More > JRiver Media Center 21 for Linux
Loading master license into JRiver on QNAP
--- Quote from: JimH on May 06, 2016, 06:18:15 am ---We hope to find a solution for this today. I'm sorry for the problem. QNAP builds don't yet work with the new license.
--- End quote ---
Great, thanks for the update! I understand the issues of having to work through QNAP. BTW, in my case, I run a Windows VM with MC (I actually debated a long time whether or not to get the Master license to include Linux builds such as HybridDesk), but was playing around, so using that for now as my server.
Thank you so much for the fix and your prompt customer service. I entered the registration code and it worked great. Thank you again!
From discussion I assumed that the problem is already fixed so I tried to install master licence on QNAP JRiver. "Licence is for another product" appeared. More over, every time I tried to install it, an email "You have recently restored a licence for Media Center 22 Master" came to my mail box. The last mail with "There are 10 restores available in each 12 month period. There are 5 restores remaining at this time.". So I lost 5 restores by trying to install licence.
Is it really already fix or when will you fix it?
Mine still does not work either. ? >:(
I can tell you that there are a lot of issues with the QNAP version of JRIver. I was sent a separate install license to use by an administrator because I went through the same thing and burned through several install keys.
So I got it up and running but it will not play many of my albums. I get file format errors constantly and then the whole program freezes up and I can only get it going again by restarting the whole system. I have been on the forum for 5 or 6 days now and every suggestion does not work. Nobody has said anything about working on the issue. My system is dead man walking. I'm frustrated as there is no tech support.
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