We have a way to configure all those things, but not from our current web interface. You have to use either the command line interface, or you have to use a program that can send REST commands. Either way you will have full access to all the communication parameters.
I'd suggest you start with the command line interface. Everything we know about the device accessible using either the path_get() or path_set() commands. Open the interface, and then try:
Where NODE is the node number of the color bulb. This will show you everything we know about the device, not including the configuration information. For most devices that support the "configuration command class" you can then type:
>>> path_get("/<node_number/configuration/*")
This tells the server you are interested in the value of these parameters, which are not normally polled. (polling them absorbs Zwave bandwidth) The server then immediately begins polling them and continues doing so until you restart the server. The polling is infrequent, so most of the bandwidth occurs in the first minute when the values of configuration values 0 through 256 are immediately requested from the device. After the first time, you can drop the trailing "*". After waiting about 60 seconds, here is what I get from my AEON color bulb.
>>> path_get("58/configuration/*")
{ '0:58': { 'configuration': { '101': { 'size': 4, 'value': 4},
'102': { 'size': 4, 'value': 8},
'103': { 'size': 4, 'value': 0},
'111': { 'size': 4, 'value': 3},
'112': { 'size': 4, 'value': 600},
'113': { 'size': 4, 'value': 600},
'13': { 'size': 1, 'value': 0},
'200': { 'size': 1, 'value': 0},
'252': { 'size': 1, 'value': 0},
'254': { 'size': 2, 'value': 0},
'3': { 'size': 1, 'value': 0},
'80': { 'size': 1, 'value': 2},
'89': { 'size': 1, 'value': 1},
'90': { 'size': 1, 'value': 1},
'91': { 'size': 2, 'value': 25},
'92': { 'size': 1, 'value': 5}}}}
The color bulb apparently responds only to requests for configuration parameters that actually do things. You are now ready to change parameters using path_set(). When doing this you must be careful to set both the "value" and the "size" of the configuration parameters. Some devices will not accept configuration values unless they are set with the correct size.
It sure does appear that there are undocumented parameters available, and I don't know what they do. In addition to the reference you posted, another reference appears on the Zwave Alliance site:
http://products.z-wavealliance.org/products/1368/configsHere's one attempt to change parameter 101. Note the the device shows it to be size 4, so that's what's used to set it.
>>> path_set("58/configuration/101", { 'value': 255, 'size':4 })
{ 'size': 4, 'value': 255}
The value did change, but apparently only the lower 4 bits are significant.
>>> path_get("58/configuration/101")
{ 'size': 4, 'value': 15}
You can also read configuration parameters from any browser using URLs like:
http://localhost:52125/api/v1/nodes/58/configurationHowever to write them, you will need an application like the free Chrome browser extension named Postman. Using Postman you can use web POST or PATCH to similar URLs to change configuration parameters, or most anything else in the Engen server.
You can experiment from here. I think our other users would benefit if you would share what you find on this forum. Have fun.