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Author Topic: Ordering a Licence for JRiver on a QNAP NAS  (Read 13958 times)


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Ordering a Licence for JRiver on a QNAP NAS
« on: April 13, 2016, 08:12:53 am »


NAS: TS-251
FW: 4.2.0, 03-11-2016
8 GB Memory


HDStation, Chrome and JRiver Media Server have been installed and enable on a QNAP TS-251 NAS. JRiver and Chrome run independently of each other when launched from their respective icon on the HDStation Desktop. I went to purchase a license for JRiver using the Help->Buy Media Center option found in the JRiver menu bar. When this option was selected, Chrome launched but could not navigate to the registration site (I'm assuming that is were it was heading) as an error occurred. Chrome indicates it must be run as a normal user or "--user-data-dir" must be specified as an alternate profile.

In an attemtp to resolve the problem a Help Desk Ticket addressing this issue was submitted to QNAP. Their response was;


Chrome for HD Station is just an option for a Browser for HDMI and not fully installed as a Browser for HDMI. You will need to check with JRiver for their In Browser option for another way to activate License.

Best Regards,

QNAP Systems, Inc.

After Thoughts

I did manage to register the application using alternate means but not before discovering yet another issue. I had trouble with JRiver prior to attempting registration. While attempting to troubleshoot that issue I discovered that J. Rivers View Log function would not work. It appears that JRiver uses a browser to present a view of the logs to the user. Since Chrome isn't working properly with the application, I couldn't view the logs.

I have no idea whether the problems I ran into need to be fixed by QNAP or JRiver, regardless, this issue should be reviewed and at the very least communicated to future users of the application.

On a positive note, JRiver is registered, up and running just perfectly on my TS-251.

MC24 for Windows on Kangaroo PC


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Re: Ordering a Licence for JRiver on a QNAP NAS
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2016, 10:35:21 am »

The next build will have a fix to work around the chrome can't run as root issue.
Note that you don't need the browser to install a license, the browser is run after the license is installed.


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Re: Ordering a Licence for JRiver on a QNAP NAS
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2016, 05:31:12 pm »

The next build will have a fix to work around the chrome can't run as root issue.
Note that you don't need the browser to install a license, the browser is run after the license is installed.

Hi Bob,

Apologies for the delayed reply - I look forward to the fix as I've found a few other items in JRiver Media Center that utilize Chrome.

I managed to figure out how to purchase a license without Chrome. I've done so and have it installed.

Will the next update be released through QNAP?


MC24 for Windows on Kangaroo PC


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Re: Ordering a Licence for JRiver on a QNAP NAS
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2016, 05:40:49 pm »

Hi Bob,

Apologies for the delayed reply - I look forward to the fix as I've found a few other items in JRiver Media Center that utilize Chrome.

I managed to figure out how to purchase a license without Chrome. I've done so and have it installed.

Will the next update be released through QNAP?

There should be one going in for eval next week...


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Re: Ordering a Licence for JRiver on a QNAP NAS
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2016, 11:31:21 pm »

I purchased a master license from JRiver and then put the registration code into the box that pops up when I click on Restore my license. The response I get is that the code is for another product. What?!! I thought a master license would work with the QNAP JRiver program. I read that it would.

I then went into the chrome browser and hit the install key and downloaded it and then attempted to open it up but nothing happened.

I have no idea how to activate the JRiver on my QNAP HD Station. Please assist as it is becoming very frustrating.


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Re: Ordering a Licence for JRiver on a QNAP NAS
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2016, 02:59:54 pm »

We need to put up a new QNAP build to handle license changes. It's ready to go but there is an issue unrelated to licensing causing a holdup. I'm waiting on feedback from the QNAP support team.


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Re: Ordering a Licence for JRiver on a QNAP NAS
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2016, 12:54:09 am »

Hi there,
i am having same issue. yesterday i buy a master work perfect on my windows PC but in Qnap TS-251+ 4.2.1
i can not use it. Comment was, "its for another version". I also think a master license work with every version on every OS ?
is there already a solution to get it run on Qnap? i really get upset about this problem


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Re: Ordering a Licence for JRiver on a QNAP NAS
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2016, 09:16:06 am »

Hi there,
i am having same issue. yesterday i buy a master work perfect on my windows PC but in Qnap TS-251+ 4.2.1
i can not use it. Comment was, "its for another version". I also think a master license work with every version on every OS ?
is there already a solution to get it run on Qnap? i really get upset about this problem
Send me your license number in a PM (personal message) and I'll send you back a code you can use until the new build gets released.


