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Author Topic: Several requests  (Read 2929 times)


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Several requests
« on: February 04, 2016, 09:35:54 am »

Handheld Sync:

When using an external encoder:
1. Ability to bypass size limitation on handheld sync (And stop when device is full only)
2. OR Possibility to include automatic filesize calculations with external encoder (I'm using QAAC) just like it does with the internal LAME when converting High Bitrate lossless files. It does it well for Lame
3. Or possibility to enter our own Conversion Size Ratio.

In Standard View:
1. Ability to resize the action window size vertically.

For File library and Tags:
1. A little like when you run the Import, have access to a log where you know what JRiver changed in tags (just the filename would do and not the change itself would be sufficient).  This would be handy if you screw things up and want to undo...Sometimes it gets confusing when using undo/redo without knowing what is happening.
2. Import library a little smarter when files are moved around outside of MC but still within the watched folder especially if the filename doesn't change and only the folders.   What I need to do most of the time is:
a) Delete the "newly" imported files which is actually a duplicate of the same file
b) use the rename, move&copy file to point it to the new folder location so I don't lose the original imported date after a move or a higher-rez upgrade.
** There is one thing that iTunes does well on this: It prompts the user to locate the file when not found...That would be a nice addition.
c) ABILITY TO MANUALLY CHANGE THE DATE IMPORTED FIELD... This would go a long way in manipulating files when you screw things up somehow and avoid having to do a-b-c manually.

And I keep the best one for last...TV!!:

-Commercial skip timelines on playback cursor, either small lines or a different colour
-Ability to go back a few days in theater view guide. Would be very handy
-Still in Theater View guide Keep scrolling vertically on same hour for shows, it's allover the place sometimes if start hours change
-In standard Television view in the drop down for days go up to 21 days (and keep the last 2 days back this is handy...I want it in theater view as well :))
-Still in standard view add: Series Name, Description and Season/Episode to make it easier to work on subscriptions.  Ability to add more would be a nice to have and ability to customise even nicer :)
-***For subscriptions please combine by search rules and by time as it would make it a lot more flexible to adjust subscriptions. (And fix the "Do not record show recorded in the past" where duplicates may occur)
- Respect Tuner Priority from both the Managed device list and preferred tuner even when tuners are in use ESPECIALLY for recordings. (
-AND I'm still waiting for my multiple recording folders for TV :) (I must admit I need it less than before so this would be a nice to have))

Thanks for asking and considering Jim and All :)  I love my MC more and more (and there's less and less frustrations..) Good work team and to all who contribute!




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Re: Several requests
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2016, 08:22:28 am »

Ability to skip the scan button on setup if we already have our list of channels. I know we can cancel the Scan but this is confusing.


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Re: Several requests
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2016, 01:24:40 pm »

just a heads up ... you might want to break these down .. just saying. Like the TV. in a separate post from the Library. As soon as I see another TV option I go into coma mode  ;D ;D  Not sure what the concentration span of the devs is.

lots of your requests for library and tagging you can do already. (like 2b won't change your import date if you are doing it right ... a high rez upgrade is not the same file etc. so you have to determine duplicate definitions; everything else you can do by creating your own smartlists eg filter for date imported=24 hours and the columns you want to see -- there are people clamoring for a much  more detailed log, not less ... so not sure who they want to make happy. BTW, you do not have to click the detail button if you don't want to?!)

To avoid issues with external changes that can crop up until you really know the software, either use the Move/rename tool, the win explorer within JRiver (right click and locate is very handy, or when on the machine running media server, retagging via the filepath field. Avoid making external changes via Windows, especially if you are running a config without the run autoimport with the fix broken links option checked.

Can't see them letting you mess with system fields ... like Date imported (which they nerfed with a time stamp already for TV recording junkies I think  ;D)

Your 2a I don't get. Maybe you have not set up your import options correctly? (eg. you map a newtork drive call it z:\, but locally it is actually referring to a physical drive D:\. If you have both D:\ and z:\ in your watched folders, you will have dupes. You should only have the mapped drive.)

PS - you do know that the tag or action window can take up the entire tree section by maximising it right? Using the new tag window give you even more flexibility as to how much space it takes up. And,  that showing the tree is not required (I have a toggle icon that opens and closes it, and most of what I want to access I do through favorites right off of a drop down menu icon on the top and bottom bars. More screen real estate. When opened my tag window takes up the entire left panel. Ctrl+G will collapse all tree items.

hope this helps some. :)


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Re: Several requests
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2016, 02:15:27 pm »

I did post them in separate posts.

For date imported I found a workaround I wasn't aware of. More here:

for the 2a honestly I don't know why it happens..SOmeitmes it doesn't seem to recognise the changes even if done within MC and I get duplicate entries for the same file.  For Hi-rez yes the rename/update in MC will work but it's a bit tedious but it works that's what counts.  What seems to fix it (but not sure) is to update library from tags before a re-import...

Mmm can you send a snapshot of your PS? Not sure I get it or know how to do this.

Thx for the help Arindelle!


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Re: Several requests
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2016, 03:21:14 pm »

My main request would be a keyboard shortcut for "open live" asio. Thanks


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Re: Several requests
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2016, 07:50:04 pm »

Didn't work..
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