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Author Topic: What to do about duplicate files.  (Read 4309 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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What to do about duplicate files.
« on: March 30, 2016, 10:44:41 am »

Actually I think just duplicate tags in library - don't know how they (sometimes) occur. Saving to an external disk. When these infect certain albums the track plays over and over. Pretty clunky performance for a paid for player. why does this happen and how to correct screwed up library please? The player sounds good when it works - only reason I paid for master licence but pay I have so please help me to get it working in a simple and intuitive way. Didn't go for trial as trusted that glitches with earlier version 17 would have been sorted by now - we live and learn, though most paid software I own a licence for does work straight from the off.

I will create separate posts for all the other problems. ?

thanks for any help



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Re: What to do about duplicate files.
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2016, 12:04:00 pm »

If you have an external disk that you remove (i.e. like an USB dive that you unplug) and then reconnect again, it may get a new (different) drive letter assigned. Then MC may think you have new drive and will reimport the files again. You would end up with duplicate listings. However the duplicates would have different "file paths" so only one of those duplicates would play. So I'm not sure if that is what is happening on your system since you said both duplicate files play.

But if this is what is happening you could assign the USB device a drive letter like "z" in the Windows Disk Management tool, so that drive letter would always be available when you reconnect. And check your settings in MC under "Tools>Options>Library & Folders>Configure Auto Import" then under Tasks set "Fix Broken Links" to "Yes: Protect files on Missing Drives".

it would help if you get post a screen shot of the MC Standard View screen showing the duplicates. Maybe you just have a import naming issue.


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Re: What to do about duplicate files.
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2016, 12:15:09 pm »

Thank you,

Drive is always set to E (I remember this prob from last time I attempted this programme in earnest). Look some people must manage to get things going so that they can relax with some music. I do not mean to be rude in previous posts but how can something that is for sale be so infuriating and problem fraught. This is a serious question - I have never had so much go wrong with any other programme of whatever function. Music is supposed to be a pleasure - this is just downright dismal and at present, for at least this customer is not fit for purpose. If you guys really cannot come up with a solution to all these problems I really do think a refund is in order.

What is your complaints procedure please.


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Re: What to do about duplicate files.
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2016, 01:04:07 pm »

What is your complaints procedure please.
I think you've been there since you started posting today.  If you want help solving your problems, please skip the complaints and just post details that others can use.  You got a perfectly good response from Countrybumkin and you seem to have ignored it.


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Re: What to do about duplicate files.
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2016, 01:11:16 pm »

You had the same problem three years ago:

Maybe you can find something useful in that thread.


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Re: What to do about duplicate files.
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2016, 01:25:04 pm »

Hi Tim

Sounds like you are frustrated ... but when you indicate in one of your posts that you have had version 17 running for a couple of years, first impression is that you know more or less what you are doing. I have read your 4 other posts. Have you read and understood the link Jim gave you? and the links from that page especially read Audio Set-up and the one on Importing. You mentioned here that you have and have had in v17 problems with duplicates. I believe "Country" gave you the right response  ... but its just a guess, as I ave no idea how you are set-up. Maybe you have not configured your import options correctly, can,'t be sure.

Most of the time when you are running multiple machines, you are networked and one machine either the MAc or PC is running as server, the other as a client. But if you are running two separate installs with two separate libraries and you are swapping external hard drives or something ... the solution to give you is not necessarily going to be the same ... same goes in your other posts on, buffering, ripping settings (normally you would have track numbers first in the filename itself, btw?) Like you asked about WASAPI (which is short for Windows Audio Session API) so its not going to work on your MAC -- pretty obvious to me, but understandably not obvious to everyone.

So please do not take this badly, but it is difficult to help when you don't indicate how you want to set up your system. Where the media would be accessed from both machines, how you are connected to you DACs etc.

It is a pretty complex program, and its not plug and play. But with a little patience, you get a very, very powerful network media player and database in return for your apprenticeship period. By reading the links in the WIKI associated to your questions and,  provided you have basic understanding of both operating systems and networking if that's what you want to do (like renaming a drive to z:\ and sharing it for read/write permissions),  a couple of hours ought to get you started so you can "relax". But to really know the program? Well its simpler than Illustrator, but it is probably the Photoshop of audio players. The forum here can significantly reduce the learning curve.  But people need to know how you want to set-up your stuff and how you want to be connected. I think Jim also mentioned, set up one O.S. machine first (the windows one probably as you have 17 already installed).

Most people, myself included don't work for JRiver here. But as long as you don't mind rereading the WIKI again and giving some more information on your system chain, I'm sure you will get the answers you need.  Hang in there :)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: What to do about duplicate files.
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2016, 04:18:09 pm »

Dear Arindelle,

Thank you so much for your considerate and reasoned response. I did not respond yet to country bumpkin as in between wasting whole days off on trying to get programmes to simply perform the basics I do things like make dinner and spend some time with family.

