Hi Tim
Sounds like you are frustrated ... but when you indicate in one of your posts that you have had version 17 running for a couple of years, first impression is that you know more or less what you are doing. I have read your 4 other posts. Have you read and understood the link Jim gave you?
http://wiki.jriver.com/index.php/Getting_Started and the links from that page especially read Audio Set-up and the one on Importing. You mentioned here that you have and have had in v17 problems with duplicates. I believe "Country" gave you the right response ... but its just a guess, as I ave no idea how you are set-up. Maybe you have not configured your import options correctly, can,'t be sure.
Most of the time when you are running multiple machines, you are networked and one machine either the MAc or PC is running as server, the other as a client. But if you are running two separate installs with two separate libraries and you are swapping external hard drives or something ... the solution to give you is not necessarily going to be the same ... same goes in your other posts on, buffering, ripping settings (normally you would have track numbers first in the filename itself, btw?) Like you asked about WASAPI (which is short for Windows Audio Session API) so its not going to work on your MAC -- pretty obvious to me, but understandably not obvious to everyone.
So please do not take this badly, but it is difficult to help when you don't indicate how you want to set up your system. Where the media would be accessed from both machines, how you are connected to you DACs etc.
It is a pretty complex program, and its
not plug and play. But with a little patience, you get a very, very powerful network media player and database in return for your apprenticeship period. By reading the links in the WIKI associated to your questions and, provided you have basic understanding of both operating systems and networking if that's what you want to do (like renaming a drive to z:\ and sharing it for read/write permissions), a couple of hours ought to get you started so you can "relax". But to
really know the program? Well its simpler than Illustrator, but it is probably the Photoshop of audio players. The forum here can significantly reduce the learning curve. But people need to know how you want to set-up your stuff and how you want to be connected. I think Jim also mentioned, set up one O.S. machine first (the windows one probably as you have 17 already installed).
Most people, myself included don't work for JRiver here. But as long as you don't mind rereading the WIKI again and giving some more information on your system chain, I'm sure you will get the answers you need. Hang in there