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Author Topic: external player?  (Read 2635 times)


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external player?
« on: June 12, 2016, 12:15:30 pm »

HI, not sure if this makes sense. Is it possible to use external players to play back certain type of video files? Or even more flexibly, is it possible to specify arbitrary command in MC when its asked to play a certain type of file.

This is why I might use this feature. I have been ripping my BDs into decrypted files so I can watch them at home in all rooms and use MC media server to watch them away from home. Currently this hinges on a decryptor which has becoming rarer. Used to use DVDFab but they were shutdown in US and then I used AnyDVD till they went out of biz, apparently DVDFab is back but they announced that they were not going to support advance BD+ encryption. I sympathize with the industry that if anyone can copy the BD content to unprotected files on hard drive, it is then impossible to enforce copy rights, but I also believe if I buy the disc, I have the right to be able to access the content in all reasonable way I want.

I believe powerDVD still is supposed to support BD playback with all encryptions into the reasonable future. So I m tempted to change my process to writing the BD into encrypted ISOs and use powerDVD to play them. I m not sure how the PQ compares between PowerDVD and madVR but that s a different topic. and I would loose most of the audio enhancement features in MC but that might be savagible with loop back into MC.

However, that means I have to give up MC as the content library manager unless MC can be configured to send the ISO to powerDVD. apparently calling a compatible virtual drive program to mount the ISO might just be enough to trigger PowerDVD playback. but currently I do not think that is possible.

Ultimately, if MC can support native BD decryption, all these become moot. I would also love to see MC TV support encrypted channels. right now I still use Win MC7 to watch/record/playback HBO. FOX for some reason started to mark their channels as copy once, which hosed playing MC.


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Re: external player?
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2016, 12:23:52 pm »

In MC's options for File Types, you can specify an external player.


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Re: external player?
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2016, 12:25:10 pm »

I don't understand the issue.  All of the files you have ripped with no encryption should play in MC no matter what.  If the other companies go out of business, your files will all still work.  MakeMKV seems to work with everything (DVD, BD) and is still going strong.

How many more files or discs do you need to remove the encryption from ?



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Re: external player?
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2016, 01:34:36 pm »

MKV is the format of choice...let's face it. The licenced player (PDVD) as external player is the only way to have MC display full menu support which i think is also one of OP's concerns.

I once again want to voice the fact that MC should work on better integrating MKV chapter selection in display view. Most of the regular MC afficionados here feel that full bd menu support is worthless.... you have all the warnings and trailers and they want the movie to start right away.
Fact is that jmone's excellent thread has over 10000 readers. The interest is not from a few...and if you consider the fact that madvr has better image quality than pdvd it should hint that bd-navigation is still important for several MC users.
Whilst going down the libbluray route is in my opinion a bad idea and I'm glad JRiver doesn't do it (I would not be surprised that it might bite players ala Kodi in the future), MKV's chapter renaming function is what comes very very close to full menu support.
Particles or individual files are not as well integrated because you de facto switch between display view and theaterview to make your selections during playback.
Come on MC !! to ensure easy navigation when in display view.....just make a chapterlist available. People will be able the choose in a single mkv file what to see...BD TV series, concerts and even movies become soeasily browsable.

Making such a list appear in display view will have "close-to-same" viewer experience than a licenced player's BD pop-up menu interruption.
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