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Re: Ordering a Licence for JRiver on a QNAP NAS
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2016, 03:57:25 am »

Hi Bob,
thx for Help.
Now ist working


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Re: Ordering a Licence for JRiver on a QNAP NAS
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2016, 07:38:43 pm »

Hello JRiver administrators,

I just set up my QNAP NAS today.  Let me say early on, I have no experience with a NAS and don't know what I'm doing here (although I do work on computers for my job).  Previous to today's NAS setup, I had one desktop (downstairs) and 1 laptop (upstairs).  I upgraded to MC21 while downstairs on the desktop.  I guess it was on February 15, 2016 (although it seems more recent).  Nothing has changed on either computer as far as I know.

While playing around I was able to see my library on the upstairs laptop (desktop downstairs was off).  It brought up all my data and acted like it was playing but I had no sound because I was just running HDMI to a monitor w/no speakers.  That is what I expected.  The next time I went back to JRiver it told me that the license had expired.  I tried to use my MC 21 license key and was told the license was for another machine or location...something to that effect.  I don't want to try to get back to that page because I may lose this entire message (copy/paste seems to sometimes be different on the NAS).  

Please help, as I am stuck here and don't know what to do.  I don't think I should have to purchase a new license, in fact this thread is about QNAP license problems even with Master Licenses.  The main reason I purchased the QNAP NAS is the native JRiver application and a hearty recommendation from Mr. Hillegass.

Thank you for your time,
Charles Cannon


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Re: Ordering a Licence for JRiver on a QNAP NAS
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2016, 09:34:53 pm »

If you post your license, it will be revoked.


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Re: Ordering a Licence for JRiver on a QNAP NAS
« Reply #11 on: June 06, 2016, 04:13:05 pm »

I believe you are saying that if I post my license number or key it will be revoked.  That was stupidity on my part.  I should have known better than to put that information in my post.  Just tired and frustrated I guess.

As of last night, JRiver Media Center 21 was still working on the NAS but definitely has issues.  Don't know if it's a JRiver or QNAP issue (or a little bit of both).  I will not go into what happened when I copied about 538 gb of data from my 1 TB external to the QNAP drives (it wasn't pretty) but do want to explain what has transpired since the data was copied.

When looking at the QNAP drives, much of the art work was missing.  For intstance, my Aerosmith folder had cover art missing for 3 albums.  I clicked "Get from Internet", picked the "best" version and saved it.  I continued doing this for the rest of the missing art work.  I was just going in A-Z order, so no telling how much was missing because I only made it to letter "C". 

I back-tracked a bit and noticed some of the artwork I had "replaced" was gone again.  For the 3 Aerosmith titles and maybe have a dozen more titles, I got the artwork again.  It disappeared a 2nd and3rd time.  I also noticed that much of the artwork looked bad.  I started noticing that much of my "Your artwork on server" was 15 kb, 17 kb, 22 kb, 29 kb...extremely low resolution.  Most all of my artwork is 500 x 500 and much bigger files/higher resolution.  It almost seemed that during/after the data copy that all of the cover art has been down res'd drastically.  After noticing that the cover art I replaced had, in some cases, disappeared 3 times, I began thinking that the the "low res" cover art I fixed had once again gone "low res."  I can't prove this because I didn't do any actual testing.  I'm also not sure, but I closed JRiver MC at least once and maybe twice during all this.

I did not expect the QNAP build to have all the bells and whistles of the Windows version of JRiver (I'm not a power user by any measure) but I expected the basic functionality to be in place.  I don't know if I ran a Windows VM on the NAS if the results would be any better (and, once again, I am a brand new NAS user) but please advise if there is any way to "fix" this.  Whether that is settings I need to confirm or buy a Master License, etc., I am willing to do whatever.  I have the NAS now and there is no turning back.  At this point, all I want to do is Audio with flac files and high quality cover art.  I do not have any playlists, etc.  Also, I don't believe Theater view etc. is working on the QNAP build. 

Charles Cannon


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Re: Ordering a Licence for JRiver on a QNAP NAS
« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2016, 04:31:22 pm »

For my system at home I store the cover art in the file tags so it moves along with the files when I move them from one system to another.
Alternately you could tell MC to store the cover art along with the music as a folder.jpg if you don't like having it in the tags.

The reason I do this is that I've pulled some hires cover art and a few obscure ones from other sources than YADB and since I rearrange the tags (for classical) it can't be found.

Theater view hasn't been ported to linux MC yet (it requires OpenGL support) which is why it's not on the QNAP yet.



