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Author Topic: Theatre View/Album Art/Retrieve Images Locally? (in addition to internet)  (Read 4341 times)


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I've read some posts on this but the ones I find are really old (2007, etc.) and the search function on this forum is a little too liberal (searching for art brings up: start bart art) so I end up getting a bunch of unrelated hits.  Anyway...

When playing an album or song in theatre view there is artwork that displays: cover art and then random pics from the internet. I LIKE THIS!  In addition to this set up is there anyway for me to download some of my favorite pics/custom images and tag them so they will show in rotation with the images retrieved from google, etc. while a song is playing?  It'd be even much cooler if I could include snippets of video (no sound of course) that would be in rotation as well.  Currently my cover art is in the cover art folder. "Artist - Album.jpg", etc.

I found AlexB's post with a bunch of topic links (and I mean a bunch) but trying to use a forum as a "how to" guide make my eyes cross as forum posts tend to meander all over the place.  :P  If anyone could point me to a specific post I'd be happy. Thanks!


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Re: Theatre View/Album Art/Retrieve Images Locally? (in addition to internet)
« Reply #2 on: February 29, 2016, 12:28:27 pm »

I checked out that post and it's close, but not quite. I was looking for something a little more automatic.  Such as dropping an image in a folder called "local_art" and tagging the image with Artist (and/or album, and/or song) and having it show in rotation with the other album art that MC pulls from the internet. The other methods would require creating playlists for each album or artist, etc.  I am looking for something that seamless integrates into Theater View. Tag a photo once and you're done.

If this isn't already possible it would make a great feature to add. This would be especially beneficial for obscure or unknown artists in your collection - instead of just staring at an album cover the whole time you could have your own custom pics showing.


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Re: Theatre View/Album Art/Retrieve Images Locally? (in addition to internet)
« Reply #3 on: February 29, 2016, 12:43:06 pm »

This would be a nice feature for Theater View. +1

So if JRiver could allow the User to "add a folder" to the list at "Tools>Options>Theater View>Appearance>...Theme>Online Media slideshow" then we could have our own images show in addition to whatever on-line sources are checked/selected (such as Google Images and


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another +1 from me

+1 from me, would be a cool feature.

I already made this feature request for MC18 and MC20, but no luck:



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Here is my proposal to Matt.  Please comment.

"How about a folder called "Artist Art" and we treat it like we do Cover Art. 

"Inside Artist Art, use folders for each artist, using their name as the name of the folder.  Anything in the folder gets used."


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There's already an artist image folder.  It's configured in Options > File Location > Cover Art > Folder.

Currently it's named so that the name of the artist is the file.  Jim's proposing making the artist name a folder and allowing any art files to be in that folder.


I'm a little worried because the automatic lookup tools don't understand arrays of images currently, so I guess they'd just create a folder and put Art.jpg or something in it (or maybe they'd keep the old naming without the folder).
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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I would suggest adding the ability to have User add any folder he/she wants to be used for slideshows. It could just be a link to User's "family photos" or "artist art" or whatever. So User would go to "Theater View>Theme>Online Media slideshow" and there would be an "Add" button with a browse to folder capability.
If that is too difficult (and it sounds hard) perhaps just add an empty folder (i.e. "Slideshow Images folder") to the existing list (the Google,, HTbackdrops, etc.) and then User can put any "jpgs" in that folder they want to see in their slideshow. The actual location of this Slideshow Images folder would just be next to existing Cover Art, Artist Art folders.

To add: I don't know how others are think of using this feature, if it is added, but I would just want to have a bunch of my pre-selected photos (could be family holiday or vacation or wildlife photos) randomly mixed in along with whatever comes from the other sources I have selected (i.e. and Google). The "Slide Show Images" would not be linked to any particular song/album. So if I had 100 images in the folder, they would all show at some time during the slide show (if the show plays long enough).

To add2: Thinking about this more, it would be better if the User could add multiple folders to the list (like a Holiday Images, Music-Themed images, etc.) then one could select the folder that he/she want to be included in the Slide show by checking or unchecking the box. So if I have my Holiday Music Playlist running I could check the box for the Holiday images, and only have those showing.


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I would really like that feature.

Actually I (manually) collect artist images and store them in a folder named "local\ArtistArt\[Artist]\xyz.jpg".
The new feature would add all images in that folder, right?

How would this work with Artist-names which produces illegal foldernames? (illegal characters in the filesystem)

And how would this work when I use more than one Artist (semicolon delimited list), only use the first element of the list?

Perhaps it would be more flexible to only use images in the database which are correctly tagged with the right [Artist].
Then the images could be everywhere, no need to check the foldername.

Thank you for considering this feature!


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I was thinking that images could be tagged.  That way no matter what the image name is (as long as it's in the designated folder) it would show up in rotation when tagged with an artist name, or album name, or song name (at whatever point that song came up in now playing.)

What does MC look for when it gets random images from the internet while a song is playing?  I was thinking there could be a check box for "local folder" in addition to Goolge,, etc. and have it fetch the images using the same criteria.

My reasoning is to enhance the visual part of MC while music is playing. Some bands have a bunch of photos that show (R.E.M. for example) while other have very little that gets pulled in.  I personally wouldn't tag vacation photos, etc unless they pertained to a particular song maybe (like Margaritaville, if I had pics I taken at that particular bar or w.e.)  My 2 cents worth. Thanks for listening.
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