Genre is a plague.
ALL the players offer plain stupid categorys
And most of the people put plain stupid caregorys.
Beside it ,even ,if like me and many others ,you are not stupid ............, your feeling ,taste ,mind make you put a band in a genre you feel accurate ..but according to your taste.
To me Beatles are pop music and NOT rock
To others they are rock.
So ,today ,i want to start a popular uprising AGAINTS genre in the tags.
If JRiver ,i would try to find a way to block genre and years to be uploaded.
Years is not better . Most of the time you get the year of issue on cd.And for a lot of music reissue.
Look quite funny to have a Sinatra album from 2003 , an Hendrix from 2002...
Beside it ,if you try to discover ,understand new music for you , you will listening to an 2003 album ,who ,in fact is from 1968.
Not understanding why this record is so important or a landmark according to what you heard about it.
Like thinking Faulkner wrote this book in 2003 ,because it is what write on the back of the book
'Zevele PressBooks 2003'
But ,computer is ,for a large part sub-junk culture who makes the Bronx look like Harvard....