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Author Topic: Blu-ray rip is pixelated (unwatchable), but plays clear from BD on same computer  (Read 15862 times)


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This is the first time I have had an issue with a ripped Blu-ray movie. The movie is "Sunshine", I ripped it m2ts format using same process I used for every other BD rip (hundreds).

On this movie rip, when I play it the picture is all "pixelated" and unwatchable like a bad signal on a OTA TV broadcast. But if I play it directly from the BD it is clear.

I'm playing the rip (and BD disk) on my Server computer (JMark 3304) with internal hard drives and internal BD player (no network/NAS).

I checked the stats with madVR - running the ripped version and running from the disk. Both seem to be the same (23.972Hz, Movies 23.976fps, Deinterlacing Off, Matrix BT.709, etc.). Both the BD and rip are showing a lot of dropped frames and repeated frames, but no delayed frames. presentation Glitches are 0.

I tried re-ripping but the results are the same. What could problem be?


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Sounds Odd - what happens if you rip it with MC, then play it?  may help narrow down what part of the chain is not working....
JRiver CEO Elect


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I didn't know MC would rip a Blu-ray. I right clicked on the BD drive and selected rip. Seems to be ripping. Says "31 minutes".
I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks


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Yup - MC will make a full copy of the BD (providing it is unprotected).  I know many like to run it through other rippers but I prefer MC's approach as you get a full copy of the BD on your HDD. 
+'ve: Nice and easy, and the entire process is all in the MC GUI
+'ve: 100% copy so all the content, streams etc are there
+'ve: If/when we get other BD features like menus these will just work with the existing rip
-'ve : It is a fully copy of the Disk so other methods will let you save some space by excluding tracks, bonus content etc (but disk is cheap)
JRiver CEO Elect


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I did the rip with MC. It plays fine.

Not sure why my "ClownBD" rip (to m2ts format) that I used for every BD rip I have won't work for this movie. The jacket says the disk is a dual-layer "BD-50" format. I haven't noticed this on my other BDs before. Maybe its irrelevant.

But I didn't like where the MC put the movie rip so I tried the "Rename, Move & Copy tool", - it moved the file but somehow broke it in the process. It wouldn't play after I moved it ("something went wrong with playback..."). So I re-ripped it again with MC, but this time selected the correct file folder for it.

It plays fine now. Thanks


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Mmmm - I've used ClownBD many time and not seen an issue with BD25 or BD50 disks.  My only guess it is grabbing the wrong playlist and ClownBD is just copying the data and not reencoding it (unless the process is stuffing up the writing of some file header maybe?? - just guessing).

I've not done it it ages but the "Rename, Move etc" feature used to work on BDs just fine (just not particles).  Keep in mind it needs to move the entire "disc structure" not just a single file.
JRiver CEO Elect


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I have yet to graduate to ripping BDs.  I'm still working on DVDs at the moment.  I'm super duper happy with how MakeMKV works with DVDs.  My research indicates that MakeMKV works almost identically with BD disks.  Is there any down side to MakeMKV with BDs as compared to the tools you are discussing here?  I ask because the MKV container seems to be more flexible than others and would seem to eliminate a lot of potential issues.



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MKV is a great container format and MakeMKV is very popular (and for good reason).  It really gets down to what you want to do.  

For me I just put in a BD, and let MC do the lot (rip, import, tag, coverart etc).  It is easy and it works (unless you are trying to save as much disk space as possible).  I have an exact 1:1 copy of almost 1,000 BD ripped like this and not seen any downside.  MC Support for BD is very good so you can access all the titles, streams etc.  Like with all media you can then play/stream the rip just fine to MC, Remote clients, and MC can make a portable version for a target device if needed.  The only three BD features you don't get is native BD Menus (you do get MC's), Chapter Names, and 3D support (if you care about either).    

Oddly - I find DVD harder to manage.  Thankfully, I have only a few DVDs (mostly Music DVD) and for these I have ripped them using 3rd party tools into a file format as MC relies on the MS DVD Navigator filter and it can be clunky.  

With 3rd party ripping tools you need to think ahead on what you want to keep vs discard.  Most seem to try to discard content they don't think they will need (audio tracks, bonus features, alt endings etc).  Not that it will happen much, but I'm glad I've kept full copies as for example we normally watch with an English Audio and forced Subtitles on, but we had an Italian Exchange student for a couple of months so sometimes the preference was for a Italian Soundtrack with English Subs.
JRiver CEO Elect


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I just tried watching the movie (Sunshine) on one of my Clients and a message pops and says "Blu-Ray playback over Library Server is not supported".
 "Server" is the computer name of my MC server computer. Of course Blu-ray playback of my m2ts and mkv rips is not a problem on my Clients.

But this is the first Blu-ray "bdmv" rip for me. Is there something I need to do on the clients to get this movie to play?


