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Author Topic: 3D video playback, is a new standard library field desirable ?  (Read 3405 times)


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First, a very big thank you to the team and the dedicated users for the new 3D playback capability.

I was wondering if a new standard library field would be appropriate, with the introduction of 3D frame packed playback.

I have been using JR to play my 3D movies for close to 2 years,  either directly (SBS, OU) or through auto-launching Stereoscopic Player (for frame packed MVC, when I have a mk3d extension).  Most of my movies I ripped to the mkv format, using MakeMKV, but I also have several downloaded SBS/OU.

I use a custom library field to manage my views, but thought that it may be useful to have everybody on the same foot (or eye) and have a standard library field dedicated to 3D playback info.

So I want to start discussions on the appropriateness of a 3D dedicated standard library field, and what could be its format.  (disclaimer: I am not an expert on 3D, just a simple user.  Something might already be in the works.)

Currently, I have defined a custom field [3D Info]:
Up to now, I have used [3D Info] and the .mk3d file extensions in the following way:

- framed packed MKV: changed file extension to .mk3d (to auto launch Stereoscopic player from MC) and [3D Info]="3D FP"
- SBS MKV: standard .mkv extension and [3D Info]="3D SBS"
- OU MKV: standard .mkv extension and [3D Info]="3D OU"

And I have views for:
- 2D ([3D Info] does not starts with "3D")
- 3D ([3D Info] starts with "3D")
- 3D original quality, frame packed ([3D Info] starts with "3D FP")

Knowing what is the first eye in the stream might prove useful (left or right eye) so an optional L or R might be appended to the previous values, which would yield:
- [3D Info]="" --> 2D  (actually, any value that does not start with "3D")
- [3D Info]="3D SBS L" --> 3D side by side left eye first
- [3D Info]="3D SBS R" --> 3D side by side right eye first
- [3D Info]="3D OU L" --> 3D over/under left eye top
- [3D Info]="3D OU R" --> 3D over/under right eye top
- [3D Info]="3D FP L" --> 3D frame packed left eye first
- [3D Info]="3D FP R" --> 3D frame packed right eye first

It might be desirable to expand FP to more values to distinguish between the Blu-ray frame packed format and MVC encoded mkv (mine are all ripped as mkv).  The last two would then become:
- [3D Info]="3D BR L" --> 3D frame packed Blu-Ray left eye first
- [3D Info]="3D BR R" --> 3D frame packed Blu-Ray right eye first
- [3D Info]="3D MVC L" --> 3D frame packed mkv left eye first
- [3D Info]="3D MVC R" --> 3D frame packed mkv right eye first

So, please bring in your comments !


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Re: 3D video playback, is a new standard library field desirable ?
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2016, 07:37:49 am »

You should rather include appropriate metadata about the 3D format directly in the MKV file (ie. in the StereoMode flag, which has settings for all 3D modes in use), then any future playback extensions can directly make use if it. Library fields cannot be used in playback directly, so they don't really help.
Therefor, I don't see what this might ever solve.
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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Re: 3D video playback, is a new standard library field desirable ?
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2016, 07:39:20 am »

I'm just learning this stuff like you - but my understanding is that you don't need anything in the file name describing how the 3D works (L/r or R/L, etc.) that info is (or will be) in the file meta data. You just play the movie and the player knows what to do. Unless you just want to know/see this info, there is no reason to have it.

I do use the "mk3d" file type so I can set up my Theater Views to separate out the 2D vs. 3D based on this file type.


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Re: 3D video playback, is a new standard library field desirable ?
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2016, 07:57:06 am »

You should rather include appropriate metadata about the 3D format directly in the MKV file (ie. in the StereoMode flag, which has settings for all 3D modes in use), then any future playback extensions can directly make use if it. Library fields cannot be used in playback directly, so they don't really help.
Therefor, I don't see what this might ever solve.

As I mentioned, I use my limited custom [3D Info] to manage my views.  And there will still be a need there.  Granted, my custom field does the job for me, but without guidance, individual solutions for library will be all over the place.  Are those mkv and BR metadata flags user visible from within MC ? (to base views on)


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Re: 3D video playback, is a new standard library field desirable ?
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2016, 08:04:35 am »

The "file type" is a built-in field so you can create views based on whether the file type is a "mk3d" or not.
For example in my Theater View setup for movies, under "Set Rules for file display", I have "File type" "is not" "mk3d" for all my 2D movies, and a separate view for File Type is "mk3d". I only separate 2D and 3D movies, but with in the 2D movie views I also separate SD and HD, and sort in various ways.
Did this help answer your question?


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Re: 3D video playback, is a new standard library field desirable ?
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2016, 09:36:18 am »

Thank you but, in my current usage (I have not yet moved to the new 3D support) I already make use of [File Type]=mk3d to launch Stereoscopic Player (won't be necessary anymore). 
Currently, my custom [3D Info] only has 4 possible values : "","3D MVC", "3D SBS" and "3D OU".  Distinction between OU and SBS is purely for documentation purposes, as I have to manually set the PJ anyway.

However, one of the great features of frame packed MVC encoded mkv files is that you do not have to maintain two different rips, the 3D file will happily play as 2D on a non 3D capable system.  However, a SBS or OU encoded file is unusable on a 2D system.

So, files with the tag [3D Info] set to "3D MVC" could appear in both 2D and 3D views, a distinction not possible simply using mk3d for all 3D files.

So my question remains : are those mkv and BR 3D related, file embedded, metadata flags user visible from within MC ?
If yes, no need for another field (please show us how to read them in JR).
If no, and a standard usage pattern is not developped by the community, I will have to keep using my custom field.

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