I am a psychiatric specialist working directly with patients in a forensic setting and know all about patience.


[rambling rant removed by JimH -- Tim, we need details to help]


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Re: What to do about duplicate files.
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2016, 05:42:11 pm »

How about Z:?  Did you try that?

You can clear your library and start over.  Look under File > Library.


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Re: What to do about duplicate files.
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2016, 03:18:24 am »

Why does the drive letter matter so much. Is this not arbitrary? - the point is the drive is now consistently the same name. It appears that the programme retags every time the computer is connected to the drive - is that really a design feature? See mac post for an external drive that is not allowed to connect as a destination folder - but MC will happily pull every file off it for the library.

I stopped using the programme 3 years ago because one problem followed another. I give you people another chance to communicate clearly and precisely how to make things work and this is how you treat me. Do you ever come over to England for shows or similar I could bring the PC and mac along and we could have a face to face chat to see if we can resolve things?

yours in good faith ...


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Re: What to do about duplicate files.
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2016, 03:20:38 am »

sounds like a threat !! :o :o


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Re: What to do about duplicate files.
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2016, 04:10:36 am »

Hi Tim

Am I missing it or have you said which Version you are using . You should be on 21.0.66.

There was an issue with CUE files about a year and 2 versions ago but that was fixed.

The advise I see above looks sound to me . The most common issue is that Windows/USB picks a drive letter that you have no control over. You can fix that using Control Panel> Administrative Tools> Computer Management> Disc Management . Once you have chose a drive letter (say Z) each time you re insert that USB drive it will default to this , provide windows hasn't reused it as a "empty Drive". I understand Windows picks the lowest letter that is not defined.

I use external USB Drives but I keep them attached so once they grab a letter they stay with it, that's maybe where the issue is if you keep dismounting and remounting the USB drives.

I don't know how big your library is but maybe the best bet is to rebuild it from scratch , I recently did my 85 k files in about 3 hrs (several cups of coffee)

Back up your library just in case

  • I would choose a Drive Letter that's not going to change say Z ,
    Set up the folders to include in the import config
    Then set the Fix Broken Links > YES , and NOT YES (Protect Files on Missing Drives)
    Then re import everything , any duplicates from dodgy drive letters will be deleted from the LIBRARY , not the files themselves
    Then go back to the import config and set Fix Broken Links > YES (Protect Files on Missing Drives) so you don't trash them ;next time.

And all should be well

I do appreciate the frustration as it happened to me once. A clean start doesn't affect your music files just how the MC internal DB is constructed, so it can do no harm

Once that is done all should be well.

Frustration aside , to be honest I find this forum one of the most useful I have used over the years , there are some REALLY experienced guys out there who are very free with their time and advice . Arindelle & CountryBumkin being 2 of them. If their experience doesn't help sort it out there are many more waiting to help

Good Luck



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Re: What to do about duplicate files.
« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2016, 04:43:46 am »


Hi Tim

Reading your other posts ...

JimH is JRiver ,he's the owner , so you are talking directly to someone who can help !!



  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: What to do about duplicate files.
« Reply #12 on: March 31, 2016, 05:32:50 pm »

Thank you Mike,

You remind me of the route to take in clear terms I remember doing this before. I always get the drive coming up as E since I fixed it. I suppose I will just have to clear the library and start again.

I have other fish to fry (I do music, bikes, travel and fly fishing for fun - none of these should require an absolute commitment to tech distractions).

I stopped using computer music a few years back because it was too fiddly for what you get out. It is potentially useful for playlists for parties and recently I wanted to have another go at it as my 11 year old son who is a musician would like some portable audio that sounds better than boom tiz iPods etc. I will need therefore to help him move flac files around efficiently.

The anti virus route makes sense  as they are often a problem - I use Bullgaurd and its usually very unobtrusive. 17 is still on the pc as well running under 7 in 10.

The mac version plays and sounds very good through a chord mojo (the most balanced performance I have yet heard from that device - though it is still running in - part of the quality portable solution and a pretty good Hi fi interface as well.

People have mentioned 'network' options. Does this mean hooking up to a NAS drive for both computers to access. I only ask because I have considered this before.

I will consider the solutions offered but will probably just try to load the library from that E drive onto the MAC for now as it works and use the pc (mc 17) to dump down cd's for transferring to the mac. Then I should be able to get the flac files onto a fiio or similar for the boys portable requirements.


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Re: What to do about duplicate files.
« Reply #13 on: March 31, 2016, 07:29:03 pm »

Do you still need help with this?  You seem to have switched to Mac.

If you do need help, I think the drive letter thing is not the problem.  Because MC will not auto import on a random drive letter.  You have to specifically tell it to import from new drives, or drive letters.

If you want help with this, please post a screen shot of one of the albums with duplicate files and make sure to show a column in the screen shot that shows the file names, including drive letter, and folders.

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