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Author Topic: BubbleUPnP  (Read 12025 times)


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« on: March 22, 2016, 01:03:59 pm »

I asked bubbleguuum to send a description of his work.  Here it is.



Combine MC and BubbleUPnP for Android (1) in various ways to:

- from BubbleUPnP, play music from your MC library to all your devices: smart TVs, gaming consoles, Android devices, UPnP/DLNA Hi-Fi network players from many brands

- from BubbleUPnP, play music managed by BubbleUPnP to MC. That includes: local Android music, Google Music, cloud stored music (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc), Qobuz, TIDAL, and more

- from MC, browse and play BubbleUPnP exposed music to any device MC can play to

- from MC, play to BubbleUPnP any music that MC can manage

Combine the power of MC and BubbleUPnP Server (2) to play your MC music to all Google Cast devices (Chromecast, Chromecast 2015 and Chromecast audio) in your house.  Simply install BubbleUPnP Server and set your Chromecast as a DLNA renderer, then play to that renderer in MC. It's that simple!

(1) BubbleUPnP for Android
(2) BubbleUPnP Server:


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Re: BubbleUPnP
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2016, 04:20:38 pm »


I now use BubblleUPnP on Android with JRiver via external inet (not LAN). It work OK.
But i must to use yet extra layer of Bubble server over JRiver server on PC. Bcs of direct connect don`t work for me.

I tried set such parameters
and also direct my external ip.
+Login and password.
no one of ways don`t work.

Is it possible to make direct connect with app and JRiver? May be there need other port?


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: BubbleUPnP
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2016, 03:59:03 am »


I now use BubblleUPnP on Android with JRiver via external inet (not LAN). It work OK.
But i must to use yet extra layer of Bubble server over JRiver server on PC. Bcs of direct connect don`t work for me.

I tried set such parameters
and also direct my external ip.
+Login and password.
no one of ways don`t work.

Is it possible to make direct connect with app and JRiver? May be there need other port?

You cannot connect directly to MC. You must connect to BubbleUPnP Server which in turn will make MC (and any other media servers) available in BubbleUPnP, in a secure way.


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Re: BubbleUPnP
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2016, 08:23:53 pm »

I use MC to manage my music library and as a player in my desktop system.  The music files are on a NAS.  My bigger system is DLNA based, using MinimServer running on the NAS, BubbleUPnP, and a hardware renderer (Auralic Aries) hooked to my DAC.

I use MinimServer instead of MC's server for its more functional search features. I wouldn't say that it is markedly better or worse in other ways, though some of the MC features (DSP, for example) might be useful to many. I do find the MinimServer author easier to work with than the JR developers when you want an enhancement ... it is his baby, and while he doesn't always add what's requested, he does always respond with a definite and sensible answer. He is never sarcastic or dismissive. MinimServer has excellent customization options in what to me is a difficult syntax, but I've managed to do what I need, and more, and help is readily available.

I started using BubbleUPnP about 2 years ago after trying >10 different Android control points. It was the most reliable, had the features I need, had a nice GUI, and was still in active development. That is all still true, and the few times I've tried other control points, I've always found something missing. I still recommend BubbleUPnP to anyone looking for a DLNA or OpenHome control point on Android, especially if the user is interested in classical music.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: BubbleUPnP
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2016, 07:09:15 am »

Thank you for the kind feedback!


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Re: BubbleUPnP
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2017, 04:12:58 am »

Yes I will second the other posters praises for this .
using bubbleupnp (remotely in place of jremote) has  allowed to have volume
levelled music when playing to my device. As an added bonus it can be configured to
copy the music it streams to your device. 
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