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Author Topic: How to update tags from changed/selected files  (Read 4483 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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How to update tags from changed/selected files
« on: April 27, 2016, 11:25:18 am »

How can I "drop" updated music files (tagged within another program) (modification timestamp has changed of course) into MC?

I've selected all recently changed files in e.g. Directory Opus (from a flat file view over 60.000 files sorted by modification timestamp) and want to "drop" it over MC. MC only imports fresh unknown files but does not update e.g. the (new) title of a changed/updated file.

Do I something wrong? Thanks



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Re: How to update tags from changed/selected files
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2016, 11:37:09 am »

why aren't you tagging with MC?

anyways, in the import options
tools>import>configure auto import
make sure the box "update for external changes" is checked on


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Re: How to update tags from changed/selected files
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2016, 11:40:21 am »

The option ferday told you about will monitor files and see which ones are changed. Then it will re-read their tags and update the changed tags inside of MC.

You can also do this manually.  Highlight some files.  <right click> Library Tools > update library (from tags) .  This will force  re-read of the tags and update those entries in MC's database.



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Re: How to update tags from changed/selected files
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2016, 01:57:20 pm »


E.g. because I'm using also Serato software for djing and update tags on-the-fly, e.g. Genre, Grouping, etc.

When I'm back at home I thought it might be the fastest way to sort all 60.000 files by modification time stamp (incl. new files!), select the latest and drop them for update & new import over MC. But this doesn't work. :(

tools>import>configure auto import > "update for external changes" is checked on ... but this doesn't help.

See enclosed screen shot. I updated the title "Give me the night - TEST" in Serato (black left botton), on the right Directory Opus file view with the udpated modification time stamp, and MC does nothing - also when I select the file for play. Finally when should this option work?

And after waiting for 15 minutes, browsing over it, etc. the tile is not changed.


This is exactly what I want to avoid. I would have to select 60.000 files at the moment for a possible update. ;)

I would only need the files (0-100) where modification time stamp has changed - and the fastest way would be to drop selected files over MC for updating the tags and add possible new files. Easy. :)


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Re: How to update tags from changed/selected files
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2016, 02:08:59 pm »

I'm assuming the files are even being auto-imported (watched)?

Try restarting MC and see if the external changes take place, it will usually kickstart an update.  But the folders involved have to be watched


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Re: How to update tags from changed/selected files
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2016, 02:23:31 pm »

Now it works - I didn't add the path. ;)

I did a 2nd test and updated a file but no auto-update.
I copied another (new) album into the main directory (specified path) - no auto import.

Also restarting JRiver didn't work and updated the files and didn't add the new files.

When I selected again Import .. and pressed ok then the file will be updated (again). So after each MC start I would have to select the import menu for update?


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Re: How to update tags from changed/selected files
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2016, 02:26:26 pm »

Did you set the options for auto import?

Tools > Import

Add or remove directories
Edit to specify file types


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Re: How to update tags from changed/selected files
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2016, 03:14:13 pm »


and before the new test I moved the files away and deleted them from the library.

See enclosed attachement MC_1. I did this setting and restarted MC.

Then I copied the directory Ace-of-Base to the watched folder. Nothing happened. MC_2.

When I go to import and select run-auto-import-now the files will be shown. But I think it should be updated without, or isn't it?

But if it works, would this mean MC always scans all my 60.000 files after each start to keep the library up-to-date?

However, finally I want a different uncomplex nice thing - selected files (only a few depending on the modification timestamp) dropping over MC which updates the tags of existing files in the library or import from scratch if the file does not exist in MC library. Maybe this could be implemented (maybe to activate an option that this will work)?



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Re: How to update tags from changed/selected files
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2016, 05:31:53 pm »

It's very hard to follow what you've done.  I can't really follow it.  You are talking about auto import files and non-auto import files.  You're also saying auto import doesn't work.  Most of the time, auto import doesn't work because of a NAS system that doesn't support file system events.  Where are you files?  NAS, local, external USB?

But let's back up a step.  You just want to update a few files (around 100 of them) that have modification times in the past few days right?   Easy.  Just go to a view in MC that shows all files, and add a column to the view:  Date Modified.  Now sort by Date Modified.  All of the most recently modified files will be at the top.  Select the ones you want and run Library Tools > Update Library (from tags) .  Done.

