out, plugins will only be written to work in version 9.1 and not older versions?
I know it seems extreme, but for me, I simply do not use skinned software (not starting a debate, just stating a fact) so I really would like a good idea of where my Zen will stand with version 9.0180 of MC, since I do intend to keep that version. It works wonderfully for everything I do, except for deleting files from the Zen. BUT, deleting files from the Zen worked in the past with older plugins and version of MC, so all I am really hoping is for the RETURN of this functionality under your last non-skinned version of MC
Thanks for clariying this issue.
I want to make it clear I am not even ranting here, just trying to get a concrete answer so I can evaluate my options. I have loved MC for a long time, and respect your decision regarding the skins thing; sometimes people just have to part ways
I would like to stick with MC very much; the alternatives are not all that great. So is there anything at all that can, or more importantly, will be done about the plugin under version 9.0180?
If the answer is no, that is also fine, I am not 12, after all
The reason I would like a concrete answer is so that I know whether to keep checking here for the fix or to simply accept the problem is here to stay, since I will personally not upgrade to version 9.1.
Thanks again for all the hard work on this software, and for your ever-vigilant responses to us users