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Author Topic: Artist Art Display in Theater View and JRemote Views  (Read 2484 times)


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Artist Art Display in Theater View and JRemote Views
« on: February 20, 2016, 02:41:36 am »

Hi, Hope this is the correct place to post this and appreciate any response on the following.

I've recently started using artist art to improve the visual display of artists in MC21.  This is working well but I've noticed some inconsistent behaviour in displaying audio artist art in Theatre and J-Remote Views that may be a bug.

Here's what I'm doing.

I'm using the Album Artist (auto) and Artist tags for each album as follows:
- Album Artist (auto) for the main artist(s) as credited on the CD.  Same for all tracks.
- Artist to list all major artists performing on each track.  Can be main artist(s) as above, plus any collaborators or guest artists.

I have created two views; one called Artists (Album) based on the Album Artist (auto) tag and one called Artists (Song) based on the Artist tag.  The latter allows a holistic view of an artist, bringing together solo work, work within bands, collaborations and guest appearances.

Both views work perfectly in Standard View but there is some odd behaviour with the display of artist art in Theater and J-Remote Views.  The views are all set up the same:
- Artist; ascending, match any
- Album; date (oldest first)
- no display rules

I'm using MC21.0.23.

Here are some examples.

Example 1. Raising Sand by Robert Plant & Alison Krauss
In my library this is the only work by Alison but Robert is tagged as a gust artist on a Jools Holland album track.

Album Artist: Robert Plant & Alison Krauss
Album Artist (auto): Robert Plant & Alison Krauss
Album Type: Single artist (complete)
Artist: Robert Plant; Alison Krauss

Cover Art\Artists folder:
Robert Plant & Alison Krauss.jpg
Robert Plant.jpg
Alison Krauss.jpg

Standard View:
Artists (Album) shows image of Robert & Alison.  Correct.
Artists (Song) shows individual images for Alison and Robert respectively.  Correct.
Theater / J-Remote Views:
Artists (Album) shows image of Robert – incorrect, should be Robert & Alison.  
Artists (Song) shows image of Robert for Alison and album stack graphic for Robert – both incorrect, should be individual images.

Example 2. Small World Big Band Volume 2 by Jools Holland
This album features a different guest artist on each track, some have other work in my library while others feature only on this album.

Album Artist: Jools Holland
Album Artist (auto): Jools Holland
Album Type: Multiple artists (complete)
Artist: Jools Holland; plus each guest artist per track

Cover Art\Artists folder:
Jools Holland.jpg
individual .jpg for each guest artist

Standard View:
Artists (Album) shows image of Jools Holland.  Correct.
Artists (Song) shows individual image for each guest artist.  Correct.
Theater / J-Remote Views:
Artists (Album) shows album stack graphic for Jools – incorrect, should be Jools image.  
Artists (Song) shows image of Jools for guest artists only on this album or  album stack graphic if they have other work in my library – both incorrect, should be individual images.

Problem Summary
In Theater and J-Remote views, artist art is not correctly displayed as follows:
1. When artist appears on several albums involving different artists an album stack graphic is displayed instead of artist art.
2. When an artist makes a single guest appearance on an album and is not the first artist listed in the Artist tag, MC21 is displaying the image of the first artist in the list.

Seems to me this is a bug with MC21, if you agree then would appreciate if you could resolve ASAP.

Many Thanks.


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Re: Artist Art Display in Theater View and JRemote Views
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2016, 01:16:22 pm »

Seems to me this is a bug with MC21
It has always been there.

I think this is the latest discussion:
There was some changes made but apparently the problem has not been resolved.


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Re: Artist Art Display in Theater View and JRemote Views
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2016, 09:39:06 am »

Thanks 'syndromeofadown', wasn't aware this had been an issue fo so long.  Sorting it would certainly make a big difference to the useability of Theater View for me - maybe the JRiver development team should consider including this within their plans for MC21 interface appearance as they say elsewhere on this forum that they are committed to improving this...

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