Good luck,



  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: How to update tags from changed/selected files
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2016, 12:14:47 pm »

It's very hard to follow what you've done.  I can't really follow it.  You are talking about auto import files and non-auto import files.  You're also saying auto import doesn't work.  Most of the time, auto import doesn't work because of a NAS system that doesn't support file system events.  Where are you files?  NAS, local, external USB?

I've never wrote about that (but the music is on an external USB3 harddisc permanently connected).

I made screen shots to describe what I did what others have recommended. Thought it would be helpful.

But let's back up a step.  You just want to update a few files (around 100 of them) that have modification times in the past few days right?

This was my initial request.

   Easy.  Just go to a view in MC that shows all files, and add a column to the view:  Date Modified.  Now sort by Date Modified.  All of the most recently modified files will be at the top.  Select the ones you want and run Library Tools > Update Library (from tags) .  Done.

I just tried it but it doesn't work.


1. I have imported 20 files into MC and added column "Date Modified" and exit MC.
2. I start Serato, import the same files/directory, update a title of a track and exit Serato. Serato has saved the tags back to the file and "Date Modified" has changed of course.
3. I started MC and still see the same files + content after step 1 - without any change of title or "Date Modified".

Finally sort by "Date Modified" does not bring the changed file up because of the old Date Modified content is in the library. So I can not select and update tags from the latest updated files.


What works is when I select "Tools / Import / Run Auto-Import Now" which then updates the library from the files and inserts the files. :)

I've to test later if MC reads tags of all 60.000 files although the Date Modified timestamp didn't change (only a few did change). Only re-reading tags of changed Date Modified timestamp files would be required.



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Re: How to update tags from changed/selected files
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2016, 12:18:09 pm »

i use an incoming folder for new stuff and/or other things

once i'm finished with the files (i tag with MC) i generally use drag / drop in windows explorer (because it's easy) to get them into their permanent homes.  these homes are "watched" by MC

it's generally never more than a few minutes before the new files appear

i also tried renaming a few files in explorer (to change the date modified) and again, it was only a few minutes before those changes appeared in MC

i wonder if there is a permissions conflict with Serato or something like that that is delaying the import?


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Re: How to update tags from changed/selected files
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2016, 03:51:40 pm »

I just tried it but it doesn't work.

Finally sort by "Date Modified" does not bring the changed file up because of the old Date Modified content is in the library. So I can not select and update tags from the latest updated files.

It sounds like auto import isn't working.  Maybe you have it disabled?  Tools > Options > Library & Folders > run auto import in background > (should be checked)

If that's checked already, how long did you wait between making changes to the files externally, and checking inside of MC?  It takes about 20 seconds on my system, give or take, to see new files appear.  I'm not certain about external changes, but I'd expect similar times.  Maybe longer for it to finish processing; perhaps a few minutes total?



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Re: How to update tags from changed/selected files
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2016, 07:22:44 am »

What works is when I select "Tools / Import / Run Auto-Import Now" which then updates the library from the files and inserts the files. :)

I've to test later if MC reads tags of all 60.000 files although the Date Modified timestamp didn't change (only a few did change). Only re-reading tags of changed Date Modified timestamp files would be required.


Running autoimport is the only way to ensure that external changes are going to be imported. (other than the library tool "update library from tags") Don't use the browse to folder option for external updates. If Brian's suggestion didn't work for you (the date modified column), a full autoimport should fix this. To be sure don't wait on a system to do it automatically. I must really be missing something. It takes me less than 2 minutes for a full autoimport run manually for 4tBs worth of music - it skips what hasn't been changed.  Unless I'm super impatient to listen to the tracks, even ripping 5 or 10 new cds, I run a full import. Everything is copacetic. As explained already you need a "system event" to kick it off, I never wait for one - is it the automatic part of this that bothers?

If however your changes do not get imported, do you have fields tagged in JRiver that might not be default fields MC? If that is the case, you would need to create a custom field (tag) exactly like it was written to the file with your external program.  (ex. if you see TPBM for beats per minute in your file, it should automatically map to the BPM field in JRiver; fields like Gain Adjust will not ..; actually there might be problems using analysis fields if that is what is giving you issues ... these would need custom mapping I'd think.

anyway I'm too lazy to reread all of the thread waiting for a subway, so if I'm out in left field here, sorry about that :)
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