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Re: Ordering a Licence for JRiver on a QNAP NAS
« Reply #13 on: June 06, 2016, 09:48:03 pm »

Hi bob,

Thank you for the update.  I believe a friend of mine is doing what you mention with the folder.jpg.  I still don't have a clue as to why cover art that I have saved is disappearing.  It rarely has in the Windows environment.  Perhaps you are saying that I must use one or the other of your solutions to ensure that cover art behaves properly in the QNAP world. 

Do I need to purchase a Master license to make JRiver MediaCenter 21 behave "better" on this NAS system. 

I'm very frustrated at this point and tonight have not even been able to find JRiver (or Chrome) for that matter.  I did do a firmware update.  I have disabled (and then enabled) Chrome, YouTube and JRiver and cannot find any of them.  Next, I guess I'll remove the apps, hoping there is a reinstall option at that point. 



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Re: Ordering a Licence for JRiver on a QNAP NAS
« Reply #14 on: June 07, 2016, 02:37:38 pm »

Hi bob,

Thank you for the update.  I believe a friend of mine is doing what you mention with the folder.jpg.  I still don't have a clue as to why cover art that I have saved is disappearing.  It rarely has in the Windows environment.  Perhaps you are saying that I must use one or the other of your solutions to ensure that cover art behaves properly in the QNAP world. 

Do I need to purchase a Master license to make JRiver MediaCenter 21 behave "better" on this NAS system. 

I'm very frustrated at this point and tonight have not even been able to find JRiver (or Chrome) for that matter.  I did do a firmware update.  I have disabled (and then enabled) Chrome, YouTube and JRiver and cannot find any of them.  Next, I guess I'll remove the apps, hoping there is a reinstall option at that point. 

It depends on where your cover art is being stored in the Windows install. It's probably not in the tags or it would just show up on the QNAP. It's probably not in the folders along with the music either since they'd just get picked up when you copied the music folders. I suspect they are in a separate cover art directory on your windows install.

A MC 21 linux or master license will currently work with the QNAP. When the update goes live on the QNAP server you will be able to use a MC 22 linux or master license as well.

The update will also call the chrome browser properly but note that the chrome browser is NOT needed to make MC work on the QNAP.



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Re: Ordering a Licence for JRiver on a QNAP NAS
« Reply #15 on: June 12, 2016, 05:56:46 pm »


A couple of days ago, I purchased a MC21 Master License.  It has so far, as best I can tell, made no difference at all.  JRiver data/art work continuity was still in bad shape.  For that reason, I deleted all the copied data and am going to try it this time from within JRiver.  I want to change from Thumbnails to Files, Select All, Copy, locate the QNAP NAS on the network and paste in to a predetermined folder.

Is this the preferred way to accomplish this library task as opposed to copying from one external hard drive to the NAS directly (and not being in JRiver at all)?  I have researched this, reading some of the threads about working with libraries, but it remains confusing to me.

And on the QNAP server upgrade you mentioned, are you talking about a JRiver QNAP build that you are working on or some update that the QNAP company is working on?  If this is a JRiver update, when will it be available and what are the new features it will offer?

Thank you,
Charles Cannon


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Re: Ordering a Licence for JRiver on a QNAP NAS
« Reply #16 on: June 14, 2016, 09:13:11 pm »

I am reposting this information because as far as I know I have not received a reply yet:

Re: Ordering a Licence for JRiver on a QNAP NAS
« Reply #15 on: June 12, 2016, 05:56:46 pm »
Reply with quoteQuote  Modify messageModify  Remove messageRemove

A couple of days ago, I purchased a MC21 Master License.  It has so far, as best I can tell, made no difference at all.  JRiver data/art work continuity was still in bad shape.  For that reason, I deleted all the copied data and am going to try it this time from within JRiver.  I want to change from Thumbnails to Files, Select All, Copy, locate the QNAP NAS on the network and paste in to a predetermined folder.

Is this the preferred way to accomplish this library task as opposed to copying from one external hard drive to the NAS directly (and not being in JRiver at all)?  I have researched this, reading some of the threads about working with libraries, but it remains confusing to me.

And on the QNAP server upgrade you mentioned, are you talking about a JRiver QNAP build that you are working on or some update that the QNAP company is working on?  If this is a JRiver update, when will it be available and what are the new features it will offer?

Thank you,
Charles Cannon


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Re: Ordering a Licence for JRiver on a QNAP NAS
« Reply #17 on: June 14, 2016, 09:27:23 pm »

A newer version of MC for the QNAP was made available yesterday.  Try updating via QNAP.
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