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Author Topic: Remote not working, nor access from outside network  (Read 5278 times)

Gill Suter

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Remote not working, nor access from outside network
« on: December 10, 2016, 07:34:39 pm »

I'm very excited by JRiver and how much better it is than other media players. However I'm very frustrated that I can't seem to set it up so I can access it anywhere else, either in my home network or outside.

Running JRiver on my QNAP NAS (Linux). I've tried both Gizmo and Eos on my old Android phone and it worked ok inside the home network. Now I have a new phone and I can't get it to work. I've added the code, but it's asking for authentication. I've checked on JRiver and they definitely match. So what am I doing wrong?

Please bear in mind I'm a usually happy end user, and really not a techie. I can find my way around most things, but get lost when people start talking about configuring ports and the like. So please be gentle with me and speak in lay terms!

I'll post elsewhere about the next step - accessing from outside home.




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Re: Remote not working, nor access from outside network
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2016, 07:39:31 pm »

Welcome.  You could start by reading this:

If you don't understand anything there, just ask.


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Re: Remote not working, nor access from outside network
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2016, 04:39:15 am »

Authentication means it needs an id and password on top of the access key. Check the setting in jriver itself, you should see the id mentioned, and the password as *****. You can change the password if it's forgotten.

Ref the outside world, you need to enable port forwarding in your router, i believe the port required by jriver by default is 52199.
xubuntu lts 14.04 32 bit, running mc22.0.36 as anything later doesn't work properly over vnc. using linux mc22 as media server to windows mc22 last version / jremote on ipad.
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Re: Remote not working, nor access from outside network
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2017, 08:46:06 pm »

Is there a simple step by step set of instructions somewhere for setting up mc on win7 to be accessible from iphone jremote outside of network. Seen plenty of troubleshooting for problems but cant seem to find beginning to end setup instructions including how to set firewall etc. Rudimentary pc skills.


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Re: Remote not working, nor access from outside network
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2017, 10:13:20 pm »

Unfortunately, no. Not because we don't want to, but because the issue isn't "setting up Windows 7", it is setting up your particular home Router.

And there are a million of those things with a million different interfaces. You need to figure out how to enable Port Forwarding on your home router (your wifi doohickey), so that when your router receives traffic on MC's port, it forwards it through to your copy of MC behind the firewall. Normally, the firewall in your router would block that traffic because it "originates" outside of your home network.

It is very difficult to provide these instructions because there are just too many routers out there. There are some good resources online though. The wiki article Jim linked to has some pointers, I believe.
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Re: Remote not working, nor access from outside network
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2017, 10:15:38 pm »

This is a good generic article on Port Forwarding too:

You need to forward TCP Port 52199 through your router and point it at the Windows computer running MC at home. So, for example, if your home PC's IP address on the LAN is, you'd want to forward:

TCP Port 52199 (from Any Internet host) to on Port 52199

That should, probably, do it. Sometimes, you might need to also open the port up on the Windows Firewall. That's covered in this article down in the Method 2 area:

Just do that part on the PC that actually runs MC, after you get it set up to work through your router, and open TCP Port 52199.
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Re: Remote not working, nor access from outside network
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2020, 11:37:38 am »

For me, I had to do a number of things to get this to work:
  • My ATT gigabit fiber modem was blocking the port, so I had to forward WAN requests on TCP port 5199 to my internal network router
  • on my internal network router I set a static IP address for my JRiver machine, and then forward port 5199 to that
  • on my JRiver machine, open JRiver, go to options, media network, click access key, and select to test it. This gave me the option to set the Windows Firewall exclusions
  • then on my JRiver machine, configure the antivirus' built in firewall to allow the traffic
Then I could get to the media server from the WAN.

So the blocks that needed to be passed through in my case were cable modem --> router --> windows firewall --> bitdefender firewall

Since I'd only be accessing this from the outside using my cellular connection, I then went back into my router and added a rule to the port forwarding (step 2 above) to only allow forwarded traffic from specific IP ranges. (in my case, running Untangle, but you can also do this with Source Net rules in dd-wrt and others) For this, I included the IP range for my local network "", the IP range for JRiver's servers "", as well as my cellular provider's network ranges. (In my case this is ATT, so I googled what the cellular provider's network ranges were and then just used an online calculator like to convert them to CIDR so my router would understand them)

This way, requests to that port from outside my network will get dropped if they aren't coming from the cellular network I plan to access it through.

Hopefully this helps someone.
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