After much work, I'm still having blu-ray playback judder issues. Here's a synopsis:
1. My HTPC has an i7-4790K CPU and 980 Ti GPU. Computational muscle is not the issue. The same judder is present on Red October standard and HQ modes. It's also present using PowerDVD.
2. My TV refresh rate is set at 23Hz, and madvr reports the refresh rate of the tv and fps of the movie to be nearly identical. I don't think this is the issue. Also, when going through a juddery scene, madvr does not report any dropped or repeated frames.
3. MadVR's smooth motion has no effect on reducing the judder.
4. My TV is a Panasonic AX800 4K. Enabling the "Motion Picture Setting" feature greatly improves the problem, but creates flickering of its own. Most forums say to disable this feature, but the judder is horrible without it, and barely tolerable with it.
So, I thought a TV's "Motion Picture Setting" was like frame interpolation. Why would this be needed if the frame rate and refresh rate already match? Is there no other way to fix the judder problem without it? Again, it introduces terrible flickering at times, so I'd rather not use it if possible. I think I've covered all the usual solutions, but please let me know if I'm missing anything. Thanks!