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Author Topic: column changes for "Artists" wont stick - keeps reverting, other levels are fine  (Read 2141 times)


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Newbie here:
Ok first I cleared the library and imported 3 albums for this experiment. As explained to me by blgentry I then highlighted some of my Jazz files, then went to Tools > Library Tools > Fill Properties from Filename and then typed this into the template: Music/[Genre]/[Style]/stuff/stuff. Or maybe I did that before I imported, not sure. In any case style now shows up. So good.

Second: In the views of the various levels of the tree under “Audio” (left side of screen) I managed to remove the “ratings” column and add a “style” column. I may be using the word view incorrectly here.

But there is a problem.

I click on “All Artists” or “genres” and they have the correct columns (no ratings, and it has genre, style, etc). Then I click on “Artists” the next level up and it is wrong – it has reverted to the original columns with ratings and no style column. Going back and forth between “Artists” and “All Artists” below it and it stays the same – the lower level has the new columns with style and no ratings, the upper one the reverse. Well at least stays wrong.

So I go back up to “Artists” and I click on the column bar and get the choices again. Ratings is in two places in the list – at the very top and also alphabetically. So I uncheck both of those and check style (genre is already checked). And the view changes as expected. It has the new column arrangement.

But now I drop down a level to “All Artists” and everything down a level from that ie “All Albums” and each album below that has reverted back to original including a ratings column and no style column – undoing the changes I made and verified previously. It appears the act of “fixing” the “Artist” level undoes all the changes below that. So I can imagine that I have to go hierarchically and fix each level top to bottom (btw, genres (same level as “Artists” – not “below” it) stayed fixed).

So now that the higher level “Artists” is correct (with my changes), one might expect that if I refixed the items below it (eg All Artists) that all would be fine. Not so.

After fixing the lower level “All Artists” again (right after fixing the higher level “Artists”) one would expect that both would be good. So I go back up one level and click “Artists” (fixed one step ago) just to verify it and guess what: it is not the same, it has again reverted to the original. The lower level “All Artists” is stayed good - the reverting of the higher level “Artists” did not propogate down.

So I once again I fix the “Artist” level unchecking “Ratings” twice, once from the top of the list and once from alphabetical, and check “style” – but once again the lower level “All Artists” has reverted. I can do this a few times in a row and it just keeps happening.
It appears that I can’t have both  “Artists” and “All Artists” keep the new column structure. Either one is happy with it, but not both at once. No matter which order I use to change them. If I wasn’t a newbie I’d wonder if it was a bug. But I’m new so its most likely I’m doing something wrong.

Any ideas? All I want here is all levels to reflect a view (right pane) that includes style and not ratings columns. It mostly works except for this issue.

thanks so much,


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I'm having trouble following this.  I understand the basic problem you're describing:  Columns not being set up the way you want, and not saving your changes.  But I don't understand where you in the interface.  I suggest one of two things:

1.  Make a new view and set it up from scratch.  I know you like Genre and Style (which you're using for a sub-genre substitute).  I would suggest that you set up a Categories view with the following Categories: Genre, Style, Album Artist (auto), Album.  This will emulate the file structure you and I discussed in your previous thread.  I just tested it with the tree type selection on the left and it worked correctly.
2.  Make some screen shots of what you are talking about and use circles or arrows or something to show the parts you are having trouble with.  That should be much easier than trying to describe this stuff in words.

Good luck!



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I believe this person is referring to the same issue reported here:

If this is what you're referring to, one thing you could try is first setting up the columns the way you want them displayed and then saving that setup as a preset. To do this, once you have the columns the way you want them displayed, right-click on the column header (as if you were going to change the column display) and select Presets -> Save... Now, when you want to setup the column display the same way in another level, just load the preset you just saved instead of doing it manually. Keep in mind, if you have column auto-sizing enabled, this does not seem to work around the issue.


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Hey blgentry thanks for sticking with me and the advice to set up a categories view with genre, style, album Artist (auto), album. In saving this i got a message that MC discourages overwriting a locked view, so I saved it as a new view. It came up as  “audio copy (2)” highlighted on the left side (screenshot 3 attached). But this view "audio copy (2)" has no “lower levels”, no arrowhead that expands it. I sort of hoped those levels would show up there. Yet on the large pane on the right they DO show up as a text list showing the genres, and one of those (jazzgenre) has the arrowhead so I can go down and see “blues” under it. Very good but not visually appealing.
Hoping to convert that text list of genres in the right pane to visual stacks of albums with a genre label below it, I then tried add library view and selected genre. What it did instead of convert the list was to create another “genre” item under audio on the left. This is fine. So I am good on that.


hey BradATIMA - thanks, I've not yet delved into your response, but I will. thanks, vman.
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