Please read VERY carefully. This is a BETA version of 9.1. If you expect things to work, please download the latest 9.0 build from this thread:;action=di splay;num=1054751628 but if you're patient and willing to help us work out some of the bugs, you can download 9.1 here (recommended for experts only): (backup your library before installing)
Please report any 9.1 problems in this thread. Keep a list of problems and if they aren't fixed in the next build, please post the list again.
1. Fixed: MC TV would crash after recording for about 2000 seconds.
2. Changed: MJMixerAutomation now loads / saves settings for current zone instead of zone 0.
3. Changed: Optimized mini-me drawing code.
4. Fixed: Toolbar enabled / disabled logic was not working.
5. Fixed: Toolbar "greyed" states could not honor transparency properly on some systems.
6. Changed: MC works better with ASIO drivers that aren't thread safe.
7. Fixed: List headers could not be drag-n-drop reordered.
8. Changed: Panes now work with "delete" and "select all" commands.
9. NEW: Added number of new files information to importing window.
10. NEW: Added retrieval of dimensions information for video files.
11. NEW: Media Library's Video and Image items have customized columns by default
12. Changed: Simplified Media Server connection proccess.
13. Changed: Now, attempt to connect to Media Server can be canceled.
14. NEW: Panes now remember state (selection and scroll) when navigating with forward / back.
15. Changed: Search control now remembers state when navigating with forward / back.
16. Fixed: Occasionally, Media Center would not be able to display images from Media Server.
17. Fixed: MC would not always fall back to the last library when failing to load a library.
18. Fixed: Properties window would show exact selection instead of "all or none" selection in some cases.