I've done a quick forum search (so haste may explain why I've missed it if the explanation is somewhere relatively obvious) but where's the shortcut on Panel for MC23+ to the old link to <ip address>:<Port>/MCWS/v1/ ?
[Refer 1st attached pic]
Am I the only one that found that link really useful for reference?
If I'm not the only one in that boat, I'd appreciate that Panel be modified to return the old functionality and have it located somewhere that's not too hard to find.
The other one I found handy from an old school user perspective is <ip address>:<Port>/WebRemote/
but I can understand the desire to retire an old interface and avoid maintenance hassles (note that I can still access this link in MC24).
If that's the case, will WebRemote be given the bullet at some time in the future?
The other features in the old Panel was the "Playing Now" button that seems to have disappeared from the new version.

[Refer the 2nd attached pic for the old deal that I'm on about]