The press and hold to delete function has rarely, if ever worked for me, and causes frustration to the point where I deleted JRemote from my tablet last night out of frustration. Please advise if it is possible to reinstate JRemote without having to pay for another copy, ideally with advice on how to clear or change the list of servers. JRemote has showed 3 identically named versions of the same server. Last night, one of those instances 'became' the IP address (and network code) of a different system, the one that I was actually trying to connect to! After half an hour of frustration around the dinner table because we could not get music to play, I removed JRemote because I could not see any other way to clear the data that JRemote was using. I have had a similar problem with my phone: its list of servers includes a server I haven't owned for at least 3 years, despite multiple attempts to delete it. Finally, my daughter has baulked at paying for JRemote for her phone because of the cost - until the performance is what it should be, I certainly cannot recommend it to her.