It looks as Microsoft has got their mojo back.
I don't think so;
They have all but cancelled any future development for the Microsoft Band, with no promise there will be a Band 3. They have disbanded/sacked the team involved. So my Band 2 is going to languish without software updates or improvements until it becomes useless.
They have all but cancelled any future development for Windows 10 Mobile. It is STILL in not much better than BETA condition. Although the core functions work well, some things don't work well at all. Integration with older software (Office 2010) is non-existent. Still not many Apps. They have disbanded/sacked the team involved. So my Lumia 650 is going to languish without software updates or improvements until it becomes useless. But where is the Surface Phone?
Even Windows 10 is still as flaky as can be. The more I use it, the more I see it is a mishmash of Windows 7 functionality and new Windows 10 functionality. For example, the old Control Panel still exists, but so do the new Windows Settings functions, which often don't work, and certainly search of Settings doesn't work. (Go into Windows Settings and search for "Display". Nothing found! Not, I upgraded, didn't do a new installation, and won't, but that shouldn't make a difference.) Microsoft Edge is a near useless work in process. On the mobile it is all I have, and it isn't good. On the desktop Internet Explorer has been giving me all sorts of trouble recently, and Microsoft Edge is STILL the default browser in some instances even though I have made IE the default everywhere. I have been force to use Google Chrome recently just to get things done.
Microsoft are abandoning their consumer base in favour of the corporate world. They are chasing Apple's market instead of their own. They are trying to make all their products subscription based, which does not fly with me, and I'm sure many users. My Office 2010 still works fine, and will for many years, or should, if they don't break it. They are trying to steal other company's mojo. It wont' work. I read a good discussion yesterday about how Apple and Android are creeping into the work place, because people use those products at home, so they want to use them at work, and hence use something familiar. Some are saying that Microsoft is going to become the next IBM. Profitable, but who knows who they are, other than IT professionals?
However, their hardware does still seem to be good. The AIO Surface Studio seems like a good idea, and nicely executed. If I was a graphic designer I would certainly consider it, if I didn't already have $100,000 invested in Apple hardware.
The future is going to be different. Microsoft don't even know what mojo is.