I am able to play music. Just wanting to be sure all my settings are optimal.
The whole "WASAPI" - ""ASIO" thingy was actually going to be my next question. When I purchased my Woo headphone amp/DAC, I downloaded a "XMOS USB Audio 2.0 driver" from their website (see attached picture). Is this a type of ASIO driver? It displays a "Current Sample Rate" of 44,100 Hz (and why different from my DAC's "384,000 Hz?).
You mention to "... adjust in MC so any unsupported rates are converted". My DAC's rate is up to 384kHz. So in the options, should I change any rate that's HIGHER than 384 kHz TO 384,000 Hz? So in other words change "705,600 Hz", "768,000 Hz" & "Greater than 768,000 Hz" from "No Change" to "384,000 Hz?