OK, very interesting, Brian. I already turn my stereo into mono using the Parametric EQ (ahem MC team, because the Output format to mono doesn't work), but I didn't know using WASAPI that I could/should use it to remap channels, especially given that both zones output to the same device. Thanks, I've tested your solution and it works!! But Iv'e noticed that I've lost sync with some of the videos that I tested (yea, I'm a DJ/VJ). I wonder if this is because all the additional processing I'm asking MC to do to get things to the desired channels.
On that topic, I had to do a LOT of tweaking using the Output Format in DSP to get WASAPI to work at all. Thank goodness for the informative error messages that guided me through this. Props to the MC team for that.
Honestly though, if it had worked like it used to, Direct Sound was so much more straight forward... Use almost all default settings and just select the stereo pair that I wanted the zone to output to. Anyway, I would still like to see that issue solved/resolved/explained...
Thanks again Brian!