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Couple of Q:
1) Can your Client PC "see" the BD Rip folder in explorer and does it use the same path as the server (eg D:\Movies\sunshine or \\Movies\sunshine)
2) Have you got Tools --> Options --> Media Network--> "Play local file if one that matches...." checked
JRiver CEO Elect


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To go back to your original problem. You should have checked your rip in other software if you had it, such as MPC or VLC. Could just have been a glitchy rip.


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I re-ripped (3 times now) using ClownBD, and just tried to play with PowerDVD14. Same pixelated results. Unwatchable.

So it's a problem with the ClownBD program (or something on the disk causing ClownBD to make a bad rip). I'm going to try to rip it with makeMKV too. UPDATE: The mkv version plays fine.

Regarding seeing the Server's movie files/folders from a Client machine, I can not. When Win10 did the last major upgrade it messed up my home network. I can still share files using Home Group, but I can't get networking to work using a "workgroup". Since MC has been playing everything I have (up to now) I didn't bother to troubleshoot networking.



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Thanks for the response Jmone.  I use MC on a Mac, so I won't have access to MC's ability to rip DVD or BD.  I'm frankly surprised that it's able to work with any commercial BDs, since you say they have to be unprotected.  Strange.

I'll have to see what options are available on the Mac side.  Frankly I think MakeMKV is the way to go, but maybe there's another alternative.

Thanks again.



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  I'm frankly surprised that it's able to work with any commercial BDs, since you say they have to be unprotected.  Strange.

You have to use a program like "AnyDVD HD" to remove the protection.


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On this movie rip, when I play it the picture is all "pixelated" and unwatchable

I have one bluray that does the same thing. Nine Inch Nails - Beside You In Time (2007).
Plays fine from the disc, but when ripped to hard disc folder with anydvd the video is pixelated.


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Try ripping it with makeMKV, that program/rip of the movie "Sunshine" plays fine for me.


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Glad its going.  I wonder what ClownBD was doing...& don't you love random Windows changes!
JRiver CEO Elect


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I can watch the movie "Sunshine" as a "mkv" on any computer, but I still can't watch it as a "bdmv" format on a Client.

When I try to watch the MC rip (bdmv) on a Client I get this message:

But if I find the movie using explorer (either the internal MC explorer or Windows File Explorer) to the BDMV folder and play "index.bdmv' the movie will play.


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What is the "Filename" in MC's field (eg mine are all in the format of \\MAIN\Media\Discs\.....), and can you use this path to see it from the client as well as the server?
JRiver CEO Elect


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I got it working! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

I went to each Client computer and "mapped" the network drive for the Server computer's movie files. Now I can watch bdvm format.

I still need to setup particles for this BD (Disney WOW) so I can get to the "menu items for adjusting picture quality". Without access to menu the disk just starts playing one of the short test videos.


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Odd - 99+% of the time, MC picks the right Playlist, and when it does not it tends to be a slight longer version (like the directors cut etc).  On you server play the movie and right Click --> Title and pick the correct playlist.  MC will remember that and use it for next time.  There is no need to use particles unless you want to make an entry for more than the "default" playlist in the database.
JRiver CEO Elect


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The BD I working with now is called "Disney WOW" it's for optimizing the HDTV. Since my Clients don't have BD players, I want to access this BD via the MC program.

The longest playlists are short video test segments from various films and animated videos. MC plays the longest one. But that's not what I want, I want to use the test patterns and calibration tools, so without the disks menu, I need to setup particles (I think this will work) to access the audio sync test, video test patterns, calibration tools, etc.

I let particles auto-create. There are 169 particles. I went through about half so far and re-named them something descriptive (like "audio Sync test - title 10"). Most are short test films (ads) for Disney movies.

However there are some tests, such as the "surround sound test/calibration" where there are 4 or 5 particles that seem to be part of the test (but they not in order. It's like particle/title 4, 7, 12) which I think need to be played sequentially. So I think I need to combine particles or rearrange them in order of play , I need to look into this more.



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Ahhh got you.  Makes sense having lots of particles as well in this case.  As each of the Auto Created particles = one playlist, I don't think the original disc menu can combine them - they just point to one playlist and unlike Chapters, one does not play after another.
JRiver CEO Elect


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As I mentioned in another thread, I don't use particles for the Disney WOW disc. Just move the Stream folder out of the Blu-ray structure (or rename it) and then import the files you need. Each test pattern and calibration tool is a separate file. If necessary, you can add the files to a playlist. If you import all the files, JRiver will automatically create a thumbnail for the file and you can actually just browse and select the correct pattern just from the thumbnail.


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Thanks Mojave.
I've lost track of the other thread. This forum moves pretty fast.

I'll try your suggestion when I get home.


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Rip it to ISO and just use virtual clone drive for playback through JRiver.

I loooked up anydvd HD, but Sunshine has BD+ protection and people have reported
problems with playback on that disk. 

RD James

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The issue is with LAV Filters, not copy protection.
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