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Author Topic: New Id Setup problems  (Read 2788 times)


  • World Citizen
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New Id Setup problems
« on: January 25, 2016, 07:32:26 am »

Please help.  I just tried to set up my new Id for the first time -- I'm not sure where the problem(s) lie.  I currently have MC running on my main listening room PC.  

Some possible mistakes:

1. When I first turned on the Id (I thought: to be run on WiFi/no wired connection) no networks appeared on the Id screen.  When I connected the Id to my router the same networks as listed on my main MC PC appeared.  Do I need to do something else to run the Id from WiFi?

2.  I did find the Load library page with the button: "This will unload the current library and switch to this library."  Does making this choice copy my main MC library onto the Id Hard drive?  More important, does doing this erase or damage in any way the main library on the main MC PC?  Ultimately, I am simply looing to use this Id to locate and playback selections from the main library -- NOT copy it the the Id hard drive.

3. Somewhere in the Install it implies the Id will not "broadcast" until media is loaded.  My Id is not yet connected to a DAC/preamp.

4. Do I need to enter the Id access key into the main MC software (how?) -- OR somewhere else within the Id software?

As a NON technical person, I would ask that you please address all of the above so I can eliminate anything I might be doing wrong


wayne d.


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Re: New Id Setup problems
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2016, 09:57:07 am »

1.  It requires a wired connection for setup.  Wireless requires setup.  Instructions are on this board.

2.  When you say "Load library", where did you do that?  On the Id?  Try Tools/Import if you have media copied to the Id.  Please explain what you want to do with the Id.

3.  Not sure what you mean.

4.  If you're trying to play to the Id from another machine, you need to enter the Access Key on the second machine.  See the Media Network topic on our wiki for background information.


  • World Citizen
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Re: New Id Setup problems
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2016, 04:55:11 pm »

Hi Jim

(I was halfway through this note using the Forum on the Id and the screen went total white!  Switching computers!)...

Thanks for your response yesterday.  Let me try to address your questions. I am running MC 20 on my main PC and trying to connect my Id to that PC in order to play music from its main library.  I don't have a current need to completely COPY the library to the Id -- just play the (CD and HiRes) files.  The the Id will feed an external DAC and headphone amp (and headphones).

The Id is currently connected to my main home router via Ethernet cable.

The Id screen (on the left ) is now showing what SEEMS to be the libraries currently on my main PC, including the Main Library with all the files I am looking for. When I click on that library I get a screen on the ID with Options, one of which is SEEMS to be to load the selected library with this explanation: "This will unload the current library and switch to this library."  I haven't done that -- Obviously I am concerned that this might somehow damage or erase the library!  And of course, I do not have a need to COPY the library -- just access it -- although currently, I believe I have enough space on the Id to copy the library as well. Is this the button I need to use?

I do have an access key on my main PC and now, ANOTHER key that came with my Id.  Do I copy the Id access key onto the main PC version of MC and HOW do I do that?  OR has the Id ALREADY connected to the main PC with no need to use the access key?

Once I get connected 100% via Ethernet cable I would also like to try out transmitting music Hi-Res files via WiFi as well -- to see if I can achieve a reliable connection.  How do I proceed to connect via WiFi?

In regard to your #3,  somewhere in the Install Guide for the ID it says something about the Id not being able to "broadcast" until media is loaded.

Please help.  Thanks.  wayne



  • World Citizen
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Re: New Id Setup problems
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2016, 05:14:36 pm »

Jim --

Minor correction:

On the Id:  When I click on what appears to be the main library on the ID left navigation  a screen comes up with the name of that library at the top that says "Not Loaded"

Then, one of the two main buttons underneath says something like:  "Load (the selected) Library.  This will load the selected library and Unload the current library."

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